Revision Islamic Religious Studies (IRS) Primary 5 Week 11 First Term Lesson Notes / Plans 

Class: Primary 5

Subject: Islamic Religious Studies

Topic: Revision – Suratul-Luqman Qur’an 31 v12-15

Sub-topic: Understanding Verses 12-15

Duration: 30 minutes

Instructional Materials:

  • Qur’an
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Visual aids or pictures related to Suratul-Luqman
  • Flashcards with key terms

Entry Behaviour: Ask students to recall what they learned about Suratul-Luqman in the previous lesson. Discuss as a class.

Behavioral Objectives:

  • Students will understand the meaning of verses 12-15 of Suratul-Luqman.
  • Students will identify key lessons from the verses.
  • Students will be able to relate the teachings to their daily lives.

Previous Lesson: Recap the previous lesson on the introduction to Suratul-Luqman, highlighting key themes and characters.


  1. Verses 12-15: Read and explain Suratul-Luqman Qur’an 31 v12-15, emphasizing the lessons imparted by Luqman to his son.

In Suratul-Luqman Qur’an 31 verses 12-15, Luqman, a wise man, imparts valuable lessons to his son. These verses highlight essential guidance for living a righteous and meaningful life.

Verse 12: Luqman advises his son to avoid associating partners with Allah. The lesson here is about the importance of monotheism and the rejection of polytheism. It underscores the central tenet of Islamic faith – the oneness of Allah.

Verse 13: Luqman advises his son to be kind and respectful to his parents. This verse emphasizes the significance of treating parents with love, care, and respect. It reinforces the Islamic value of honoring and obeying parents.

Verse 14: Luqman advises his son to be mindful of gratitude toward Allah. The lesson here is about recognizing and appreciating the blessings bestowed by Allah. Gratitude is encouraged as a means of strengthening one’s faith and connection with Allah.

Verse 15: Luqman advises his son to establish regular prayers. This verse underscores the importance of salah (prayer) in the life of a Muslim. It serves as a reminder of the spiritual connection with Allah and the discipline of maintaining regular prayers.

In summary, Suratul-Luqman verses 12-15 impart crucial lessons on monotheism, respect for parents, gratitude to Allah, and the significance of regular prayers. These teachings aim to guide individuals towards a righteous and fulfilling life in accordance with Islamic principles.


1. Luqman advised his son to avoid associating partners with Allah. This emphasizes the importance of __________.
a. friendship
b. polytheism
c. solitude
d. honesty

2. In verse 13, Luqman advises his son to be kind and respectful to his __________.
a. neighbors
b. friends
c. parents
d. siblings

3. The significance of treating parents with love and respect is highlighted in the rejection of __________.
a. gratitude
b. polytheism
c. honesty
d. disobedience

4. Luqman advises his son to be mindful of __________ toward Allah in verse 14.
a. anger
b. gratitude
c. sadness
d. fear

5. The importance of recognizing and appreciating Allah’s blessings is emphasized through the concept of __________.
a. honesty
b. humility
c. gratitude
d. arrogance

6. In verse 15, Luqman advises his son to establish __________ prayers.
a. irregular
b. occasional
c. regular
d. spontaneous

7. The lesson of __________ is encouraged as a means of strengthening faith.
a. humility
b. arrogance
c. gratitude
d. anger

8. Luqman’s advice in verse 12 focuses on the rejection of __________.
a. monotheism
b. gratitude
c. polytheism
d. honesty

9. The verse emphasizing the importance of treating parents with love and respect is __________.
a. 12
b. 13
c. 14
d. 15

10. Luqman advises his son to avoid associating __________ with Allah.
a. idols
b. partners
c. siblings
d. neighbors

11. The lesson of regular prayers is highlighted in verse __________.
a. 12
b. 13
c. 14
d. 15

12. Luqman’s teachings aim to guide individuals toward a righteous and fulfilling life in accordance with __________ principles.
a. Christian
b. Buddhist
c. Hindu
d. Islamic

13. The rejection of polytheism emphasizes the central tenet of Islamic faith – the __________ of Allah.
a. oneness
b. duality
c. multiplicity
d. unity

14. Gratitude is encouraged as a means of strengthening one’s faith and connection with __________.
a. parents
b. friends
c. Allah
d. society

15. The rejection of polytheism underscores the importance of __________ in Islam.
a. humility
b. honesty
c. gratitude
d. monotheism


  1. Step 1 – Introduction: Start with a brief recitation from Suratul-Luqman. Ask students if they remember the characters and themes from the previous lesson.
  2. Step 2 – Main Lesson: Present verses 12-15, breaking down the meaning of each verse in simple terms. Use visual aids to aid understanding.
  3. Step 3 – Reflection: Encourage students to reflect on the lessons from Luqman’s advice to his son. Discuss how these teachings can be applied in their lives.


  • Ask questions related to the meaning of the verses.
  • Have a discussion on the practical application of the lessons in daily life.


  • Summarize the key points of verses 12-15.
  • Emphasize the importance of applying the teachings of Suratul-Luqman in their behavior and interactions.


  • Assign a short reflection task: Ask students to write a paragraph about how they can apply the lessons from Suratul-Luqman in their daily lives.


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