Gardening Tools and Their Uses Vocational Aptitude Primary 1 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Lesson Plan on Gardening

Subject: Vocational Aptitude
Class: Primary 1
Term: Third Term
Week: 3
Age: 6 – 7 years
Topic: Gardening
Sub-topic: Gardening Tools and Their Uses
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define a garden and gardening.
  2. Identify different gardening tools.
  3. State the uses of gardening tools.
  4. Explain who a gardener is.


  • Garden
  • Gardening
  • Gardener
  • Tools

Set Induction

The teacher will display some gardening tools (e.g., a watering can, gloves) and ask pupils if they know their names or uses.

Entry Behaviour

Pupils are familiar with fruits, flowers, and vegetables.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Real gardening tools (if available) like a hand trowel or gloves
  • Flashcards with pictures of gardening tools
  • Samples of flowers or fruits grown in a garden

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge

The teacher will remind pupils that they have seen plants grow in farms, gardens, or homes and will connect that to how plants need care.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Observation skills
  • Fine motor skills
  • Environmental awareness

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Basic Vocational Studies Textbook for Primary Schools

Instructional Materials

  • Flashcards showing gardening tools
  • Printed charts of fruits, flowers, and vegetables grown in gardens



What is a Garden?

A garden is a piece of land where herbs, fruits, flowers, and vegetables are grown.

What is Gardening?

Gardening is the practice of preparing and taking care of a garden. It involves planting flowers, fruits, and vegetables.

  • A person who practices gardening is called a gardener.

Gardening Tools and Their Uses

Hand trowelFor transplanting small plants.
Garden forkFor loosening and mixing soil.
ShovelFor lifting and moving soil.
RakeFor gathering leaves and rubbish.
Watering canFor watering plants.
SickleFor cutting long grasses.
WheelbarrowFor carrying things in the garden.
ShearsFor trimming plants.
GlovesFor protecting the hands during gardening.

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What is a garden?
    • A piece of land where flowers, fruits, and vegetables are grown.
  2. What is gardening?
    • It is the act of taking care of a garden.
  3. Who is a gardener?
    • A person who takes care of a garden.
  4. Name one tool used for watering plants.
    • Watering can.
  5. What is a rake used for?
    • For gathering rubbish and leaves.
  6. What tool is used for moving soil?
    • A shovel.
  7. What tool do gardeners wear to protect their hands?
    • Gloves.
  8. What is a garden fork used for?
    • For mixing and loosening soil.
  9. Which tool helps carry things in the garden?
    • A wheelbarrow.
  10. What is a sickle used for?
  • For cutting long grasses.
  1. What tool do gardeners use for trimming plants?
  • Shears.
  1. What do you call the act of planting and caring for flowers?
  • Gardening.
  1. Name one example of a fruit that can grow in a garden.
  • Tomatoes.
  1. What tool is used for transplanting plants?
  • A hand trowel.
  1. Why is gardening important?
  • It helps provide food and keeps the environment beautiful.

Class Activity Discussion

  1. A garden is a place where ______ are grown.
    a) Cars
    b) Flowers
    c) Clothes
    d) Houses
    Answer: b) Flowers
  2. Gardening is the act of preparing and taking care of a ______.
    a) Road
    b) House
    c) Garden
    d) River
    Answer: c) Garden
  3. A person who works in a garden is called a ______.
    a) Doctor
    b) Gardener
    c) Driver
    d) Teacher
    Answer: b) Gardener
  4. A ______ is used to water plants.
    a) Watering can
    b) Shovel
    c) Wheelbarrow
    d) Fork
    Answer: a) Watering can
  5. Gloves are used to protect the ______ during gardening.
    a) Feet
    b) Hands
    c) Head
    d) Eyes
    Answer: b) Hands
  6. A rake is used for ______ rubbish.
    a) Throwing
    b) Eating
    c) Gathering
    d) Burning
    Answer: c) Gathering
  7. A ______ is used for cutting long grasses.
    a) Knife
    b) Sickle
    c) Basket
    d) Fork
    Answer: b) Sickle
  8. A gardener uses a ______ to move things around.
    a) Plate
    b) Shovel
    c) Wheelbarrow
    d) Rake
    Answer: c) Wheelbarrow
  9. Shears are used for ______ plants.
    a) Trimming
    b) Burning
    c) Washing
    d) Selling
    Answer: a) Trimming
  10. A ______ is used for transplanting plants.
    a) Spoon
    b) Hand trowel
    c) Basket
    d) Knife
    Answer: b) Hand trowel
  11. A garden fork is used to mix ______.
    a) Water
    b) Clothes
    c) Soil
    d) Air
    Answer: c) Soil
  12. A gardener wears ______ to protect their hands.
    a) Shoes
    b) Gloves
    c) Hats
    d) Socks
    Answer: b) Gloves
  13. A garden is used to grow ______.
    a) Cars
    b) Herbs
    c) Computers
    d) Roads
    Answer: b) Herbs
  14. A shovel is used to ______ soil.
    a) Lift and move
    b) Burn
    c) Sell
    d) Paint
    Answer: a) Lift and move
  15. A gardener uses a ______ to water flowers.
    a) Fork
    b) Rake
    c) Watering can
    d) Wheelbarrow
    Answer: c) Watering can


  1. Step 1: The teacher revises the previous lesson on farming tools.
  2. Step 2: The teacher introduces gardening and its tools.
  3. Step 3: Pupils are encouraged to identify tools they have seen before and discuss their uses.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Display gardening tools or their pictures.
  • Explain the function of each tool.
  • Ask pupils to match tools with their uses.

Learners’ Activities

  • Identify and name gardening tools.
  • Participate in discussions about gardening.
  • Answer questions about gardening tools.


  1. What is a garden?
  2. Who is a gardener?
  3. Name two tools used in gardening.
  4. What is a watering can used for?
  5. What is the use of gloves in gardening?


The teacher summarizes the lesson and collects pupils’ notes for marking.

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