Social Studies Primary 3 First Term Examination




1.) The brother of your mother or father is your ________________ (a) uncle (b) aunt (c) cousin

2.) There are types of family (a) three (b) two (c) five

3.) The grandparents, cousin and nephew are examples of ______________ family

(a) nuclear (b) extended (c) compound

4.) __________ is the legal union between a man and a woman to become husband and wife

(a) marriage (b) family (c) culture

5.) A type of marriage where a man marries more than one wife is called _______

(a) monogamous (b) polyandry (c) polygyny

6.) ___________ is the head of the family (a) mother (b) children (c) father

7.) The son of your brother or sister is your _______________ (a) nephew (b) niece (c) cousin

8.) The following are roles of family members except _______ (a) they spend time together

(b) they fight and abuse each other (c) they help each other in times of need

9.) The government appointed officials that officiates wedding is called a __________

(a) registrar (b) pastor (c) imam

10.) All culture have their own _______________ (a) languages (b) churches (c) schools

11.) There are _______________ types of marriages (a) 6 (b) 2 (c) 5

12.) ___________________ is the governor of Lagos State (a) Governor Akinwunmi Ambode

(b) Governor Babatunde Raji Fashola (c) Governor Babajide Sanwoolu

13.) ______________ are substances taken to relief pain and when we are sick

(a) drugs (b) hard drugs (c) poisons

14.) We must obey the traffic _________________ (a) rules (b) book (c) pen

15.) Food poisoning is an illness caused by harmful germs that get into the ___________

(a) sand (b) food (c) room

16.) Laws and rules guide and instruct people on how to live their community

(a) true (b) false (c) not sure

17.) Which of the following does not have right to administer drugs to us

(a) doctor (b) parents (c) brother

18.) The use of drugs without doctor’s prescription is known as _____

(a) drug abuse (b) drug trafficking (c) drug trading

19.) Abuse of drug is ________ to our health (a) good (b) safe (c) dangerous

20.) Taking of hard drugs can lead to the following except ______

(a) mental disorder (b) make you brilliant (c) death

Section B

1.) What is a family _____________________________________________________________


b.) State the two types of family.

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

2.) What is marriage _____________________________________________________________


b.) Mention one place where the following marriages take place

(i) Christian marriage ___________________________________________

(ii) Ordinance marriage __________________________________________

(iii) Muslim marriage ____________________________________________

3.) What is food poisoning ________________________________________________________


b.) List four members of the extended family

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

4.) What is culture? ______________________________________________________________


5.) What is drug abuse? ___________________________________________________________




Medicine , Tablets And Drugs













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