SS 3



























WEEKS                                     TOPICS


  1. Revision of Summer school’s work.


  1. Balance in Nature: (a) Factors affecting a population (i) Abiotic –light,space,heat,water etc.(ii)Biotic –food, competition (inter specific and intra specific), mortality, parasites,predators etc. (c) Dynamic equilibrium in nature and factors that maintain it (i) Density independent factors like availability of food (ii) Density dependent factor e.g. natural disasters (d) Family planning: natural and artificial method used by man to control his population.
  1. Reproductive Systems and Reproduction in Humans : (a) Reproductive systems in male and female (human) (i) Functions of various parts (ii) The structure of a male sperm cell and structure of ovum (b) Fertilization (i) Fusion of gametes (ii)Implantation (c) Development of embryo (i) Selective exchange between mother and child (ii) Removal of excretory products from foetus (iii) Survival conditions like food, oxygen, amniotic fluid, placenta and umbilical cord.


  1. Development of New Seeds :(a) Progress of development of zygote in the flowering plant pistil (ii)stem (iii) germplasm (iv) Fertilization (b)Germination of seeds (i) Types of germination (ii) Conditions necessary for germination.
  1. Fruits: (a) Structure of fruits (b) Types of fruits (c) Dispersal of fruits and seeds (c) Agents of dispersal.
  2. Reproductive Behaviors: (a) Courtship behaviors in animals (i) Pairing (ii) Territoriality
  1. Biology of Heredity (Genetics): (a) Transmission and expression of characters in organisms (i) Hereditary variations (ii) Characters that can be transmitted and how they are transmitted (iii) How characters manifest from generation to generation (b) Chromosomes, the basis of hereditary (i) Location (ii) Structure (iii) Role in and processes of transmission of hereditary characters from parents to offspring (c) Probability in genetics (d) Application of the principles of heredity (i) In agriculture (ii) In medicine (e) Explanations on cross and self fertilization –out and in – breeding using Mendelian crosses.
  1. Variation and Evolution: (a) Morphological Variation (b) Physiological Variations (c) Application of variation.
  2. Evolution : (a) The progressive change in structures and anatomy of organism using examples of features of organisms from water to land (b) Structural adaptation: Adaptive coloration and their function e.g. camouflage in chameleons, Green snakes in green grasses, bright colours of flowers to attract pollination (c) Structural adaptation (i) for obtaining food e.g. proboscis for sucking sap in insects (ii)Protection and defense e.g. tortoise in shell (iii) Mimicry colours for securing mates for regulating body temperature etc. (d) Different castes of termites and their roles (e) Different castes of bees and the roles they play in their social life.


  1. Evolution: (f) Theories of Evolution (i) The theories of evolution according to Charles Darwin, Jean Baptist de Lamark (g) Evidence of evolution (h) Forces responsible for evolution : mutation, gene flow, genetic drift.


  1. Revision






  1. Modern Biology for SSS by Sarojini T. Ramalingam; African First Publishers PLC
  2. New System Biology for SSS by Lam Peng Kwan et al; African First Publishers PLC
  3. Nelson Functional Biology for SSS by Kola soyibo et al;
  4. New Biology for SSS by R.H. Stone et al; Longman
  5. Biology for SSS by STAN; HEBN Publishers Plc
  6. Comprehensive certificate Biology for SSS by Ambuno Sunday et al; University Press Plc
  7. Senior Secondary Certificate Practical Biology by S.O Iloeje


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