To be kind is to show …… a ) love (b ) hate (c) l don’t know


CLASS: Basic 1


SUBJECT: Civic education


TOPIC: Assessment Test



Answer the following questions.

1. To be kind is to show ……
a ) love (b ) hate (c) l don’t know



2. A well – behaved child should not …..
a) tell lies (b) greet (c) listen



3.It is good to give to the poor (a) true (b) false (c) may be.



4. Helping an elders to carry load is a sign of respect (a) true (b) false (c) may be



5. Prayer means —– (a) talking to God (b) fighting with God ( c) eating with God



6. It is good to fight (a) yes (b) no (c) may be.



7. A good responsible citizen make her country proud ( a) true (b) false ( c) may be



8. It is good to dress neatly all the time (a) yes (b) no (c) l don’t know



9. It is good to visit and pray for the sick people
(a) l don’t know (b) yes (c) no



10. Civic education allows people to live in peace with one another
(a) may be (b) yes (c) no

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