Forms of Greeting and the Importance of Greeting Social Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes

Lesson Plan Presentation

Subject: Social Studies

Class: Primary 2

Term: 2

Week: 2

Topic: Forms of Greeting and the Importance of Greeting


  1. Forms of Greeting
  2. The Importance of Greeting

Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should be able to recall the previous lesson on “Family and Community.”

Key Words: Greeting, Kneeling, Prostrating, Shaking of hands, Clenching of fist, Tolerance, Neighborliness, Courtesy, Friendliness.

Behavioral Objectives:

  • Identify various forms of greeting.
  • Explain the importance of greeting in promoting tolerance, neighborliness, courtesy, and friendliness.

Embedded Core Skills: Communication, Social Interaction, Critical Thinking.

Learning Materials:

  • Chart with images depicting different forms of greeting.
  • Flashcards with key words.
  • Whiteboard and markers.


Forms of Greetings 

Today, we’ll learn about different ways we greet each other. Listen carefully:

  1. Kneeling: Some people greet by bending their knees.
  2. Prostrating: Others show respect by lying down flat on the ground briefly.
  3. Shaking of hands: We meet friends by holding their hands and moving them up and down.
  4. Clenching of fist: Sometimes, we greet with a strong, friendly fist bump.

Remember, friends, there are many ways to say hello!


  1. When we greet by bending our knees, it’s called _______. a) Hugging b) Kneeling c) Jumping d) Dancing
  2. To show respect by lying down briefly, we are _______. a) Prostrating b) Laughing c) Running d) Singing
  3. Meeting friends often involves the friendly _______ of hands. a) Clapping b) Shaking c) Waving d) Hugging
  4. Greeting with a strong, friendly fist bump is called _______. a) Kicking b) Punching c) Slapping d) Clenching of fist
  5. When we hold hands and move them up and down, it’s called _______. a) Squeezing b) Shaking of hands c) Pointing d) Patting
  6. _______ is a way of saying hello by bending our knees. a) Hugging b) Waving c) Kneeling d) Nodding
  7. Showing respect by lying down briefly is known as _______. a) Sleeping b) Prostrating c) Sitting d) Standing
  8. The friendly _______ involves holding hands and moving them. a) Hugging b) Shaking of hands c) Waving d) Pointing
  9. Greeting with a strong, friendly _______ is like a special hand bump. a) Fist bump b) High-five c) Handshake d) Clenching of fist
  10. Saying hello by holding hands and moving them up and down is called _______. a) Squeezing b) Shaking of hands c) Patting d) Clapping
  11. When we show respect by lying down briefly, we are _______. a) Jumping b) Prostrating c) Dancing d) Running
  12. The friendly _______ involves a special hand bump. a) Hugging b) Fist bump c) High-five d) Shaking of hands
  13. _______ is a way of greeting by moving hands up and down. a) Waving b) Pointing c) Clenching of fist d) Kneeling
  14. When we greet by bending our knees, it’s called _______. a) Jumping b) Kneeling c) Dancing d) Nodding
  15. Saying hello by holding hands and moving them is called _______. a) Squeezing b) Shaking of hands c) Clapping d) Patting

Importance of Greetings

  1. Promotes Tolerance: Greeting helps us understand and respect people who may be different from us.
  2. Promotes Good Neighborliness: Saying hello makes our neighbors feel welcome and friendly.
  3. Shows Good Courtesy: Greeting means being polite and showing good manners, which is very important.
  4. Promotes Friendliness: When we greet each other, it makes everyone feel happy and friendly.

So, remember, saying hello is a great way to be kind, friendly, and make the world a happier place!


  1. Greeting helps us understand and respect people who may be different, promoting _______. a) Happiness b) Tolerance c) Excitement d) Laziness
  2. Saying hello to our neighbors makes them feel welcome and promotes _______. a) Loneliness b) Good Neighborliness c) Shyness d) Sleepiness
  3. Showing good manners and being polite is known as displaying _______. a) Rudeness b) Respect c) Tolerance d) Disrespect
  4. When we greet each other, it makes everyone feel happy and _______. a) Sad b) Unfriendly c) Friendliness d) Angry
  5. Greeting is important because it promotes understanding and _______. a) Confusion b) Ignorance c) Tolerance d) Frustration
  6. Saying hello to our friends and neighbors creates a feeling of warmth and _______. a) Coldness b) Unfriendliness c) Happiness d) Loneliness
  7. Greeting promotes good _______ by making others feel welcome. a) Rudeness b) Neighborliness c) Shyness d) Arrogance
  8. Showing kindness and friendliness by saying hello is a way to promote _______. a) Anger b) Unhappiness c) Friendliness d) Sadness
  9. Greeting helps us build good _______ with our neighbors. a) Enemies b) Tolerance c) Relationships d) Loneliness
  10. Saying hello to people around us creates an atmosphere of warmth and _______. a) Happiness b) Unfriendliness c) Coldness d) Boredom
  11. Greeting is a way to show good _______ by being polite and kind. a) Laziness b) Manners c) Rudeness d) Arrogance
  12. When we greet, it makes others feel included and encourages a sense of _______. a) Isolation b) Loneliness c) Friendliness d) Hostility
  13. Greeting promotes understanding and helps reduce _______ among people. a) Confusion b) Ignorance c) Frustration d) Happiness
  14. Saying hello to our neighbors builds a sense of community and promotes good _______. a) Neighborliness b) Rudeness c) Isolation d) Disrespect
  15. Greeting is important because it creates an atmosphere of kindness and _______. a) Unfriendliness b) Coldness c) Friendliness d) Boredom


Step 1 (Revision): The teacher revises the previous topic on “Family and Community” by engaging students in a quick discussion about the roles of families and communities.

Step 2 (Introduction of New Topic): The teacher introduces the new topic, “Forms of Greeting,” by displaying images and using flashcards to explain various ways people greet each other.

Step 3 (Teacher’s Activities):

  • Discuss the importance of greeting.
  • Relate each form of greeting to cultural practices.
  • Encourage students to share their experiences with different greetings.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in the discussion about different forms of greeting.
  • Share personal experiences related to greetings.
  • Ask questions and seek clarification.

Assessment: Observation of students’ participation in the discussion and their ability to identify and explain forms of greeting.


  1. What are the four forms of greeting discussed today?
  2. Can you describe how prostrating is done?
  3. Why is shaking of hands a common way to greet?
  4. How does greeting promote tolerance?
  5. Give an example of a cultural variation in greeting.
  6. What is the importance of being courteous when greeting?
  7. Explain how greeting promotes friendliness.
  8. Why is it important to greet our neighbors?
  9. What are the key words related to today’s lesson?
  10. How would you greet someone from a different culture?


The teacher goes around to mark and provide feedback on students’ understanding of both “Forms of Greeting” and “The Importance of Greeting.” Encourage students to practice different forms of greeting in their daily interactions.

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