Importance of Soil To Animals
Subject :
Basic Science and Technology
Term :
First Term / 1st Term
Week 5
Class :
Basic 3 / Year 3 / Primary 3
Previous lesson :
The pupils have been taught the importance of soil to plants in their previous lesson
Importance of Soil To Animals
Behavioural objectives :
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to
- Explain the meaning of soil
- List types of soil
- Mention the importance of soil to animals
Instructional Materials :
- Wall charts
- Pictures
- Related Online Video
- Flash Cards
- Different types of soil
- Samples soil
- Plant growing out from soil in a tin or clay pot
Methods of Teaching :
- Class Discussion
- Group Discussion
- Asking Questions
- Explanation
- Role Modelling
- Role Delegation
Reference Materials :
- Scheme of Work
- Online Information
- Textbooks
- Workbooks
- 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
- Workbooks
Content :
Soil is the upper most layer of the earth surface on which plants grow. Soil consists of a solid matter of minerals and organic matter, as well as a pore space that holds gases and water. Soils consists of three-state system of solids, liquids, and gases.
Soil is also the mixture of organic matter, minerals, gases, liquids, and organisms that together support life.
Types of soil; there are basic three types of soil:
Loamy soil : This is the best soil for farming or planting of crops
Clay soil : This types of soil is used for making clay pots
Sandy soil : This type of soil is used by civil engineers in building houses and bridges
Benefits of soil to animals
- Soil is the foundation of all life on earth without it, we couldn’t grow food we need to live.
- Soils provides shelter to some organisms like earthworms and termites
- Soil absorbs the decomposed dead organisms
- Soil provides foods for animals as most food eaten by animals grow on soil .
- Soil provides the necessary water for animals existence on earth
- Soil is used by human to make some utensils that they use in kitchen
- Soil helps animals in the process of water cleaning and purification
- Soil helps to regulate the earth’s temperature by holding fix firmly trees that provide shade for animals
- Soil acts to prevent animals from flooding by absorbing rain water therefore preventing erosion.
- Soil maintains and sustains animal existence on earth
The topic is presented step by step
Step 1:
The class teacher revises the previous topics
Step 2.
He introduces the new topic
Step 3:
The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise
The class teacher wraps up or conclude the lesson by giving out short note to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.
The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written by the pupils.
He or she does the necessary corrections when and where the needs arise.
1. What is soil .
2. Mention three types of soil .
3. What is the best soil for planting or farming
4. Write out four importance of soil to plants
5. Write out five importance of soil to animals
6. Mention two living things that live in the soil
7. The soil filters our ………………….
8, State two environmental importance of soil.
Prepare for the next lesson by reading about wind