Third Term Examinations Primary 3 Physical and Health Education
Third Term Examination: Physical and Health Education – Primary 3
Section A: Multiple Choice Questions
- What is the sum of all the processes by which the body takes in food? a) Diet b) Nutrition c) Health
- Proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins are some of the classes of __________. a) Food nutrient b) Food taken in c) Food
- A meal containing all the essential classes of food is called __________. a) Inadequate diet b) Adequate diet c) Insufficient diet
- Adequate diet prevents __________ and __________. a) Infections and diseases b) Teeth and bones c) Vitamins and proteins
- An effect of inadequate diet is __________. a) Poor appetite b) Good appetite c) Rich appetite
- __________ is the chemical substance present in food which living things need for growth. a) Food b) Drinks c) Nutrient
- Nutrients can help human beings repair worn-out __________ and cells. a) Tissues b) Toilet paper c) Water
- When we cook, boil, or fry food, it helps to kill __________. a) Micro b) Micro-organisms c) Micro organization
- We preserve our food in order to prevent __________. a) Sewage b) Wastage c) Luggage
- __________ is the sealing of food in a sterilized can. a) Canning b) Salting c) Smoking
Section B: Fill-in-the-Blank Questions
- Balanced diet can also be referred to as __________.
- Proteinous food helps our body to __________.
- __________ is a class of food that protects the body from diseases.
- The class of food that transports nutrients and waste products is known as __________.
- __________ gives us energy for our daily activities.
- One importance of nutrients to the body is it __________.
- Examples of starchy foods are __________ and __________.
- We convert food by cooking, boiling, or __________.
- __________ is an aquatic event.
- We should take a __________ before going into the swimming pool.
Section C: Short Answer Questions
- What is food preservation? (Any reasonable explanation)
Name 3 methods of preserving our foods. i) _______________________________________ ii) _______________________________________ iii) _______________________________________
- What is food preparation? (Any reasonable explanation)
List 3 ways of preparing food: a) _______________________________________ b) _______________________________________ c) _______________________________________
- Define Swimming? (Any reasonable explanation)
Write out three safety rules in Swimming: a) _______________________________________ b) _______________________________________ c) _______________________________________ d) _______________________________________
- List four importance of nutrients to the body. a) _______________________________________ b) _______________________________________ c) _______________________________________
- Write two effects of inadequate diet: a) _______________________________________ b) _______________________________________
Give two examples of these classes of food:
- Fats and Oil: _______________________________________
- Carbohydrate: _______________________________________
Note to Students:
Answer all questions. Write clearly and legibly. Good luck!
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