First Term Examination Primary 4 Civic Education

First Term Examination

CLASS: Primary 4
SUBJECT: Civic Education

General Instructions for Teachers and Students:

  1. Instructions for Teachers:
    • Ensure that all students are seated in a quiet environment.
    • Emphasize the importance of fairness and integrity in taking the exam.
    • Encourage students to read each question carefully and answer to the best of their ability.
    • Remind students to avoid all forms of malpractice. The exam is designed to assess their understanding, and it is important that they work independently.
  2. Instructions for Students:
    • This exam consists of four parts: Objective Questions, Theory Questions, True or False Questions, and Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions.
    • Read each question carefully before answering.
    • Answer all questions.
    • Do not look at other students’ papers.
    • Write your name at the top of your answer sheet.
    • If you do not understand a question, raise your hand, and your teacher will assist you.

Part A: Objective Questions (30 questions)

Instructions: Choose the correct answer from the options provided.

  1. _______ are the accepted standards or moral conduct by which members of a society live and relate with one another.
    (a) politics (b) science (c) values (d) games
  2. Our values guide our behavior.
    (a) no (b) yes (c) yes and no (d) it is never done
  3. We have _________ and ________ values.
    (a) marriage and customs (b) wrong and good (c) positive and negative (d) constituted and authority
  4. Examples of positive values are ________ and ________.
    (a) abusing elders and fighting in the neighborhood (b) respect of human life and constituted authority (c) laziness and idleness (d) pride and greed
  5. Listening to people’s views or opinions will make us ________ their views.
    (a) against (b) adore (c) language (d) respect
  6. The two main ways of respecting other people’s views are ______ and ________.
    (a) by shouting and cursing (b) in words and action (c) by war and fighting (d) by law and order
  7. We must respect other people’s views, beliefs, and traditions because of the following except ________.
    (a) it makes people feel safe and happy (b) it helps people learn from each other (c) it makes people fight one another (d) it makes for progress in society
  8. ________ means the freedom and legal right one has to be a member of a nation.
    (a) court wedding (b) political party (c) citizenship (d) international passport
  9. These are the ways to acquire citizenship except _______.
    (a) by birth (b) by naturalization (c) by political party (d) by descent
  10. ________ is a common feeling of shared values by a group of people.
    (a) nepotism (b) capitalism (c) communalism (d) feudalism
  11. The attributes of communalism are the following except ________.
    (a) togetherness (b) love (c) co-operation (d) hatred
  12. The third tier of government is called ________.
    (a) house of representatives (b) local government (c) state government (d) federal government
  13. Local government is important to the people because they provide the following services except _______.
    (a) spreading bribery and corruption (b) bringing government near to local people (c) takes care of town planning (d) promote the culture of the people
  14. There are _______ local government areas in Nigeria.
    (a) 500 (b) 677 (c) 774 (d) 866
  15. The head of the local government is called ________.
    (a) councilor (b) judge (c) chairman (d) doctor
  16. The state government is the ________ level of government in Nigeria.
    (a) first (b) fourth (c) third (d) second
  17. The state government is headed by a ________.
    (a) senator (b) chairman (c) governor (d) president
  18. These are not the responsibilities of parents to their children except ________.
    (a) sending their children to slavery (b) sending their children to the war front (c) provision of shelter (d) beating their children every day
  19. These are responsibilities of children to their parents except ________.
    (a) stealing their parents’ money (b) selling their parents’ properties (c) running errands for their parents (d) abusing their parents anyhow
  20. ________ is a person who is not born a citizen of a state.
    (a) a citizen (b) a child (c) a foreigner (d) a Londoner

Part B: Theory Questions (30 questions)

Instructions: Answer all questions in this section. Write your answers in the space provided.

