Changes in Plants and Animals Life cycle of insects Basic Science Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Subject :

Basic Science and Technology

Topic :

Changes in Animals Change in animals
Names of the young ones of animals
Life cycle of insects
Other developmental or growth changes

Class :

Primary 4

Term :

First Term

Week :

Week 3

Instructional Materials :

  • Small fish
  • big fish
  • water container
  • wall charts
  • posters
  • pictures


Reference Materials

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum

Previous Knowledge :

The pupils have previous knowledge of


Changes in plants
-Changes in plants e.g Leaf fall
Flower and fruits


Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  • explain metamorphosis
  • say why changes exit in man
  • explain the nature of change in plants
  • say what the names of some young animals are called

Content :


Animal are living things, they experience changes too as they grow. Changes in animal begins after birth. Most changes in plants are permanent changes. The changes that take place in animals are called METAMORPHOSIS.

Metamorphosis is the series of changes that occur in the life of a living organisms.

Metamorphosis is a fascinating Science process that describes the dramatic transformation of an organism from one distinct form to another. This process occurs in various species, but it is most commonly associated with insects, particularly butterflies and moths.

There are two types of metamorphosis which are

  • Complete metamorphosis that involves four series of changes in the growth of an insect.Butterflies, moths, beetles, flies and bees have complete metamorphosis
  • incomplete metamorphosis involves three stages of growth in an insect. Insects that have an incomplete metamorphosis are bugsgrasshopperscockroachestermitespraying mantisescrickets, and lice

Importance of Metamorphosis: Metamorphosis serves several important ecological purposes. It can reduce competition for resources between the immature and adult stages of an organism. Additionally, it helps insects adapt to different environmental conditions as they grow and develop.

Certainly! Here are 15 fill-in-the-blank questions with multiple-choice options (a, b, c, or d) on the topic of metamorphosis:

1. Metamorphosis is a process of __________ transformation in some animals.
a) gradual
b) rapid
c) invisible
d) colorful

2. Butterflies and moths undergo __________ metamorphosis.
a) incomplete
b) slow
c) complete
d) endless

3. Incomplete metamorphosis consists of __________ stages: egg, nymph, and adult.
a) two
b) three
c) four
d) five

4. The larva in complete metamorphosis often looks like a __________.
a) miniature adult
b) colorful flower
c) spaceship
d) rock

5. The pupa stage is also known as the __________ stage.
a) adult
b) baby
c) chrysalis
d) larva

6. In the egg stage, insects lay __________.
a) leaves
b) eggs
c) flowers
d) nests

7. The larva stage focuses on __________ and growing.
a) flying
b) eating
c) singing
d) hiding

8. During metamorphosis, insects may shed their outer __________.
a) wings
b) skin
c) eyes
d) hair

9. The chrysalis or cocoon is a __________ casing.
a) protective
b) tasty
c) noisy
d) scary

10. Adult insects are often __________ and have wings.
a) tiny
b) invisible
c) colorful
d) noisy

11. Metamorphosis helps insects __________ to different conditions.
a) adapt
b) disappear
c) swim
d) talk

12. In complete metamorphosis, the larva becomes a completely different __________.
a) planet
b) insect
c) plant
d) mountain

13. The pupa stage is like a __________ where changes happen.
a) playground
b) vacation
c) cocoon
d) library



Examples of changes in Animals

  1. Change in body temperature like Lizard.
  2. Changes in size.
  3. Increase in height.
  4. Changes in skin colour like chameleon.
  5. Changes from child to adult.
  6. Some gives birth to young one.
  1. Change in Body Temperature like Lizard:
    • Lizards are cold-blooded animals, which means their body temperature changes with the temperature of their surroundings. They bask in the sun to warm up and hide in shade to cool down.
  2. Changes in Size:
    • Many animals go through changes in size as they grow. For example, a puppy grows into a much larger dog over time.
  3. Increase in Height:
    • Animals like giraffes are born small and grow to be very tall. This is an increase in height as they mature.
  4. Changes in Skin Color like Chameleon:
    • Chameleons are known for their ability to change the color of their skin. They do this for camouflage, communication, and regulating body temperature.
  5. Changes from Child to Adult:
    • Many animals, including humans, go through stages of development. A caterpillar, for instance, transforms into a butterfly. This change from a juvenile form to an adult form is called metamorphosis.
  6. Giving Birth to Young Ones:
    • Some animals, like mammals, give birth to live young ones. For example, a cat gives birth to kittens



1. Lizards are known for their ability to change __________ like body temperature.
a) colors
b) sizes
c) habitats
d) shapes

2. Many animals go through __________ as they grow, becoming larger or smaller.
a) transformations
b) migrations
c) changes in temperature
d) changes in size

3. Giraffes experience an __________ in height as they grow into adulthood.
a) increase
b) decrease
c) expansion
d) evolution

