Revision and Recap of First Term Agricultural Science Concepts Agricultural Science Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Lesson Plan Presentation: Revision in Agricultural Science

Subject: Agricultural Science

Class: Primary 5

Term: First Term

Week: 11

Topic: Revision

Sub-topic: Recap of First Term Agricultural Science Concepts

Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students are expected to recall previously learned concepts related to crops, soils, and basic agricultural practices.

Key Words:

  • Crops
  • Soils
  • Agriculture
  • Harvesting
  • Planting
  • Fertilizers
  • Pest control
  • Irrigation
  • Crop rotation
  • Photosynthesis

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Recall and define key agricultural science terms.
  2. Explain the basic processes of planting, harvesting, and crop rotation.
  3. Identify the importance of soil in agriculture.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Memory recall
  • Conceptual understanding
  • Vocabulary building
  • Critical thinking

Learning Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Visual aids (pictures of crops, soil samples)
  • Agricultural science textbooks
  • Simple charts and diagrams


  1. Recap of key agricultural science terms.
  2. Discussion on planting, harvesting, and crop rotation.
  3. Importance of soil in agriculture


Recall and Define Key Agricultural Science Terms:

  1. Agriculture: The practice of cultivating the soil, growing crops, and raising livestock for food and other products.
  2. Crops: Plants cultivated for food, feed, fiber, or other useful products.
  3. Planting: The process of placing seeds or seedlings in the soil to grow into mature plants.
  4. Harvesting: The act of gathering mature crops or cutting them for consumption or further processing.
  5. Crop Rotation: A farming practice where different crops are planted in the same area in sequential seasons to improve soil health and reduce pests.
  6. Fertilizers: Substances added to the soil to enhance its fertility and provide essential nutrients to plants.
  7. Pest Control: Managing and preventing the infestation of pests that can damage crops.
  8. Irrigation: The artificial application of water to the soil to assist in the growth of crops.
  9. Photosynthesis: The process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods with the help of chlorophyll.

Explain the Basic Processes:

  1. Planting:
    • Seeds or seedlings are placed in prepared soil.
    • Adequate water and sunlight are provided for germination.
    • Plants grow through stages – seedling, vegetative, flowering, and maturity.
  2. Harvesting:
    • Mature crops are gathered.
    • Timing is crucial to ensure maximum yield and quality.
    • Different crops may require specific harvesting methods.
  3. Crop Rotation:
    • Different crops are planted in a specific sequence.
    • Helps prevent soil degradation and disease buildup.
    • Improves soil structure and nutrient balance.

Identify the Importance of Soil in Agriculture:

  1. Nutrient Supply:
    • Soil provides essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for plant growth.
  2. Root Support:
    • Soil anchors plants and provides structural support for their roots.
  3. Water Retention:
    • Soil retains water for gradual release to plants, preventing drought stress.
  4. Microbial Activity:
    • Soil hosts beneficial microorganisms that aid in nutrient cycling and plant health.
  5. pH Regulation:
    • Soil pH affects nutrient availability; proper pH is crucial for plant growth.

Understanding these terms and processes is fundamental for successful and sustainable agricultural practices.

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. Agriculture is the practice of cultivating the soil, growing crops, and raising ____________ for food and other products.
    • a. Animals
    • b. Buildings
    • c. Cars
    • d. Computers
  2. ____________ are plants cultivated for food, feed, fiber, or other useful products.
    • a. Vegetables
    • b. Flowers
    • c. Fruits
    • d. Crops
  3. __________ is the process of placing seeds or seedlings in the soil to grow into mature plants.
    • a. Harvesting
    • b. Planting
    • c. Watering
    • d. Cooking
  4. Harvesting involves gathering __________ crops for consumption or further processing.
    • a. Immature
    • b. Mature
    • c. Colorful
    • d. Small
  5. Crop rotation is a farming practice that involves planting different crops in the same area in __________ seasons.
    • a. Sequential
    • b. Random
    • c. Opposite
    • d. Identical
  6. __________ are substances added to the soil to enhance its fertility and provide essential nutrients to plants.
    • a. Seeds
    • b. Fertilizers
    • c. Water
    • d. Sunlight
  7. __________ is the management and prevention of the infestation of pests that can damage crops.
    • a. Planting
    • b. Pest Control
    • c. Harvesting
    • d. Cooking
  8. __________ is the artificial application of water to the soil to assist in the growth of crops.
    • a. Irrigation
    • b. Fertilization
    • c. Planting
    • d. Harvesting
  9. __________ is the process by which green plants use sunlight to synthesize foods.
    • a. Watering
    • b. Photosynthesis
    • c. Harvesting
    • d. Fertilizing
  10. Soil provides essential __________ like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for plant growth.
    • a. Light
    • b. Nutrients
    • c. Heat
    • d. Water
  11. Soil anchors plants and provides structural support for their __________.
    • a. Fruits
    • b. Leaves
    • c. Roots
    • d. Flowers
  12. Soil retains water for gradual release to plants, preventing __________ stress.
    • a. Growth
    • b. Disease
    • c. Drought
    • d. Pests
  13. Soil hosts beneficial __________ that aid in nutrient cycling and plant health.
    • a. Birds
    • b. Insects
    • c. Microorganisms
    • d. Animals
  14. Soil pH affects nutrient availability; proper pH is crucial for __________ growth.
    • a. Animal
    • b. Human
    • c. Plant
    • d. Insect
  15. Understanding key agricultural science terms and processes is essential for successful and sustainable __________ practices.
    • a. Cooking
    • b. Gardening
    • c. Agricultural
    • d. Building



Step 1:

  • Begin with a quick review of terms, asking students to define and provide examples.
  • Display visual aids to trigger memory and discussion.

Step 2:

  • Discuss the basic processes of planting and harvesting, emphasizing the importance of each step.
  • Use diagrams to illustrate crop rotation and its benefits.

Step 3:

  • Engage students in a short activity where they categorize terms related to agriculture.
  • Encourage questions and open discussion.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Facilitate the review of terms.
  • Provide explanations for planting, harvesting, and crop rotation.
  • Encourage student participation and discussions.

Learners Activities:

  • Participate in discussions.
  • Engage in the categorization activity.
  • Ask questions for clarification.


  • Continuous observation during activities.
  • Participation in discussions and activities.
  • Quick quizzes on key terms.

Ten Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is agriculture?
  2. Can you name three crops we discussed this term?
  3. Explain the process of planting a seed.
  4. Why is crop rotation important in farming?
  5. Define the term “harvesting.”
  6. Name two types of fertilizers.
  7. Why is soil important in agriculture?
  8. What is photosynthesis, and how does it benefit plants?
  9. Describe a situation where pest control is necessary in farming.
  10. What have you learned about agriculture this term?

Conclusion on the Topic: In today’s revision, we’ve refreshed our memories on essential agricultural science concepts. Remember, understanding these basics is like having the seeds of knowledge planted in your minds. As we continue our journey, let’s nurture these seeds and watch our understanding of agriculture grow!

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