SS 1 Third Term Examination Food and Nutrition


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  1. Cereals and beans should be kept in air-tight containers to (a) shorten the period of storage (b) darken the colour (c) arrest enzymes (d) prevents pest attacks.
  2. Food should be labelled before storage to (a) prepare them for storage (b) facilitate easy storage (c) identify them easily (d) keep them free from moulds
  3. Frying food in plenty of oil is known as (a) maximum frying (b) shallow frying (c) deep frying (d) depth frying.
  4. The method of cooking food slowly or at low heat in a small amount of water for a long time is called (a) boiling (b) stewing (c) steaming (d) braising.
  5. Which of the following methods is suitable for cooking beans pudding/moimoi (a) boiling (b) grilling (c) steaming (d) frying.
  6. Which of these is natural flavouring (a) ginger (b) vanilla (c) thyme (d) curry
  7. Which of these is the major nutrition found in leafy vegetable? (a) Vitamin D (b) ascorbic acid (c) protein (d)B-complex vitamin 
  8. Which of the following methods of cooking can be used to preserve food (a) roasting (b) grilling (c) drying (d) steaming.
  9. A method of cooking which can be carried out both in the oven and on top of the cooker is (a) roasting (b) baking (c) frying (d) stewing
  10. The main purpose of invalid cookery is to (a) give good food (b) give enough carbohydrates for energy (c) make invalids satisfy (d) build up tissues and supply protective foods
  11. Food prepared under grill is cooked by (a) evaporation (b) radiation (c) convertion (d) indirect heat
  12.   Which of the following group of cooking methods involves dry heat (a) baking, boiling and sauteing (b) roasting, frying and grilling (c) grilling, frying and steaming (d) baking, grilling and toasting.
  13. The fish derived from the flesh of a mature sheep is called (a) veal (b) lamb (c) mutton (c) beef.
  14. Imbalance in energy supply and expenditure may result in (a) goiter (b) underweight (c) scurvy (d) kwashiorkor
  15. Steamed foods are best for invalids and convalescents because they are (a) light and the nutrients are retained (b) attractive and have pleasant smell (c) greasy and indigestible (d) economical on fuel   
  16. Old and coarse vegetable causes (a) easy digestion (b) indigestion (c) constipation (d) poison
  17. Which of these is true about leafy vegetable (a) they should be full of insect (b) the colour should be yellow and dull (c)  the mid- rib of large leaves should snap sharply when broken (d) none of the above
  18. Cabbage vegetable are soaked to crisp the pieces but little salt is added to (a) make it green (b) remove strong smell (c) make it soft (d) make it hard
  19. Food borne disease can be classified into (a) two (b) three (c) four (d) five
  20. The micro nutrients responsible for the prevention of goitre is (a) sulphur (b) iron (c) iodine (d) potassium 
  21. In order to prevent discolouration after peeling, root vegetable should be (a) soak in water (b) soak in acid solution (c) grind into paste (d) soak in hot water
  22. Vegetable assist in easily defecation, this vegetable serve as (a) medicine (b) mild laxative (c) food (d) poison
  23. One of these is true of fruits (a) they must be firm to touch (b) they must not be over ripe (c) A and B (d) they must be attacked by insects
  24. Carbohydrate is present in fruit inform of (a) fructose (b) maltose (c) malic (d) vitamin C
  25. The major nutrient present in fruit is (a) vitamin A  (b) carbohydrate (c) ascorbic acid (d) cellulose
  26. Which of these cereals can be consumed without milling (a) rice (b) maize (c) millet (d) rye
  27. Which of these method is suitable for cooking the food of infants and people with weak digestive system (a) grilling (b) poaching (c) roasting (d) frying
  28. Which of these is not a method of cooking food (a) boiling (b) frying (c) salting (d) steaming
  29. Which of these is not grown in Nigeria? (a) rye and oats (b) rice and oats (c) yam and corn (d) beans and oats
  30. Which of these is a kitchen tools and utensils? (a) gas cooker (b) deep freezer (c) spoon and fork (d) washing machine
  31. Which of these is a labour saving devices (a) pestle (b) mortar (c) grinding machine (d) blender
  32. When food are cooked under intensive heat, vitamin _________ may be destroy completely (a) vitamin A (b) vitamin D (c) vitamin K (d) vitamin C
  33. ________ affect menu planning (a) cultural and religion dietary influence (b) ethical influence (c) A and B (d) colour of the skin
  34. Which of these is a local abrasives (a) liquid soap (b) fine sand (c) morning fresh (d) soap flutes
  35. Which of these is a bulbs or swollen leaves vegetable (a) melon (b) yam (c) pineapple (d) onions
  36. Which of these is a milk product (a) cake (b) cheese (c) bean cake (d) fruit juice
