Making Polite Requests Speech Work English Grammar Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject: English Grammar

Class: Primary 5

Term: First Term

Week: 6

Topic: Meaning and Making Polite Requests, Differences between Polite and Rude Requests

Duration: 45 minutes

Set Induction:

  • Start the lesson by asking students if they’ve ever asked for something using nice words like “please” and “thank you.” Share a simple example of a polite request.

Previous Knowledge:

  • Students should have a basic understanding of requests and manners.

Entry Behavior:

  • Students should enter the class with curiosity and be ready to participate in a speech work activity.

Behavioral Objectives:

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
    1. Define what a polite request is.
    2. Identify key polite words used in requests.
    3. Differentiate between polite and rude requests.
    4. Practice making polite requests.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Communication
  • Manners and Etiquette
  • Critical Thinking

Learning Materials:

  • Examples of polite and rude requests.
  • Whiteboard and markers.
  • List of polite words for requests.
  • Role-play scenarios.

Teaching Methods:

  • Interactive teaching.
  • Group discussions.
  • Role-play activities.


What are polite requests? 

Polite requests are nice and friendly ways to ask for things or help from others. They use words like “please” and show respect for the person you’re asking. It’s important for good manners and getting along with people.

They are expressions or phrases used in a courteous and respectful manner to ask someone for something or to make a request. They are a way of seeking assistance, favors, or permission while showing consideration for the other person’s feelings and maintaining a polite and friendly tone. Polite requests often include words like “please” and are typically framed in a way that acknowledges the other person’s willingness to help or accommodate the request. These requests are important in promoting good manners and effective communication in various social and professional situations.

When to make polite request 

  1. Asking a friend to share their toys.
  2. Requesting the teacher’s help with a difficult task.
  3. Asking for permission to go to the restroom.
  4. Requesting more information from the librarian.
  5. Asking a family member for help with homework.
  6. Seeking permission to leave the classroom.
  7. Requesting a turn during a game or activity.
  8. Asking for an extra piece of paper from the teacher.
  9. Requesting a classmate’s assistance in a group project.
  10. Seeking help from a sibling with chores.
  11. Politely asking for a snack or drink at home.
  12. Requesting a school lunch option from the cafeteria.
  13. Politely asking for a classmate’s notes.
  14. Requesting a turn on the swing at the playground.
  15. Asking for help from a coach or mentor in sports or activities.

Differences between polite requests and rude requests:

  1. Tone:
    • Polite requests use a friendly and respectful tone.
    • Rude requests use a demanding or disrespectful tone.
  2. Words:
    • Polite requests include words like “please” and “thank you.”
    • Rude requests may lack these polite words.
  3. Respect:
    • Polite requests show respect for the other person’s feelings.
    • Rude requests can be disrespectful or inconsiderate.
  4. Manners:
    • Polite requests are a sign of good manners.
    • Rude requests are often seen as impolite or ill-mannered.
  5. Reception:
    • Polite requests are more likely to be well-received.
    • Rude requests can lead to conflicts or negative reactions.
  6. Effectiveness:
    • Polite requests are more effective in getting cooperation.
    • Rude requests may not be as successful in achieving the desired outcome.


  1. Introduce the topic by explaining what a polite request is.
  2. Display examples of polite and rude requests.
  3. Discuss the importance of using polite words in requests.

Step 1:

  • Discuss and define the key words for making polite requests, such as “please” and “thank you.”
  • Encourage students to practice using these words.

Step 2:

  • Conduct a group activity where students differentiate between polite and rude requests.
  • Use role-play scenarios to practice making polite requests.

Step 3:

  • Encourage students to share their experiences of making polite requests and how it made them feel.
  • Discuss the benefits of using polite language.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Facilitate discussions.
  • Display examples.
  • Help with role-play scenarios.
  • Correct and guide students.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen and participate in discussions.
  • Practice making polite requests.
  • Engage in role-play activities.
  • Share their experiences.


Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. Making __________ requests shows good manners and respect. a) respectful b) polite c) rude d) funny
  2. To ask for something nicely, we use __________ words like “please” and “thank you.” a) friendly b) polite c) rude d) loud
  3. When making a request, it’s important to consider the other person’s __________. a) feelings b) age c) name d) color
  4. Rude requests may sound __________ and demanding. a) quiet b) polite c) noisy d) rude
  5. Using polite words in requests can make people more __________ to help. a) unwilling b) polite c) happy d) nervous
  6. When we ask for something politely, we are showing __________. a) respect b) anger c) rudeness d) sadness
  7. Polite requests can lead to __________ and cooperation. a) conflicts b) laughter c) happiness d) success
  8. A polite request often starts with the word __________. a) “I want” b) “please” c) “never” d) “stop”
  9. Rude requests can be seen as __________ or ill-mannered. a) friendly b) polite c) disrespectful d) colorful
  10. Making __________ requests is a sign of good manners. a) funny b) polite c) rude d) sad
  11. When someone makes a polite request, it’s more likely to be well-__________. a) considered b) loud c) received d) angry
  12. Polite requests can lead to __________ reactions from others. a) negative b) positive c) confusing d) colorful
  13. Rude requests may not be as effective in __________ the desired outcome. a) discussing b) achieving c) ignoring d) hearing
  14. When we use polite words, we show __________ for others. a) understanding b) respect c) rudeness d) confusion
  15. Polite requests use a friendly and __________ tone. a) disrespectful b) noisy c) demanding d) respectful

Theory Questions:

  1. What does making polite requests show?
  2. Explain why using polite words like “please” and “thank you” is important when making a request.
  3. Why is it important to consider the other person’s feelings when making a request?
  4. Describe the tone of rude requests.
  5. How can polite requests lead to cooperation and positive reactions?


  • Summarize the lesson by emphasizing the importance of being polite in our requests and interactions with others.
  • Encourage students to apply what they’ve learned in their daily communication to build better relationships.
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