Teachers Daily Report

Teachers Daily Report

Date: 21st September 2021

Class: GRADE 2

Name of teacher: Mrs Jubril Oka

Number of Learners in the class: 15 learners

Number of Learners taught for the day: 12 learners

Number of learners absent: 3 LEARNERS

Reason for absence: Amigbade Ilumoje was absent because the family travelled and they are coming back next week.

Isaac Blessing was absent because he missed the school bus in the morning Adelaja ironsi was absent because of payment of school fees

Monitored Improvement: Obagaiye cannot read from my assessment of comprehension passage done today. I have developed some consonant clusters to use as morning drill in the class

Maria Babatunde has handwriting issues, his books are very rough. I have taken an extra handwriting book for him to write after the closing hour before leaving the school

Complain/Discussion: Mrs Bode of Obafemi Jones complained of small content of homework. I have decided to add three exercises each to mathematics and his English Language

Agnes Fidelis did not eat to school today and the parent did not inform anybody in the school. After the first period (9:10am), she cried of hunger




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