The importance of Administrative programmes for Principals, Headmasters and other Administrative staff of schools cannot be over emphasized. These categories of school staff have a very portent role to play.  In the overall progress and success of the school and so their regular exposure to basic principles of administration and contemporary school management operations is of uttermost importance. It is highly recommended that Administrative heads of Schools go through this manual over and over again and implement the contents therein.



  • Drafting the different standard policies for the school with input from the proprietor and relevant parties. These policies include: Staff Discipline Policy, Students Discipline Policy, Staff Code of Conduct, Parents Relations Policy, Safety Policy, Security Policy, Fire response policy/procedure, Fund Handling Policy, etc
  • Putting sound and effective Administrative Structures in place in the school and enforcing compliance.
  • Drafting Job Description and Job specification for all school stall
  • Supervision of Academic and Non Academic staff
  • Development of Term Calendar (Academic & Extra Circular Curricular Activities).
  • Initiating and presiding over staff meetings with the permission of the proprietor and reporting outcome to the proprietor.
  • Enforcing Discipline and Order in the school at all times (Amongst staff and students)
  • Keeping up to date records as well as all school records effectively
  • Addressing Ministry of Education related issues
  • Vetting and approval of teachers scheme of work
  • Vetting and approval of examination questions
  • Monitoring of syllabus compliance by teachers
  • Supervision of preparation and issuance of report sheets
  • Ensuring proper relationship with parents/Handling parents complaints
  • Circulating feedback forms to parents regularly (Through the help of the teachers and school secretary)
  • Carrying out Monthly or Termly staff appraisal exercise on all staff
  • Ensuring strict compliance to the staff code of conduct by all school staff
  • Carrying out orientation exercise for newly employed staff
  • Ensuring that all the schools assets and property are well maintained and secured
  • Arranging for excursions to places of educational relevance
  • Ensuring the establishment of clubs in the school-Press Club, Debate Club, Drama, JETS etc
  • Organising seminars for the students on morals, leadership, Citizenship, Exam Malpractice etc.
  • Organising periodical seminars for the parents.
  • Monitoring Teachers activities in the different classes-Class Management, Teaching Methods, Use of Instructional materials, Communication with students (Choice of words), Marking Homework.
  • Conceptualizing and initiating training programmes for the different categories of staff and recommending these to the proprietor.
  • Ensuring that Security and Safety procedures are in place and are not compromised.
  • Ensuring that staff recruitment is carried out with standard recruitment procedures
  • 28. Regularly inspecting sports/games equipment for safety and maintenance reasons
  • Intimating the proprietor of areas of concern and attention
  • Facilitating the smooth operations of the PTA in conjunction with the PTA Executives, this includes protecting the schools interest in the PTA at all times.
  • Obtaining regular feedback from all staff on areas of concern to them.
  • Keeping abreast with activities and innovations of other good schools with a view to staying ahead of competition and making the school the preferred choice at all times.
  • Submitting monthly/termly reports to the proprietor on different aspects of the school operations Overleaf is a sample of the termly report to be submitted by the HM/Principal on a Termly or Monthly basis to the proprietor.


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