





I. Complete the gaps with : vais . vas . va . va .

1. Où ……………. tu ? 2. Je ………….. ā l école .

3. Où ………….. -t – il ? 4. Et où …………….. – t – elle ?

II. Underline the correct answer:

5. Cousin means :
a. Cousin female b. Sister c. Uncle d. Cousin male

6. Beau –frère means:
a. Aunty b. Nephew c. Brother –in-law d. No correct answer

7. Tante means :
a. Uncle b. Step sister c. Sister-in-law d. Aunty

8.Neveux means :
a. Nièce b. Step sister c. Nephew d. Cousin

9. Tonton means:
a. Uncle b. Aunty c. Grand father d. Grand mother

III. Complete the gaps with :

Je vais Il va Ellle va . au bureau au stade à la piscine .

10. Où va – t – elle ? ……………………………………………………………………………………..( swimming pool)

11. Où va – t- il ? …………………………………………………………………………………………… ( Stadium )

12. Où vas – tu ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………. ( office ).

IV. Underline the correct answer :
13. la croix de Jesus means :
a. The death of Jesus b Jesus is my friend c. The cross of Jesus d. the blood of Jesus

14. La Pâques means:
a. welcome b. The blood of Jesus c. The Earter d. The Holidays

15. Le sang de Jesus means:
a. The cross of Jesus b. Jesus is dead c. Jesus is risen d. The blood of Jesus.

16. Le Lundi de La Pâques means:
a. Happy Easter b. Happy day c. Happy Monday d. Easter Monday

17. Joyeuse Pâques means :
a. Happy Easter b. Easter Holidays c. Happy day d. Happy week end

18.Le marché means :
a. Office b. Shop c. Bank d. Market

V. Link the words in A to their meaning in B.

A. B.
19. Qui a. How

20. Comment b. Who

21. Quel c. How many

22. Combien d. Which

23. Que e. That

VI. Write the figure of these numbers:

Trente : ………………….. Seize :………………………

Dix-huit: ……………….. Quarante: ………………..

Vingt cinq: ……………….. Douze : …………………….

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