Culture is the way of
















Instruction: Answer all questions.


  1.)  Culture is the way of _________ of a particular group of people.                (a) life (b) world (c) city (d) nation


2.)  There are ________ types of value. (a) nine (b) five (c) two (d) fifteen


3.)  Our value guide our ___________ (a) class (b) nation (c) market               (d) behaviour


4.)  Citizens are expected to avoid negative values. (a) Yes (b) No                 (c) Maybe


5.)  We must learn to ___________ others. (a) hate (b) beat (c) slap                 (d) tolerate


6.)  Diversity can be defined as the differences between __________               (a) nation (b) people (c) food (d) houses


7.)  A foreigner who wants to become a citizen of Nigeria must have lived in Nigeria for at least _________ year. (a) 25 (b) 15 (c) 32 (d) 20


8.)  Citizenship means membership of a particular _________ (a) village (b) church (c) relation (d) country


9.)  Citizenship by birth is when he or she is ________ in Nigeria. (a) live (b) born (c) school (d) marry


10.)                     In every ____________ there is a person who will guide the affairs of the people. (a) room (b) church (c) party (d) community


11.)                     The traditional ruler in Igbo land is __________. (a) oba                  (b) Man (c) Igwe (d) Emir


12.)                     The traditional ruler in Hause land is ___________ (a) Igwe  (b) Headmaster (c) teacher (d) Emir


13.)                     In Nigeria, there are over ________ ethnic group. (a) 550                (b) 250 (c) 750 (d) 192


14.)                     __________ is one of the festival organize by community members. (a) party festival (b) new yam festival (c) school festival     (d) man and boy festival


15.)                     Local government is the nearest and closest to the __________. (a) animal (b) doctor (c) people (d) Headmaster


16.)                     Local government is the _____________ tier of government. (a) third (b) first (c) fifth (d) second


17.)                     Local government maintain _____________ and ___________ in the rural communities. (a) dress and skirt (b) law and order (c) book and pen (d)chair and table.


18.)                     A state is much bigger than a local government area. (a) Yes  (b) No (c) Maybe


19.)                     The assistance of a state governor is ___________ (a) principle (b) pastor (c) deputy governor (d) family governor.


20.)                     State government provides social amenities like ___________ (a) fan (b) drinking water (c) basket (d) cutlass


  Section B: Theory  


1.)  State the types of values


2.)  List two examples of  positive value


3.)  What is citizenship?


4.)  Who is a traditional ruler?


5.)  State three duties of local government.

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