Mid Term Test Christian Religious Studies Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 7


Assessment Components

PART A: Objective Questions (Multiple Choice)

Instruction: Choose the correct answer from the options provided.

  1. The Pentecost is the day when the ______ came upon the disciples.
    a) Holy Spirit
    b) Angels
    c) Prophets
    d) Priests
  2. The Holy Spirit was sent by ______.
    a) Peter
    b) Jesus Christ
    c) Moses
    d) Paul
  3. The Pentecost happened ______ days after Jesus ascended to heaven.
    a) 30
    b) 50
    c) 40
    d) 70
  4. The Holy Spirit helps us to ______.
    a) Tell lies
    b) Live holy lives
    c) Steal money
    d) Fight others
  5. The Holy Spirit comforts us when we are ______.
    a) Happy
    b) Sad
    c) Angry
    d) Lazy
  6. The Holy Spirit gives us ______ to face challenges.
    a) Wealth
    b) Strength
    c) Friends
    d) Power
  7. The Holy Spirit guides us to ______.
    a) Steal
    b) The truth
    c) Fear
    d) Disobey God
  8. The Pentecost is often referred to as the birthday of the ______.
    a) Church
    b) Holy Spirit
    c) Bible
    d) Disciples
  9. The Holy Spirit inspires us to ______.
    a) Do bad things
    b) Do good works
    c) Argue with people
    d) Live in fear
  10. The Holy Spirit makes us ______ one another.
    a) Hate
    b) Love
    c) Avoid
    d) Dislike
  11. The Holy Spirit is also called the ______.
    a) Helper
    b) Father
    c) Disciple
    d) Angel
  12. On the day of Pentecost, the disciples spoke in ______.
    a) Tongues
    b) Anger
    c) Fear
    d) Doubt
  13. The Holy Spirit gives us strength to ______.
    a) Do good things
    b) Cheat in exams
    c) Fight others
    d) Be lazy
  14. The Holy Spirit teaches us to always ______.
    a) Tell the truth
    b) Lie
    c) Disobey
    d) Argue
  15. The Holy Spirit is a gift from ______.
    a) God
    b) Man
    c) Angels
    d) Moses
  16. The Holy Spirit comforts us when we face ______.
    a) Happiness
    b) Challenges
    c) Success
    d) Joy
  17. The Holy Spirit inspires us to ______ God.
    a) Obey
    b) Ignore
    c) Disobey
    d) Forget
  18. The Holy Spirit came upon the disciples in the form of ______.
    a) Wind
    b) Fire
    c) Water
    d) Thunder
  19. The Holy Spirit gives us the power to ______ others.
    a) Forgive
    b) Hurt
    c) Insult
    d) Disrespect
  20. The Holy Spirit helps us to ______ God’s Word.
    a) Understand
    b) Reject
    c) Forget
    d) Disobey

PART B: Theory Questions (Short Answer)

  1. What is the Pentecost?
  2. Who sent the Holy Spirit to the disciples?
  3. How does the Holy Spirit comfort us?
  4. Explain how the Holy Spirit helps us in our daily lives.
  5. State two ways the Holy Spirit inspires us.
  6. What did the disciples experience on the day of Pentecost?
  7. Mention two roles of the Holy Spirit in a Christian’s life.
  8. How does the Holy Spirit guide us to the truth?
  9. Why do we call the Holy Spirit our helper?
  10. Explain how the Holy Spirit strengthens us during challenges.
  11. What is the meaning of being inspired by the Holy Spirit?
  12. How does the Holy Spirit help us love one another?
  13. State two things the Holy Spirit helps Christians to do.
  14. Why is the Pentecost referred to as the birthday of the Church?
  15. Describe the form in which the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples.
  16. How does the Holy Spirit teach us to live holy lives?
  17. Mention one way the Holy Spirit brings comfort to Christians.
  18. What is one benefit of having the Holy Spirit in our lives?
  19. State one role of the Holy Spirit as a teacher.
  20. What happens when we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us?

PART C: True or False Questions

Instruction: Write “True” or “False” for the following statements.

  1. The Pentecost happened 50 days after Jesus ascended to heaven.
  2. The Holy Spirit was sent by the disciples.
  3. The Holy Spirit guides us to tell lies.
  4. The Holy Spirit inspires us to do good works.
  5. The Holy Spirit helps us love one another.
  6. The Pentecost is called the birthday of the Church.
  7. The Holy Spirit comforts us when we are sad.
  8. The Holy Spirit teaches us to fight others.
  9. On the day of Pentecost, the disciples spoke in tongues.
  10. The Holy Spirit helps us obey God.
  11. The Holy Spirit came in the form of water on the Pentecost.
  12. The Holy Spirit strengthens us to do good things.
  13. The Holy Spirit is a gift from God.
  14. The Holy Spirit makes us hate others.
  15. The Holy Spirit helps us understand God’s Word.
  16. The Pentecost happened 70 days after Jesus left.
  17. The Holy Spirit teaches us to forget God’s Word.
  18. The Holy Spirit gives Christians peace.
  19. The Holy Spirit guides us to the truth.
  20. The Holy Spirit helps Christians forgive others.

PART D: Fill-in-the-Gap Questions

Instruction: Fill in the blank spaces with the correct answers.

  1. The Holy Spirit was sent by ______ to the disciples.
  2. The Pentecost is often referred to as the ______ of the Church.
  3. The Holy Spirit comforts us when we feel ______.
  4. The Holy Spirit came upon the disciples in the form of ______.
  5. The Pentecost happened ______ days after Jesus ascended to heaven.
  6. The Holy Spirit helps us to ______ one another.
  7. The Holy Spirit gives us ______ to face challenges.
  8. The Holy Spirit inspires us to do ______.
  9. The Holy Spirit guides us to ______.
  10. The Holy Spirit teaches us to live ______ lives.
  11. The Holy Spirit helps us understand ______.
  12. On the day of Pentecost, the disciples spoke in ______.
  13. The Holy Spirit helps us ______ God’s Word.
  14. The Holy Spirit is a ______ from God.
  15. The Holy Spirit strengthens us during ______.
  16. The Holy Spirit makes us ______ one another.
  17. The Holy Spirit teaches us to always ______ the truth.
  18. The Holy Spirit helps us to forgive those who ______ us.
  19. The Holy Spirit brings ______ to Christians.
  20. The Holy Spirit helps us ______ God in all we do.

This assessment is designed to evaluate the knowledge of the students on the specified topics.