4. Chameleons are famous for their ability to change __________.
a) behavior
b) diet
c) skin color
d) size

5. The transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly is an example of a change from __________ to __________.
a) adult, senior
b) child, adolescent
c) baby, teenager
d) child, adult

6. Some animals, like mammals, give birth to __________.
a) eggs
b) live young ones
c) plants
d) air

7. Frogs undergo a change from tadpoles to adult frogs, which is a type of __________.
a) metamorphosis
b) hibernation
c) migration
d) camouflage

8. Salmon fish go through a remarkable journey where they change from freshwater to saltwater habitats and back. This is called __________.
a) growth
b) migration
c) camouflage
d) hibernation

9. Some birds, like penguins, undergo changes in their feathers to adapt to __________ environments.
a) forest
b) aquatic
c) desert
d) mountain

10. Snakes periodically shed their old skin, allowing for __________ growth.
a) faster
b) colorful
c) smoother
d) larger

11. The development of tadpoles into frogs is a classic example of __________.
a) migration
b) camouflage
c) metamorphosis
d) growth

12. Insects like grasshoppers go through __________ metamorphosis, where they gradually change from nymph to adult.
a) complete
b) simple
c) slow
d) irregular

13. Kangaroo babies, called joeys, are carried in their mother’s pouches after __________.
a) hatching
b) pupation
c) birth
d) migration

14. Some animals, like the starfish, have the remarkable ability to regenerate lost body parts, demonstrating __________ changes.
a) genetic
b) structural
c) reversible
d) irreversible

15. The transformation of a tadpole into a frog includes changes in __________, limbs, and internal organs.
a) color
b) size
c) skin
d) habitat

Names of some Animals and their young ones.

Piglet         Sow Boar
Eaglet       Eagle Eagle
Kitten    Tabby cat (Queen) Tomcat
Calf     Cow Bull
Chick     Hen Cock
Lamb     Ewe Ram
larva     queen, worker drone

More Names

Animal Young One
Dog Puppy
Cat Kitten
Horse Foal
Cow Calf
Sheep Lamb
Goat Kid
Pig Piglet
Duck Duckling
Chicken Chick
Swan Cygnet
Elephant Calf
Kangaroo Joey
Whale Calf
Lion Cub
Tiger Cub
Giraffe Calf
Koala Joey
Bear Cub
Seal Pup
Fox Kit or Pup






1. A baby dog is called a __________.

a) kitten

b) puppy

c) calf

d) lamb


2. The young one of a cat is a __________.

a) puppy

b) kitten

c) foal

d) duckling


3. A baby horse is known as a __________.

a) chick

b) calf

c) foal

d) piglet


4. The offspring of a cow is called a __________.

a) kid

b) chick

c) calf

d) cygnet


5. A baby sheep is called a __________.

a) lamb

b) cub

c) piglet

d) joey


6. The young one of a pig is a __________.

a) lamb

b) piglet

c) calf

d) kitten


7. A baby duck is known as a __________.

a) duckling

b) chick

c) foal

d) cygnet


8. The offspring of a chicken is called a __________.

a) foal

b) calf

c) chick

d) pup


9. A baby swan is called a __________.

a) chick

b) cygnet

c) piglet

d) puppy


10. The young one of an elephant is a __________.

a) calf

b) chick

c) piglet

d) cub


11. A baby kangaroo is known as a __________.

a) calf

b) joey

c) lamb

d) kitten


12. The offspring of a lion is called a __________.

a) chick

b) calf

c) cub

d) foal


13. A baby tiger is called a __________.

a) piglet

b) chick

c) cub

d) kid


14. The young one of a giraffe is a __________.

a) calf

b) kitten

c) joey

d) cygnet


15. A baby seal is known as a __________.

a) pup

b) piglet

c) calf

d) foal




The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise


Evaluation :

  1. The young one of Pig is………………………….
  2. The young one of Lion is………………………..
  3. a baby goat is called a…………………………..
  4. a baby cat is called a………………………………..
  5. a baby fish is called a ,,,,…………………………..
  6. a baby horse is called a…………………………
  7. a baby dog is called a ……………….

Say if each of the following is a temporary change or permanent change

  1. Cassava turns to garri……..
  2. Alive person turns dead……
  3. Catterpillar turns butterfly…..
  4. Day turns to night……..
  5. Boiling hot water turns to cold water….
  6. Burnt on someone skin…..
  7. If you cut your hair in the barber’s shop and it grows again….
  8. Cut your fingernails and it grows again……
  9. Four years old boy has his tooth removed and the tooth grows again……
  10. Tribal marks on the face of ibadan woman. Ìyá ibadan……..

Conclusion :


The class teacher wraps up or conclude the lesson by giving out short note to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.

The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written by the pupils.

He or she does the necessary corrections when and where  the needs arise.


Assignment :

Prepare for the next lesson by reading about changes in non living things



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