First Term Examination History Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Lagos State Primary 1 – First Term Examination

Subject: History

Class: Primary 1
Term: First Term
Week: 12
Age: 6 years
Duration: 1 hour

Examination Instructions:

  • Read each question carefully before answering.
  • Write your answers clearly and legibly.
  • Ensure you answer all questions.
  • You have 1 hour to complete the examination.

Examination Questions:

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Why do we study History?
    • a) To forget the past
    • b) To understand our roots
    • c) To ignore our culture
    • d) To avoid learning
  2. Who is known as the Father of Modern History?
    • a) Plato
    • b) Herodotus
    • c) Aristotle
    • d) Socrates
  3. What is the record of past events and people in a family called?
    • a) School History
    • b) Family History
    • c) Local History
    • d) National History
  4. What is the significance of the Governor’s Office in Lagos?
    • a) Cultural performances
    • b) Transportation history
    • c) State governance and administration
    • d) Wildlife preservation
  5. What does the National Theatre host in Lagos?
    • a) Cultural and artistic performances
    • b) Legislative activities
    • c) Environmental preservation
    • d) Local governance
  6. What is the primary purpose of studying History?
    • a) To memorize dates
    • b) To learn from past events
    • c) To predict the future
    • d) To entertain ourselves
  7. Which of the following is a type of family?
    • a) School
    • b) Nuclear
    • c) Company
    • d) Stadium
  8. The First Storey Building in Nigeria is located in which city?
    • a) Abuja
    • b) Lagos
    • c) Ibadan
    • d) Kano
  9. What does Family History refer to?
    • a) Stories about friends
    • b) Record of past events in a family
    • c) History of a nation
    • d) Study of plants
  10. Which of the following places is known for its recreational and cultural significance in Lagos?
    • a) Tafawa Balewa Square
    • b) Bar Beach
    • c) Local Government Headquarters
    • d) Governor’s Office

Section B: Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. _______________ is the study of past events.
  2. _______________ is a historical architecture from the colonial period.
  3. A family that includes parents and children is called a _______________ family.
  4. The _______________ is known for environmental and wildlife preservation in Lagos.
  5. Tafawa Balewa Square is used for _______________ and historical events in Lagos.

Section C: True or False Questions

  1. True or False: Herodotus is known as the Father of Modern History.
  2. True or False: The Governor’s Office is the seat of state governance and administration in Lagos.
  3. True or False: The Local Government Headquarters is significant for transportation history.
  4. True or False: The National Theatre hosts only legislative activities.
  5. True or False: Family History refers to the study of animals.

Section D: Matching Questions

Match the following:

  1. ___________ – Study of past events
  2. ___________ – Father of Modern History
  3. ___________ – Record of past events in a family
  4. ___________ – Significant for cultural and artistic performances
  5. ___________ – Used for national celebrations and historical events

a) Family History
b) Herodotus
c) History
d) National Theatre
e) Tafawa Balewa Square

Section E: Short Answer Questions

  1. Explain why studying History is important.
  2. Describe the significance of the First Storey Building in Nigeria.
  3. What activities take place at the Local Government Headquarters?
  4. How does the National Theatre contribute to the cultural life of Lagos?
  5. Why is it essential to preserve Family History?

Examination Conclusion:

  • Ensure all your answers are written clearly and legibly.
  • Review your answers before submitting your examination paper.
  • You may begin your examination now.

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