Define the term crop farming (Jss 1 Agric Third Term Exams)



Answer all questions


(a)Define the term crop farming


(b)List out ten different crops grown by farmers


(a)What is horticulture? Explain


(b)Give six examples of fruit crops and six examples of food crops


(a)Define the term ranching and normadic farming or normadic herdsmen


(b)State four importance of apiculture


(a)What is fishery?


(b)List five other aquatic animals you know


(a)State four importance of snail farming


(b)Another name for snail farming is what

















Time allowed: 1 hour




Read the following instructions carefully.

Write your name in block form starting with your surname

Avoid choosing more than one option in the objective part

You are advised to work completely on your own


SECTION A – Objective


Answer all questions


In forms of agriculture, horticulture is __________ (a)the study of plants and animals (b)the study of different types of fishes (c)the growing of ornamental plants (d)all of the above

Which of the following is involved in horticulture? (a)timber (b)tuber (c)flowers (d)starch

All these are involved in horticulture EXCEPT ________ (a)fruits (b)vegetables (c)flowers (d)all of the above

Livestock farming is the system of _________ (a)planting livestock trees (b)catching fishes alive (c)making of live a stock (d)keeping or rearing farm animals

Which of these is a livestock? (a)farmer (b)tailor (c)bicycle (d)goat

Which of these is NOT a livestock? (a)forest (b)factory (c)school (d)all of the above

Another name for bee farming is ________ (a)horticulture (b)aqua culture (c)apiculture (d)agriculture

The system of livestock farming which involves the movement of herdsmen from place to place is known as ________ (a)live stockers (b)vegetation farming (c)normadic farming (d)travelling farming

__________ is involved in apiculture farming (a)fruits (b)flower (c)honey (d)timber

Which of these is a by-product of apiculture? (a)eggs (b)milk (c)honey (d)fruit

In forms of farm animals which of these is NOT included (a)Aquatic animals (b)bush animals (c)diary animals (d)guard animals

Which of these forms of animals that produces milk? (a)work animals (b)guard animals (c)diary animals (d)aquatic animals

One of these is not a factor that affects animals health (a)hunger (b)bacteria (c)good feed (d)sickness or disease

In classification of crops, the crops that last for only a year or a season are called (a)annual crops (b)biennial crops (c)perennial crops (d)agricultural crops

Which of these is not an importance of farm animals (a)production of milk (b)production of leather (c)production of eggs (d)production of noise

Crops that last for only two years or three years before harvesting are called (a)perennial crops (b)annual crops (c)bad crops (d)biennial crops

Which of these is a simple farm tool? (a)cutlass (b)hoe (c)shovel (d)all of the above

Which of these is an importance of agriculture to the nation? (a)exchange of foreign materials (b)supplying of food stuff (c)supplying of clothing materials (d)all of the above

Crops that last for ten to fifty year and above are known as __________(a)perennial crops (b)annual crops (c)biennial crops (d)old crops

Which of these are agricultural produce for marketing? (a)cocoa (b)timber (c)rubber (d)all of the above

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