Third Term Examinations SS 1 Examination BIOLOGY





1. Overcrowding is a situation whereby ___________

(a) population in a habitat decreases beyond normal (b) population in a habitat increases

beyond normal (c) population in a habitat is static (d) all of the above

2. _________ is the average number of individual of a species per unit area of the habitat

(a) Overcrowding (b) Habitat (c) population size (d) population density

3. The two important habitat are ____________ and ______________

(a)aquarium & terrestrial (b) aquatic & terrestrial (c) All of these (d) None of these

4. The water on the continental shelf is known as _________

(a) Littoral (b) neritic (c) damp (d) splash

5. A food chain always begin with a ________

(a) producer (b) consumer (c) decomposers (d) all of the above

6. The organisms that are able to use sunlight to manufacture their food are called _________

(a) heterotrophys (b) chemotrophys (c)autotrophys (d) all of these

7. _______ represents the total wet or dry mass of the organism in each trophic level

(a) Pyramids of number (b) pyramid of biomass (c) pyramids of energy (d) energy content

Guinea grass grasshopper toad snake hawk

8. __________ is the secondary consumer

(a) grasshoper (b) toad (c) hawk (d) all of these

9. __________ & __________ are the tertiary consumers

(a) toad& snake (b) snake & hawk (c) grasshopper & toad (d) all of these

10. ________ is the second tropical level

(a) guinea grass (b) toad (c) grasshopper (d) hawk

11. In pyramid of energy, energy _______ from the base of the pyramid to the apex while in pyramid of number, the number of individual organisms

12.________ progressively at each trophic level

(a) decrease, decrease (b) increase, increase (c) decrease, increase (d) increase, decrease

13. Which of the organism listed below is not a micro organism

(a) Virus (b) tapeworm (c) cocus (d) plasmodium (e) None of the above.

13. Which of the following organism are transmitted by houseflies

(a) gonoccusspp (b) vibrio cholera (c) plasmodium (d) trypanosome

14. Some micro organisms are beneficial and harmless to the body

(a) True (b) False (c)may be (d) None of these

15. Bacteria can be grouped majorly into _______ and bacteria on the basis of the use of oxygen

(a) bacteria on the basis of their size (b) bacteria on the basis of their shape (c) bacteria on the basis of their strength (d)None of these

16. __________ is an example of animal disease caused by virus

(a) chicken pox (b) influenza (c) AIDS (d) all of these

17. __________ is an example of food & water born diseases

(a) typhoid (b) cholera (c) all of these (d) Amoebic dysentery

18. The causative organsm of sleeping sickness is _____________

(a) trypanosomes (b) rat flea (c) rickettsia (d) plasmodium

19. One of these is a way of controlling harmful micro-organisms

(a)use of drugs (b) abuse of drugs (c) overgrazing (d) None of these

20. _________ is not an example of STI

(a) Syphilis (b) HIV (c) Malaria (d) None of these

21. One of the location of HIV in the body is _________

(a)semen (b) urine (c) eyes (d) intestine

22. _______ & ________ are examples of pulses in plants

(a) soyabeans& maize (b) millet & guinea corn (c) Cowpea & cassava (d) None of these

23. Deforestation is the ___________

(a) continuous removal of trees either by felling or bush burning (b) discontinuous removal of trees (c) continuous removal of trees with replacement (d) continuous removal of trees without replacement.

24. Pests can be controlled through physical and biological control only

(a)True (b) False (c) May be (d) All of these

25. The introduction of natural enemies of pest to control them is __________ method

(a)chemical (b) cultural (c) biological (d) All of these

26. Tape worm belong to the group called _________

(a) proglottides (b) platyhelminthes (c) Ascaris (d) Molluscs

27. Round worm is __________

(a) Taeniasolium (b) Ascarislumbricoides (c) Taeniasaginata (d)Hmenaeatruncatula

28. One of the economic importance of liver fluke is ___________

(a) it affects the digestion of food of animals (b) it causes bilharzia (c) it results in liver rot (d) All of these

29. The causative agent of Newcastle diseases is __________

(a)fungi (b) bacteria (c) virus (d) man

30. One of the ways of improving food production is _____________

(a) adoption of better, cultivation methods (b) bush burning (c) disposing sewage (d) weeds uncontrolled.

