Third Term Examinations Primary 4 Basic Science


SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCE                                 


 Underline the correct answer 

1) ________           may be defined as human knowledge that uses tools, systems to help make lives easier (a)Computer  (b)Internet  (c)Technology  

2)    A       ________  is a device, such as a hammer, that we hold in our hands (a)phone (b)tool  (c)spoon 

3)        ________   are things that can be natural or human –made (a)materials (b)tools  (c)technology 

4)       ________     invented the first printing press (a)Johannes Gutenberg  (b)Thomas Edison (c)Alexander Grahan Bell 

5)    The first ball point par that did not leaked was invented in ________      (a)1903  (b)1935   (c)1876 

6)    The full meaning of IT is       ________ (a)Introduction Technology (b)Information Technology (c)Input technology 

7)    A     ________   is a small mechanical or electronic tool that helps to make work easier by doing a particular job. (a)Device  (b)Gadget (c)Computer 

8)    A   ________     is an electronic device that uses information or data (a)Gadget   (b)Internet   (C)Computer 

9)    Any device that people use to communicate or entertain themselves with is called ________    (a)Television set (b)IT gadget(c)DVD set

10)    A   ________     is a portable computer that is smaller than a desktop computer but provides the same function (a)Laptop (b)tablet  (c)Android phone 

11)    The GSM started in Nigeria in August        ________     (a)2001    (b)2010   (c)2006 

12)      ________     is power (a)knowledge   (b)Energy   (c)Strength 

13)       ________     passed from one moving part to another. (a)knowledge  (b)Energy  (c)Power 

14)    ________      energy is what we need for movement (a)power  (b)light  (c)kinetic 

15)    ________      energy stored in charged particles (a)Chemical  (b)Electrical   (c)Heat 

16)    ________      energy is a form of energy that our senses can detect. (a)light  (b)Heat  (c)Sound 

17)      ________     is the primary and the clearest source of energy (a)Sun  (b)Fire  (c)Light 

18)      ________     energy is what the plant use to grow. (a)Nuclear  (b)Kinetic  (c)Solar 

19)       ________     is made by sticking thin layers of wood together (a)plywood  (b)furniture  (c)chipboard

20)      ________     is made of thousands of tiny pieces of wood glued and pressed together (a)chipboard (b)plywood (c)Hardboard 

21)       ________     is used for tapping nails into wood. (a)Hammer  (b)Nails (c)Mallet 

22)      ________     is used to make the surface of the wood smooth (a)paint  (b)glue  (c)sand paper 

23)       ________     is used for sawing metal (a)Hacksaw (b)G- clamp (c)mallet 

24)    ________      is used for gripping objects, twisting and cutting wire. (a)Pliers  (b)Tinsnips (c)Hacksaw 

25)    Rocks which contain a large amount of metal are called     ________   (a)Gold  (b)Ores  (c)Diamond 

Supply the correct answers to the questions below. 

1)    Copper, gold and Iron Ore come from         ________

2)    Copper, gold and Iron ore are        ________      

3)    ________       is used to cut thin sheet metal 

4)    A       ________     is a set of things that work together to get a job done. 

5)    The light bulb that glowed for a long time and did not burn out was invented by    ________                

6)    Technology makes work         ________       

7)        ________          is an example of product of technology 

8)    The full meaning of GSM is         ________        

9)    The full meaning of ICT is       ________          

10)    The fixed parts that make up a computer are called         ________         

11)    ________          energy is energy that an object has because of its motion or position. 

12)    The     ________      is a source of solar energy 

13)    Hydro – electric power stations produce electricity from     ________           and supply almost 20% of the world electricity. 

14)        ________   is used to smoothen the rough surface of a wood 

15)        ________  is an example of metal 

THEORY (Attempt all)

  1.     What is Technology?                                                 ________________         
  2. State three importance of Technology :
    • (a)     ________________                   
    • (b)    ________________       
    • (c)      ________________                
  1. c) Give two products of technology used in 

    (i) Communication & Information: ________

    (ii) Health services :________________

    (iii) Transportation :________________

    (iv) Homes /domestic :________________

3a)    State at least five (5) forms of energy 

  • _______________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________

3b)    Explain the two sources of energy 

  • _______________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________


3c)    Mention three uses of energy

  • _______________
  • ________________
  • ________________


4a)    What is shape construction?                                                          

  1. b) List the materials used in shape construction _____________________________________
  2. c) Mention the methods involved in shape construction. ____________________________________

5a)    What is a building?                                                                

  1. b) List five materials used for building 


  • _______________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________


  1. c) Mention four types of building 


  • _______________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________


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