
Agricultural Science



Jss 2



Second Term / 2nd Term



Week 10



a. Meaning of Fishery

b. Classification of fish.



Previous Knowledge: The pupils have previous knowledge of




that was taught in their previous lesson.



Behavioural  Objectives : At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to



  • Define Fishery
  • Say the classification of fish


Instructional Materials 


Methods of Teaching 

  • Role modelling
  • Questions and Answers
  • Explanation
  • Discussion
  • Recitation
  • Imitation
  • Story Telling
  • Dramatization



 Meaning and examples of aquatic c animals.

Fishery refers to management and production of fish and other aquatic animals. Of all animals living in water ,fish is the most plentiful of them Fish belongs to the group of aquatic vertebrates i.e. .they have back bones .They are specially adapted to live, raised and reproduced in water. The shape of their body enables them to move easily in water ; swim bladder helps them to maintain their balance while the gills are used for respiration .All aquatic animals are found in water bodies such as lakes ,ponds ,streams ,rivers ,oceans ,lagoons and swamps .Other aquatic animals includes whales, dolphins, shrimps, lobster , hippopotamus e.t.c. Examples of fish are :cat fish, mud fish, Nile perch, rays, shark, mackerel, carps, tilapia ,croackere.t.c. .


Sub Topic 2 . :

Classification of fish. Fish can be classified into two based on

(I) Habitat and

(II) Morphology (structure ).


A .Fresh water fish: These are fish that can successfully live and reproduce only in salt free water such as ponds ,lakes, streams, rivers, swamps e.t.c. Examples of fresh water fish are tilapia, cat fish, Nile perch, mud fish, moon fish e.t.c.

B .Salt water fish :These are fish which can live and reproduce successfully in saline (salt) water like lagoons, oceans, and seas. Examples are :dog fish, shark , croaker, sole, mackerel e.t.c.


A .Bony fish: These are fish that have the structure of their body made up of bones e.g. tilapia, carps, cat fish, croaker, mackerel etc:

B .Cartilaginous fish :These are fish which have the structure of their body made up of cartilage e.g. dog fish, rays, shark, etc.


Other aquatic food organisms. Content: Crustaceans(shell fish), Reptiles, Mammals and Molluscs Introduction.

There are many other organisms that are living inside water, apart from fish which are used as food by man. These include;i. Crustaceans(shell fish):Such as prawns, shrimps, cray-fish, lobsters and crabs. ii. Reptiles: Such as river snake, turtles, crocodiles. iii. Mammals: Such whales, Hippopotamus, dolphins, seals and porpoises. iv. Molluscs (Snails): Such as river snails, periwinkle, oyster, squid, clam and octopus



Examples of fish are : tilapia, cat fish, carp, shark, mud fish, croaker, mackerel, dog fish, Nile perch, etc.

Fish products includes : scales, fish skin, oil, bones ,etc. Other aquatic food organisms include the following whale, shrimps, seals, oyster, periwinkle, etc

b): Uses of fish, fish products and other aquatic food organisms.

Fish is high in demand for health today because of low cholesterol (unsaturated fat ) content. Fish and other aquatic food organisms are important source of animal proteins, minerals and vitamins essential for normal growth and development of the body. These are :

(I )They are sources of food.

(II )The skin of some aquatic organisms e.g. shark, whale etc. are used as fine leather for making bags shoes belts etc (III )Fish production provides raw materials for industries . (IV) Fishery provides employment opportunity for many people.

(V )Fish and its parts may be processed into fish meal which is an essential ingredient in most animal feeds (VI) The shell of oyster and periwinkle are used for decorating the walls of some buildings. (VII) Unlike pork, beef, mutton and chevon, fish has no cultural or religious barriers. (VIII) Some fish (coloured fish ) are used for aesthetic (beautification ) purpose in homes . (IX) The bones of fish can be crushed and processed into fertilizers.

(X) Fish ponds can provide entertainment as well as instructional facility for students of agriculture and fishery.

(XI) Fish and other aquatic food organisms are taken today by many because of low cholesterol level which help in reducing high Bp and obesity.

a. Methods of fishing, b. Fishing equipment . INTRODUCTION: There are THREE major systems of fisheries in Nigeria .These are: •

small scale fisheries• •

large scale fisheries(industrial fisheries) aquaculture.

i. Small scale fisheries : This is commonly practice by local fishermen who live in fishing camps along the banks of the rivers, ponds or streams or along the coast of the sea.Small scale fisheries is very important because between 50-90% of all the fish consumed in the country come from it. Some of the features of small scale fisheries includes:

_the fisher folks use simple equipment. _they catch the fish by simple methods _they catch small quantity of fish.

ii. Large scale / industrial fishery: This practice involve catching fish using large boat called TRAWLERS from natural water bodies. It is carried out on large inland rivers lakes and in the oceans.