31. __________simply refers to the process whereby certain organizations use sunlight or chemicals to manufacture their food

a. Autotrophy b. heterotrophy c. decompose d. consumer

32. _________ refers to the process or situation where certain organisms such as animals cannot manufacture their own food but depends directly or indirectly on plants for their food

33. _________is defined as a feeding relationship involving the transfer of energy through food from producers to consumers

a. food chain b. food web c. trophic level d. decomposer

34. _________is defined as a complex feeding relationship among organisms in the same environment with two or more inter-related food chains

a. trophic level b. Food chain c. Food web d. heterotrophs

35. ________is defined as the degree of saltiness or concentration of salt solution in oceans

a. salinity b. density c. pressure d. cursors

36. __________is where a river divides into many channels before entry into

the oceans or sea.

a . Lagoon b. Delta c. Bay d. Desert

37. _________is an extensive community of plants dominated by tall trees

a. Marst b. Forests c. Desert d. Grassland

38. __________simply involves the technique of growing micro-organisms in special media in the laboratory

a. Microscope b. hand lens c. culturing d. cover slips

39. _________is an animal which transmits a disease causing organisms (pathogen) from the victim of that disease to another person

a. bacteria b. virus c. Vector d, protozoa

40. _________is the system of farming whereby different crops ae grown on the same piece of land year after year.



  1. Which of the following is not present in the nucleus of a cell? (a) mitochondrion (b) Chromosomes (c) Nucleolus (d) Genes
  2. The network of double membrane that helps to convey through the cytoplasm is the (a) endoplasmic Reticulum (b) plasma membrane (c) Vacuolar membrane (d) Nuclear Membrane
  3. Which of the following does not occur during photosynthesis? (a) Carbon dioxide is evolved (b) Water is split (c) energy from sunlight is absorbed (d) Oxygen is given off
  4. Which of the following is not regarded as a micro nutrient or trace element essential for plant growth? (a) Phosphorus (b) Zinc (c) Boron (d) Silicon
  5. The relationship between a herbivore and the bacteria which live in the caecum is known as (a) Symbiosis (b) Parasitism (c) Commensialism (d) Predation
  6. Autotrophic nutrition may be defined in terms of food obtained (a) by Synthesizing simple substances using from an external source (b) from other organisms in exchange for some products (c) by the break down of complex substances (d) by an organisms utilizing its own store of energy
  7. The causative organisms of sleeping sickness is the (a) Trypanosome (b) Plasmodium (c) Penicillin (d) Tsetse fly
  8. Which of the following are not causative organisms of plant diseases? (a) cercariae (b) Fungi (c) Viruses (d) Bacteria
  9. The vector of the malaria parasite is the (a) Female Annopheles (b) Male Culex (c) female Culex (d) Female Aedes
  10. A constituent of the exhaust gases of motor vehicles which causes serious air pollution is (a) Carbon Monoxide (b) Oxygen (c) Ozone (d) Water Vapour



1. Write 4 differences between food chain and food web

2a. Define Aquatic (b) Terrestrial c. habitatal

2b Mention 3 types of Aquatic habitals 2c.Mention 3 types of Aquatic habitals

3a. What are microorganisms b. Name the groups of micro – organisms

b. Name the groups of micro – organisms

c. What is culturing (ii) List 5 lost preparation of

4a. Describe four diseases which are transmitted though water and food

b. Define a Vector

c. Define four diseases transmitted by vectors

d. Name and describe three sexually transmitted diseases of man

5a. List all the agricultural classification of plants

b. Name four farming methods which may affect ecological system

c. List six pests of crops


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