  1. What are values? ___________________________________________________________

  2. List two types of values.
    (a) ______________________ (b) _______________________
  3. Mention four positive values that can promote a society.
    (a) ______________________________ (b) ______________________________
    (c) ______________________________ (d) ______________________________
  4. Mention four negative values that cannot promote a society.
    (a) ______________________________ (b) ______________________________
    (c) ______________________________ (d) ______________________________
  5. Mention two ways of respecting other people’s views, beliefs, and traditions.
    (a) ______________________________ (b) ______________________________
  6. Why should we respect other people’s views, beliefs, and traditions?

  7. List four ways to acquire citizenship in Nigeria.
    (a) ______________________________ (b) ______________________________
    (c) ______________________________ (d) ______________________________
  8. List four attributes of communalism.
    (a) ______________________________ (b) ______________________________
    (c) ______________________________ (d) ______________________________
  9. List two responsibilities of parents to their children.
    (a) ______________________________ (b) ______________________________
  10. List two responsibilities of children to their parents.
    (a) ______________________________ (b) ______________________________

Part C: True or False Questions (30 questions)

Instructions: Write “True” if the statement is correct, or “False” if the statement is incorrect.

  1. Positive values promote peace and unity in society. _______
  2. Fighting is an example of a positive value. _______
  3. The governor is the head of the state government. _______
  4. The federal government is the third tier of government. _______
  5. Citizenship can be acquired through descent. _______
  6. Communalism encourages hatred among people. _______
  7. A local government chairman is elected by the people. _______
  8. Running errands is a responsibility of children to their parents. _______
  9. Bribery is an example of a positive value. _______
  10. Local government promotes the culture of the people. _______
  11. Respecting other people’s views prevents conflicts. _______
  12. Parents should provide food, clothing, and shelter for their children. _______
  13. Stealing is an example of a negative value. _______
  14. Children are not required to respect their parents. _______
  15. Unity is one of the attributes of communalism. _______
  16. Naturalization is a way of acquiring citizenship in Nigeria. _______
  17. Abusing elders is a positive value. _______
  18. Teachers are responsible for ensuring fairness in examinations. _______
  19. Laziness contributes to societal progress. _______
  20. Honesty is an example of a positive value. _______
  21. A good citizen participates in community activities. _______
  22. Parents should allow their children to take drugs. _______
  23. Governments help in building infrastructure for the society. _______
  24. A citizen can be punished for not obeying laws. _______
  25. Children must obey school rules. _______
  26. The local government provides education in rural areas. _______
  27. Hatred is a good example of a value. _______
  28. The president is the head of the federal government. _______
  29. Children have the right to education. _______
  30. Civic education promotes good citizenship. _______

Part D: Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions (30 questions)

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

  1. ________ guide our behavior in society.
  2. Examples of ________ values include honesty and respect.
  3. ________ is the legal right to belong to a country.
  4. The three tiers of government are federal, ________, and local government.
  5. ________ is the head of the state government.
  6. ________ is the number of local governments in Nigeria.
  7. We must respect other people’s ________, beliefs, and traditions.
  8. Positive values promote ________ and unity.
  9. One of the attributes of communalism is ________.
  10. Citizenship by ________ is granted to people born in Nigeria.
  11. ________ is the act of working together for a common purpose.
  12. Children must show ________ to their parents and elders.
  13. Parents must provide ________ for their children.
  14. Respecting other people’s views fosters ________ in society.
  15. ________ is a negative value that destroys communities.
  16. ________ is a responsibility of children to their parents.
  17. Parents must teach their children good ________.
  18. ________ means to value the opinions of others.
  19. ________ and ________ are two types of values.
  20. ________ is an example of a way to acquire citizenship.
  21. Honesty and hard work are examples of ________ values.
  22. Fighting and lying are examples of ________ values.
  23. Parents are responsible for ________ their children’s education.
  24. ________ is the act of being truthful and trustworthy.
  25. ________ is the first tier of government in Nigeria.
  26. ________ is a person who is not a citizen of a country.
  27. ________ promotes progress and development in society.
  28. The ________ tier of government is closest to the people.
  29. ________ are expected to obey school rules and regulations.
  30. ________ is one of the responsibilities of parents to their children.

End of Examination

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