Second Term Revision and Readiness Test Social Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1

Subject: Social Studies

Class: Primary 2


Answer all the questions



  1. …………………………… the people ways of life.


  1. ………………………………….is the study of man and his environment.


  1. A group of people related by blood, marriage of or adoption is called ……………..


  1. Mention the two types of culture.






  1. Culture distinguishes man from …………………………………………………………………..


  1. List out two elements of culture.


…………………………………………………     …………………………………………………………


  1. When we eat together we promote …………………………………………………………….


  1. What is food? ……………………………………………………………………………………………




  1. ………………………………………………………..…..people eat Tuwo Shinkafa


  1. State one reason why we eat together. ……………………………………………………


  1. Who is the head of the family? ………………………………………………………………..


  1. Oha soup is common among the …………………………………………………………….






  1. List two things found in our environment that are non-living things.


………………………………………….      …………………………………………………..


  1. Food makes us to ………………………………………………………………………………….


  1. An example of liquid food is ……………………………………………………………………



Second Term Revision and Readiness Test Social Studies Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1




Social Studies – Primary 2 – Answers Explanation

  1. ________________ is the people’s ways of life.
    • Answer Explanation: Culture is the people’s ways of life. It includes how they dress, what they eat, and their traditions.
  2. ________________ is the study of man and his environment.
    • Answer Explanation: Geography is the study of man and his environment. It involves understanding the Earth and its features.
  3. A group of people related by blood, marriage, or adoption is called ______________.
    • Answer Explanation: A family is a group of people related by blood, marriage, or adoption. It includes parents, children, and sometimes grandparents.
  4. Mention the two types of culture.
    • Answer Explanation: The two types of culture are material culture (things people use, such as clothes and tools) and non-material culture (beliefs, customs, and traditions).
  5. Culture distinguishes man from ______________.
    • Answer Explanation: Culture distinguishes man from animals. Animals do not have the complex ways of life that humans do.
  6. List out two elements of culture.
    • Answer Explanation: Language and clothing are two elements of culture. Language helps people communicate, and clothing reflects their traditions.
  7. When we eat together we promote ______________.
    • Answer Explanation: When we eat together, we promote unity and togetherness. It strengthens family bonds and relationships.
  8. What is food?
    • Answer Explanation: Food is what we eat to nourish our bodies and provide energy. Examples include rice, fruits, and vegetables.
  9. ________________ people eat Tuwo Shinkafa.
    • Answer Explanation: Hausa people eat Tuwo Shinkafa. It is a popular dish in their culture.
  10. State one reason why we eat together.
    • Answer Explanation: We eat together to strengthen family bonds, share experiences, and enjoy each other’s company.
  11. Who is the head of the family?
    • Answer Explanation: The head of the family is usually the father. He is responsible for making decisions and providing for the family.
  12. Oha soup is common among the ______________.
    • Answer Explanation: Oha soup is common among the Igbo people. It is a traditional dish in their culture.
  13. List two things found in our environment that are non-living things.
    • Answer Explanation: Rocks and rivers are two non-living things found in our environment.
  14. Food makes us ______________.
    • Answer Explanation: Food makes us healthy and gives us the energy to do daily activities.
  15. An example of liquid food is ______________.
    • Answer Explanation: An example of liquid food is soup. Soup is a type of food that is in a liquid form.



  1. ________________ is the study of man and his environment.
    • a) Biology
    • b) Geography
    • c) History
    • d) Mathematics
  2. A group of people related by blood, marriage, or adoption is called ______________.
    • a) School
    • b) Church
    • c) Family
    • d) Team
  3. The two types of culture are material culture and ______________ culture.
    • a) Geographical
    • b) Non-material
    • c) Physical
    • d) Modern
  4. Culture distinguishes man from ______________.
    • a) Machines
    • b) Animals
    • c) Nature
    • d) Plants
  5. Language and ______________ are two elements of culture.
    • a) Technology
    • b) Sports
    • c) Clothing
    • d) Entertainment
  6. When we eat together, we promote ______________.
    • a) Loneliness
    • b) Unity
    • c) Competition
    • d) Isolation
  7. Food is what we eat to nourish our bodies and provide ______________.
    • a) Happiness
    • b) Energy
    • c) Knowledge
    • d) Emotions
  8. ________________ people eat Tuwo Shinkafa.
    • a) Yoruba
    • b) Igbo
    • c) Hausa
    • d) Efik
  9. We eat together to strengthen family bonds and ______________.
    • a) Create conflicts
    • b) Share experiences
    • c) Increase expenses
    • d) Isolate individuals
  10. The head of the family is usually the ______________.
    • a) Mother
    • b) Grandparent
    • c) Father
    • d) Elder sibling
  11. Oha soup is common among the ______________.
    • a) Yoruba
    • b) Hausa
    • c) Igbo
    • d) Efik
  12. Rocks and ______________ are two non-living things found in our environment.
    • a) Trees
    • b) Animals
    • c) Rivers
    • d) Birds
  13. Food makes us healthy and gives us the energy to ______________.
    • a) Fly
    • b) Sleep
    • c) Play
    • d) Do daily activities
  14. An example of liquid food is ______________.
    • a) Bread
    • b) Rice
    • c) Soup
    • d) Chicken
  15. ________________ is the people’s ways of life.
    • a) Fashion
    • b) Culture
    • c) Music
    • d) Language
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