Musical Notes and Their Values Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 4


Cultural and Creative Arts – Primary 3 – Second Term – Week 4

Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts

Class: Primary 3

Term: Second Term

Week: 4

Age: 7 – 8 years

Duration: 40 Minutes

Topic: Musical Notes and Their Values

Sub-topic: Types of Musical Notes and Their Durations

Behavioral Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define musical notes.
  2. Identify different types of musical notes.
  3. Explain the values (durations) of musical notes.
  4. Recognize musical notes in written music.

Keywords: Musical notes, values, rhythm, beat, duration

Set Induction:

The teacher claps different beats and asks pupils to follow the rhythm.

Entry Behavior:

Pupils have sung songs and heard different beats before.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  1. Flashcards with musical notes
  2. A keyboard or percussion instrument
  3. Songbook with musical notation

Musical Notes and Their Values

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Pupils have learned about singing tonic solfa in the previous lessons.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Listening skills
  • Coordination
  • Music appreciation

Learning Materials:

  • Music notation chart
  • Audio recordings of different rhythms

Reference Books:

Lagos State Scheme of Work, Cultural and Creative Arts Textbook for Primary 3

Instructional Materials:

  • Posters showing different musical notes
  • Instruments for practical demonstrations


A. Meaning of Musical Notes

Musical notes are symbols used in written music to show different sounds and how long each sound should be played or sung.

B. Types of Musical Notes and Their Values

  1. Semibreve (Whole Note) – It lasts for four beats (𝅝).
  2. Minim (Half Note) – It lasts for two beats (𝅗𝅥).
  3. Crotchet (Quarter Note) – It lasts for one beat (𝅘𝅥).
  4. Quaver (Eighth Note) – It lasts for half a beat (𝅘𝅥𝅮).
  5. Semiquaver (Sixteenth Note) – It lasts for one-quarter of a beat (𝅘𝅥𝅯).

C. Relationship Between Notes

  • A semibreve is equal to two minims.
  • A minim is equal to two crotchets.
  • A crotchet is equal to two quavers.
  • A quaver is equal to two semiquavers.

D. Practical Application of Musical Notes

  • Pupils practice clapping the beats for each type of note.
  • The teacher plays a song on an instrument, and pupils identify the note values.
  • Pupils create simple rhythms using different note values.

Evaluation (Fill in the Blanks with Options):

  1. A minim lasts for __ beats. (a) Four (b) Two (c) One (d) Half
  2. The longest note is called a ___. (a) Quaver (b) Semiquaver (c) Crotchet (d) Semibreve
  3. A quaver lasts for __ of a beat. (a) Half (b) One (c) Two (d) Four
  4. The note that lasts for one beat is called a ___. (a) Minim (b) Crotchet (c) Semibreve (d) Quaver
  5. A crotchet is equal to two ___. (a) Quavers (b) Minims (c) Semiquavers (d) Semibreves

Class Activity Discussion (FAQs)

  1. What are musical notes?
    • Musical notes are symbols used to represent different sounds in music.
  2. What is the longest note in music?
    • The longest note is the semibreve, which lasts for four beats.
  3. Which note lasts for only one beat?
    • The crotchet lasts for one beat.
  4. How many quavers make a minim?
    • Four quavers make a minim.
  5. Why are musical notes important?
    • They help musicians know how long to play or sing each sound.

Presentation Steps:

  1. The teacher explains the meaning of musical notes.
  2. The teacher shows the different musical note symbols and their values.
  3. Pupils practice clapping and identifying note durations.
  4. The teacher allows pupils to create their own rhythms using different notes.

Teacher’s and Learners’ Activities:

  • Teacher: Demonstrates note values, plays music, and guides practice.
  • Learners: Listen, clap, and identify notes in music.

Assessment (Short-Answer Questions):

  1. What is a musical note?
  2. Name three types of musical notes.
  3. How many beats does a minim last?
  4. Which note lasts for the shortest time?
  5. How does a semibreve compare to a crotchet?


The teacher marks the pupils’ answers, provides feedback, and encourages them to practice identifying musical notes in songs.

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