Large scale fisheries has the following features: _it involve the use of complicated and expensive equipment _it is expensive to set up and operate _it is carried out in the sea/ocean or in very large inland lake. _a large quantity of aquatic animals are caught

iii. Aquaculture :This is otherwise known as fish farming . It is the practice of rearing fish and other aquatic organisms in artificial water bodies known as fish ponds. Aquaculture majorly produce fish in large quantity for eating and also produces beautiful coloured fish for home aquaria.

Description of fishing tools

The fishermen used different types of fishing in Nigeria. The most common ones among others are Hooks and Lines/ Rod and Line, Nets, Spears (Harpoons), Gourds and Cages.

HOOKS AND LINES: These consist of small curved metals. A hook may be attached to a wooden handle with a line. To attract the fish , the hook(s) are baited with either earthworms, snails, red soap, small fish, melon, etc. Each line has a float which indicates that the hook has been swallowed a fish when it enters the water.

FISHING GOURDS/BASKETS /POTS: Some fishermen when fishing in ponds, stream or shallow lakes use clay pots, baskets or gourds for trapping the fish. Gourds are mostly used in the Northern parts of Nigeria, in Sokoto and in Argungu fishing festival in Kebbi state. Gourd is made of calabash.



Description of fishing tools-Nets and Spears

FISHING NETS: These consist of fine cotton or nylon threads which are woven to form nets. Small weights of lead are attached to the edges of the nets to help it sink to the bottom of the water when fishing. They are used to trap fish trying to swim across it. Examples of nets are

• • • • Cast and Throw Nets Gill Nets Seine Nets Lift Nets

FISHING SPEARS: A fishing spear or harpoon is made of metal prongs fitted into a wooden handle. The spear may have one, two or more prongs which are very sharp and pointed. It is a throwing weapon used in hunting large fish and sea animals.


FISHING CAGES/ TRAPS: These tools may be made of cane, wire netting, or other local materials. They can be made into different shapes but the most common type is the funnel shaped ones. Each cage has a wide opening at one end which allow fish swim into it and a trap door which prevent the fish from going out of the cage.


INTRODUCTION: Fish and other aquatic animals are highly perishable product, thus they need proper preservation to prevent them from spoilage.

Meaning of preservation of fish: This is the way of taking good care of fish after it has been capture in order to prevent it from getting spoil.

EVALUATION: Why do we need to preserve fish? Methods of preserving fish include the following: _sun drying -salting -smoking -freezing -canning -conversion to fish mealSUN DRYING: This is the most common method of preserving fish. The visceral contents are removed and then dry in sun.

SALTING: It is an old method of preserving fish .It involves rubbing the body of fish with salt and also placed inside the fish through the mouth, gills and in the empty stomach. The fish can also be soaked in a salt water solution before sun dry.

SMOKING: This is another common method of preserving fish .The fish to be smoked are placed on metal guaze tray which are then placed on the open top of a mud oven .The oven has a fire place at the bottom where wood and charcoal are burnt to produce the heat and smoke that preserve the fish.

FREEZING: This is a modern method of preserving fish .It is commonly used in industrial fishery. Fish and other aquatic animals are kept in refrigerator or cold rooms.

CANNING: This is the process of putting fish in tins or cans with special oils or paste which serves as preservatives. An examples of canned fish are sardines Geisha .The factory where fish are processed and put in tins is called a CANNERY.

CONVERTION TO FISH MEAL: Some parts of fish which are not good for human consumption and some fish that are too small are dried and grind to make fish meal. This is used in livestock feeds, especially poultry .

EVALUATION: 1. Mention five methods of preserving fish. 2. Briefly explain how to smoke fish 3. The factory where fish are processed and put in tins is called……….



Presentation : 

The topic is presented step by step

Step 1: The class teacher revises the old topic

Step 2: The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step 3: The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and gives room for pupils” participation


Class Teacher and Pupils Activities. Interaction or Participation 

This involves class teacher and pupils’ interaction, conversation, imitation or modeling through discussion, play method or just by recitation or asking and answering questions that are related to the topic that has just been taught.





1.What is the difference between fresh water fish and salt water fish ?

2.State three examples each of fresh water fish and salt water fish

3. Define fishery.

4..What are aquatic animals ?

5. Mention five aquatic animals you know.

6a. What are aquatic organisms?

6b. Give two examples each of the following: i. Reptiles ii. Molluscs iii. Crustaceans

7. What are fishing tools? •

8.Describe a gourd and where it is use


Conclusion : 

The class teacher concludes the lesson by giving the pupils some notes on the topic that has just been taught. He goes round to mark and he does the necessary corrections.