  37. Which of these is an oil seed (a) groundnut (b) brown beans (c) kidney bears (d) vegetables fruit
  38. Banana, Guava and  Berries are (a) hard fruit (b) soft fruit (c) dried fruit (d) white lentils
  39. Which of these is a conservative method of cooking vegetable (a) baking (b) roasting (c) frying (d) grilling
  40. Which of these is a fruit dish (a) sour soap ice cream (b) bean stew (c) cutlet (d) Irish stew
  41. Which of these is the effect of heat on fruit? (a) spoil (b) soften (c) harden (d) destroys
  42. Which of these is a root vegetable (a) pineapple (b) guava (c) carrot (d) egg
  43. One way of preventing accident in the kitchen is to (a) open the door into the way of people (b) arrange things orderly (c) drop peels on the floor (d) make the kitchen floor wet.
  44. The collective name for millet, rice, corn and oat is (a) grains (b)seeds (c) plants (d) cereals
  45. Dry cereals are best stored in the (a) box (b) cupboard (c) refrigerator (d) silos.
  46. Kitchen equipment should be purchased for its (a) attraction and maintenance (b) model and guarantee (c) appearance and durability (d) efficiency and maintenance.
  47. Poor ventilation in a kitchen can result in (a) storage problems (b) hot and stuffy atmosphere (c) dark environment (d) unhygienic environment 
  48. The chemical name  for vitamin A is  (a) Rethol  (b) pyridoxine (c) pantothenic  (d) Ascorbic acid .
  49. The chemical name  for  vitamin is (a) thiamine (b) ascorbic acid (c) cyanocobalamin (d) folic acid
  50. Your younger brother suddenly finds it difficult to see properly in dim light, which vitamin is he probably lacking (a) Vitamin A (b) Vitamin B2 (c) Vitamin B6 (d) Vitamin C
  51. Frequent opening of the oven during baking causes cold air to rush in and (a) lower the baking temperature (b) hasten the baking process (c) hasten the baking time (d) reduce the baking times.
  52. The details of meal planned for any person is known as (a) dish (b) meal (c) menu (d) lunch
  53. When buying food stuff, it is necessary to (a) shop anywhere (b) compare prices (c) work around the market (d) buy the most expensive
  54. Which of these is a speciality menu (a) diabetic (b) pregnant woman (c) vegetarian (d) all of the above 
  55. __________ is the observance of sanitary rules by food handlers to prevent contamination, food poisoning and food borne diseases (a) food law (b) Food hygiene (c) food rules (d) food cleanliness
  56. ____________ are the rules regulations made by the appropriate government authority with respect to hygienic handling of food to prevent the consumers from purchasing contaminated food (a) Food sanitation law (b) food environmental laws (c) food commandments (d) food routines
  57. Which of these is the correct time for dinner (a) 8am-9am (b) 5pm-6pm (c) 10pm-11pm (d) 12noon-1pm
  58. Which of these meals is meant to be heavy? (a) lunch (b) breakfast (c) dinner (d) supper.
  59. A burn is caused by (a) hot liquid injuring the skin (b) fresh wound caused by any sharp object (c) an injury caused by dry heat (d) an injury caused by steam. 
  60. Which of the following methods are suitable for preparing meals for children, invalid, convalescents and pregnant women? (a) braising and boiling (b) frying and roasting (c) boiling and steaming (d) shallow and deep fat frying.


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer FOUR questions

  1. State three rules each for stewing and baking method         (6 marks)

(b) Give three effects of heat on fruits                (3 marks)

(c) Define food poisoning and food sanitation law            (1 mark)


  1. Differentiate between two methods of heat transfer giving two example each.    (4 marks)

(b) Mention two advantages and one disadvantages of one method each from the examples given    (6 marks)


  1. What is food hygiene?    (1 mark)

(b) Highlight five rules for food hygiene                (5 marks)

(c) List and explain four types of frying                (4marks)

  1. State three classes of vegetables and give two example for each class    (41/2 marks)

(b) State the deficiency disease of the following            (11/2 marks)

  1. Protein
  2. Carbohydrate
  3. Vitamins

(c) List two other dietary deficiencies apart from the ones stated in 4b, mention their symptoms and treatments.            (4marks)

  1. In Nigeria, the Federal government promulgated a decree that made consumers to know how to avoid buying contaminated food and also made provision for its enforcement and prosecution of offenders, mention four out of the laws.    (4 marks)

(b) Explain in details, legumes/pulses.                (2 marks)

(c) Mention four food sanitary procedures to be observed in the kitchen (4 marks)


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