Mid Term Test Civic Education Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Lagos State Primary 1 Civic Education Mid-Term Test

Subject: Civic Education
Class: Primary 1
Term: First Term
Week: 6
Age: 6 years
Duration: 40 minutes


  • Answer all questions.
  • Write your answers clearly.
  • Check your work before submitting.

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (Choose the correct answer)

  1. Civic education teaches us how to be good __________.
    • a) dancers
    • b) citizens
    • c) singers
    • d) players
  2. Helping with chores at home is an example of __________.
    • a) playing
    • b) civic education
    • c) eating
    • d) sleeping
  3. Respecting others is important because it shows __________.
    • a) anger
    • b) rudeness
    • c) kindness
    • d) laziness
  4. The media can teach us about __________.
    • a) games
    • b) rules and laws
    • c) sleeping
    • d) hiding
  5. Keeping the community clean is a part of __________.
    • a) civic education
    • b) making noise
    • c) being rude
    • d) playing games
  6. We learn about different cultures to __________ others.
    • a) ignore
    • b) respect
    • c) fight
    • d) make fun of
  7. Listening to radio programs about community events helps us __________.
    • a) play more
    • b) sleep
    • c) learn about our community
    • d) eat better
  8. Picking up litter is a way to __________ the environment.
    • a) destroy
    • b) ignore
    • c) keep clean
    • d) play in
  9. Participating in community activities helps us __________.
    • a) hide
    • b) ignore
    • c) sleep
    • d) be part of the community
  10. Respecting public spaces means not __________ them.
    • a) breaking
    • b) cleaning
    • c) using
    • d) visiting

Section B: Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. Helping with chores at home is a way to practice __________ education.
  2. We should always speak __________ to our family members.
  3. Taking care of our toys and clothes shows that we are __________.
  4. Setting the table for meals is an example of __________ at home.
  5. Watching TV shows about our community helps us __________.
  6. Stories in the media can show us examples of __________ and respect.
  7. Picking up litter helps keep our __________ clean.
  8. Helping an elderly neighbor with their groceries shows __________.
  9. Learning about different cultures helps us __________ others.
  10. Respecting public property means we should not __________ it.

Section C: Short Answer Questions

  1. What is one way you can help at home?
  2. Why is it important to respect others?
  3. Name one thing you can learn from watching TV.
  4. How can you help keep your community clean?
  5. Why should we learn about different cultures?
  6. Give one example of how you can be a good citizen in your community.

Answer Key:

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions

  1. b) citizens
  2. b) civic education
  3. c) kindness
  4. b) rules and laws
  5. a) civic education
  6. b) respect
  7. c) learn about our community
  8. c) keep clean
  9. d) be part of the community
  10. a) breaking

Section B: Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. civic
  2. kindly
  3. responsible
  4. helping
  5. learn
  6. kindness
  7. community
  8. respect
  9. respect
  10. break

Section C: Short Answer Questions

  1. One way I can help at home is by cleaning my room.
  2. It is important to respect others because it shows kindness and helps us get along.
  3. From watching TV, I can learn about my community and new things.
  4. I can help keep my community clean by picking up litter.
  5. We should learn about different cultures to understand and respect other people.
  6. I can be a good citizen in my community by participating in clean-up events.
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