Physical Development Nursery 2 Second Term Lesson Notes

Physical Development Nursery 2 – Second Term Weekly Brief List

Week 1:

  • Introduction to Physical Development: Importance of movement and physical activity
  • Basic exercises and games: Running, hopping, and jumping
  • Motor skills development: Fine and gross motor skills

Week 2:

  • Animal movement game: Imitating different animals
  • Coordination exercises: Balancing and hopping
  • Enhancing flexibility with simple stretches

Week 3:

  • Block building activities: Developing fine motor and cognitive skills
  • Group activities: Sharing and collaborating during block building
  • Strength and balance exercises: Introduction to balancing poses

Week 4:

  • Introduction to the hop-step game: Listening to music and freezing at intervals
  • Balancing on one leg: Exercises to improve concentration and body control
  • Group games to improve coordination and teamwork

Week 5:

  • Downward dog pose: Stretching and strengthening
  • Group exercises to improve motor skills: Team activities involving hopping and balancing
  • Coordination and focus-building activities

Week 6:

  • Revising the importance of physical activity
  • Review of hopping, balancing, and animal movement games
  • Block building and its role in developing motor skills and creativity

Week 7:

  • Advanced hop-step games: Improving coordination and rhythm
  • Balance and body control exercises: Balancing on various objects
  • Stretching and flexibility exercises for strength improvement

Week 8:

  • Group activities and teamwork in physical games
  • Building with blocks: Developing hand-eye coordination and creative thinking
  • Movement games to improve flexibility and strength

Week 9:

  • Animal movement game: Exploring different animal movements
  • Balancing activities: Creating challenges for focus and coordination
  • Hopping exercises: Strengthening legs and improving coordination

Week 10:

  • Revision of All Topics Covered: Key focus on movement games, balance exercises, and block building
  • Review questions and activities to reinforce learning from previous weeks
  • Emphasis on teamwork, cooperation, and sharing in group activities

Week 11:

  • Examination of All Topics Covered: A comprehensive review of physical development concepts learned
  • Theory, objective, and gap-fill questions focusing on previous lessons
  • Reinforcing the importance of honesty, focus, and concentration during the exam

This weekly plan covers the key physical development concepts for Nursery 2 students, emphasizing the importance of movement, balance, and coordination while incorporating fun and engaging activities to build motor skills.


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