Skin Infections and Diseases, Prevention and Care of Skin Infections Home Economics Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Subject: Home Economics
Class: Primary 3
Term: Second Term
Week: Week 5
Topic: Skin Care: Understanding Skin Infections and Diseases
Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should be able to name basic hygiene practices and identify different body parts.

Key Words: Skin care, infections, diseases, prevention.

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Identify common skin infections and diseases.
  2. Explain methods for preventing skin infections.
  3. Understand the importance of proper skin care.

Embedded Core Skills: Observation, communication, hygiene practices.

Learning Materials:

  • Pictures showing skin infections.
  • Examples of soap, lotion, sunscreen.
  • Reference books: Lagos State Scheme of Work, Computer Studies Textbook Book 3.


Skin Infections and Diseases:

  1. Acne: Pimples and blackheads that appear on the face, often during teenage years. 😞
    • Example: Sarah had acne on her face, so she washed it regularly to keep it clean.
  2. Eczema: A skin condition that causes red, itchy patches on the skin. 🤒
    • Example: Timmy had eczema on his arms, so he used lotion to soothe the itching.
  3. Ringworm: A fungal infection that causes red, circular patches on the skin. 🦠
    • Example: Maya’s ringworm cleared up after using antifungal cream.

Prevention and Care of Skin Infections:

  1. Wash regularly: Keeping the skin clean helps prevent infections like acne. 🧼
  2. Moisturize: Using lotion keeps the skin hydrated and helps prevent dryness and eczema. 💧
  3. Avoid sharing personal items: Not sharing towels or clothes can prevent the spread of infections like ringworm. 🚫
  4. Protect from the sun: Using sunscreen helps prevent sunburn and protects the skin from damage. ☀️
  5. Healthy diet: Eating fruits and vegetables helps keep the skin healthy and less prone to infections. 🍎🥦

Pupils Centred Discussion :

  1. What is acne?
    • Acne is when pimples and blackheads appear on the face, especially during teenage years.
  2. What is eczema?
    • Eczema is a skin condition that causes red, itchy patches on the skin.
  3. What causes ringworm?
    • Ringworm is caused by a fungal infection and appears as red, circular patches on the skin.
  4. How can we prevent acne?
    • We can prevent acne by washing our face regularly to keep it clean.
  5. What helps soothe eczema?
    • Using lotion helps soothe eczema and reduces itching.
  6. Can ringworm spread to others?
    • Yes, ringworm can spread to others if we share towels or clothes.
  7. Why is it important to protect our skin from the sun?
    • It’s important to protect our skin from the sun to prevent sunburn and skin damage.
  8. What foods help keep our skin healthy?
    • Eating fruits and vegetables helps keep our skin healthy and less prone to infections.
  9. How can we avoid sharing personal items to prevent skin infections?
    • We can avoid sharing towels or clothes to prevent the spread of infections like ringworm.
  10. Why is it important to moisturize our skin?
    • Moisturizing our skin keeps it hydrated and helps prevent dryness and eczema

Evaluation :

  1. What is the red, itchy skin condition called ________? a) Acne b) Eczema c) Ringworm d) Sunburn
  2. Acne causes pimples and blackheads to appear on the ________. a) Arms b) Face c) Legs d) Stomach
  3. Ringworm is caused by a ________ infection. a) Bacterial b) Fungal c) Viral d) Parasitic
  4. How can we prevent acne? By washing our face ________. a) Regularly b) Once a week c) Once a month d) Never
  5. What helps soothe eczema and reduces itching? ________. a) Lotion b) Soap c) Shampoo d) Toothpaste
  6. Ringworm can spread to others if we share ________. a) Towels or clothes b) Toys c) Books d) Food
  7. Why is it important to protect our skin from the sun? To prevent ________. a) Rain b) Sunburn c) Cold d) Wind
  8. Eating fruits and vegetables helps keep our skin ________. a) Dirty b) Healthy c) Itchy d) Red
  9. How can we avoid sharing personal items to prevent skin infections? By not sharing ________. a) Towels or clothes b) Toys c) Books d) Food
  10. What does moisturizing our skin help prevent? ________ and eczema. a) Dryness b) Sunburn c) Itching d) Swelling
  11. Acne commonly appears on the ________. a) Face b) Hands c) Feet d) Back
  12. Ringworm appears as ________ patches on the skin. a) Red, circular b) Blue, square c) Yellow, triangular d) Green, rectangular
  13. Eczema causes ________ patches on the skin. a) Red, itchy b) Green, smooth c) Blue, bumpy d) Yellow, dry
  14. What helps protect our skin from the sun’s harmful rays? ________. a) Sunscreen b) Soap c) Toothpaste d) Shampoo
  15. What can we use to soothe itching caused by eczema? ________. a) Lotion b) Toothpaste c) Shampoo d) Juice

Presentation :

  1. Revision:
  2. Introduction of New Topic:
    • The teacher introduces the new topic by displaying pictures showing different skin infections and diseases.
    • The teacher explains that today’s lesson is about understanding skin infections and how to prevent them.
  3. Teacher’s Activities:
    • The teacher explains common skin infections like acne, eczema, and ringworm using simple language and examples.
    • The teacher discusses methods for preventing skin infections, such as washing regularly and using sunscreen.
    • The teacher emphasizes the importance of proper skin care for overall health and well-being.
  4. Learners Activities:
    • Students observe the pictures and identify different skin infections and diseases.
    • Students participate in discussions and ask questions if they don’t understand.
    • Students practice proper hygiene practices by pretending to wash their face and apply lotion.


  • The teacher assesses students’ understanding by asking questions during the lesson.
  • The teacher observes students’ participation and engagement.
  • The teacher evaluates students’ ability to identify skin infections and explain prevention methods.


  1. What is acne?
  2. How can we prevent acne?
  3. What is eczema?
  4. How can we soothe itching caused by eczema?
  5. What is ringworm?
  6. How does ringworm spread?
  7. Why is it important to protect our skin from the sun?
  8. What helps protect our skin from the sun’s harmful rays?
  9. How can we prevent skin infections?
  10. Why is proper skin care important?


  • The teacher goes round to mark students’ understanding and addresses any misconceptions.
  • The teacher emphasizes the importance of practicing good skin care habits and maintaining personal hygiene.

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