Preservation of grains and cereal crops; maize, millet, rice, guinea corn, wheat etc. Agricultural Science Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Agricultural Science Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Subject: Agricultural Science
Class: Primary 6
Term: First Term
Week: 5
Age: 11 years
Topic: Preservation of Grains and Cereal Crops
Sub-topic: Methods of Preserving Maize, Millet, Rice, Guinea Corn, Wheat
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify different grains and cereal crops.
  2. Explain the importance of preserving grains and cereals.
  3. Describe methods of preserving maize, millet, rice, guinea corn, and wheat.

Keywords: Grains, Cereals, Preservation, Storage, Maize, Millet, Rice, Guinea Corn, Wheat.

Set Induction: Start the lesson by showing pupils different types of grains and cereals, asking them to identify each one. Discuss why it is important to keep these grains fresh.

Entry Behaviour: Pupils are familiar with the different types of grains and cereals from previous lessons.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  1. Samples of maize, millet, rice, guinea corn, and wheat.
  2. Visual aids showing different methods of preserving grains and cereals.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge: Pupils have learned about the importance of preserving farm produce and methods of preservation.

Embedded Core Skills: Observation, critical thinking, problem-solving.

Learning Materials: Charts showing methods of preservation, storage containers for grains, and examples of properly preserved grains.

Reference Books: Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary Schools, Agricultural Science Textbooks.

Instructional Materials:

  • Samples of grains and cereals (maize, millet, rice, guinea corn, wheat).
  • Storage containers, charts, and diagrams showing preservation methods.


1. Importance of Preserving Grains and Cereals:

  • To prevent spoilage and wastage.
  • To maintain the quality and nutritional value of the grains.
  • To ensure availability throughout the year.
  • To protect the grains from pests and diseases.
  • To allow for safe storage and transportation.

2. Methods of Preserving Grains and Cereal Crops:

a) Sun Drying:

  • Explanation: Grains and cereals are spread out in the sun to dry. This reduces their moisture content, making them less likely to spoil.
  • Example: After harvesting maize, it is often spread out in the sun to dry before storage.

b) Smoking:

  • Explanation: Grains can be preserved by smoking, which involves exposing them to smoke. This method also helps to drive away pests.
  • Example: Some farmers smoke guinea corn to preserve it for longer storage.

c) Storage in Silos:

  • Explanation: Grains are stored in large containers called silos. These containers protect the grains from pests, moisture, and temperature changes.
  • Example: Wheat is often stored in silos to keep it safe until it is needed.

d) Use of Hermetic Bags:

  • Explanation: Hermetic bags are airtight bags that prevent the entry of air and moisture, keeping the grains fresh and free from pests.
  • Example: Rice can be stored in hermetic bags to preserve its quality.

e) Chemical Treatment:

  • Explanation: Some grains are treated with chemicals to prevent pests and fungi from damaging them during storage.
  • Example: Maize may be treated with pesticides before storage to protect it from insects.


Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. Grains can be preserved by reducing their ______ content.
    a) Nutrient
    b) Moisture
    c) Size
    d) Weight
  2. ______ is a method where grains are dried in the sun.
    a) Smoking
    b) Sun drying
    c) Storage
    d) Treatment
  3. Grains can be protected from pests using ______ bags.
    a) Plastic
    b) Hermetic
    c) Cloth
    d) Paper
  4. ______ is a method that involves exposing grains to smoke.
    a) Sun drying
    b) Smoking
    c) Storage
    d) Hermetic
  5. Large containers used to store grains are called ______.
    a) Bags
    b) Sacks
    c) Silos
    d) Boxes
  6. Grains stored in ______ bags are kept free from air and moisture.
    a) Cloth
    b) Plastic
    c) Paper
    d) Hermetic
  7. ______ treatment is used to prevent pests and fungi from damaging grains.
    a) Chemical
    b) Physical
    c) Thermal
    d) Natural
  8. ______ are examples of cereal crops.
    a) Beans
    b) Wheat
    c) Tomatoes
    d) Pepper
  9. ______ drying reduces the moisture content in grains.
    a) Sun
    b) Rain
    c) Wind
    d) Water
  10. Grains are stored in ______ to protect them from pests.
    a) Pits
    b) Silos
    c) Bins
    d) Bags
  11. ______ can be smoked to preserve it for longer storage.
    a) Maize
    b) Guinea corn
    c) Rice
    d) Wheat
  12. ______ helps to maintain the quality of grains.
    a) Preservation
    b) Harvesting
    c) Washing
    d) Planting
  13. ______ is often used to keep grains fresh until needed.
    a) Water
    b) Smoke
    c) Sunlight
    d) Silos
  14. ______ can be treated with chemicals before storage to protect it.
    a) Pepper
    b) Beans
    c) Maize
    d) Yam
  15. Storing grains in ______ bags prevents the entry of air.
    a) Hermetic
    b) Plastic
    c) Cloth
    d) Paper

Class Activity Discussion:

  1. Why is it important to preserve grains and cereals?
    Answer: To prevent spoilage, maintain quality, and ensure availability.
  2. Name one method of preserving maize.
    Answer: Sun drying.
  3. How does smoking help in preserving grains?
    Answer: It drives away pests and helps the grains last longer.
  4. What is a silo used for?
    Answer: It is a large container used to store grains and protect them from pests and moisture.
  5. What are hermetic bags, and how do they help in grain preservation?
    Answer: Hermetic bags are airtight bags that prevent moisture and air from entering, keeping grains fresh.
  6. Why might some grains be treated with chemicals before storage?
    Answer: To protect them from pests and fungi.
  7. Which method would you use to preserve rice, and why?
    Answer: Use hermetic bags to keep rice fresh and free from pests.
  8. What happens if grains are not properly preserved?
    Answer: They may spoil, lose quality, or be damaged by pests.
  9. What is the benefit of sun drying grains?
    Answer: It reduces moisture, making the grains less likely to spoil.
  10. Can all grains be smoked for preservation? Why or why not?
    Answer: No, not all grains are suitable for smoking; some may not respond well to this method.
  11. What kind of bag would you use to store maize for a long period?
    Answer: Hermetic bags.
  12. How do silos help in the preservation of grains?
    Answer: They protect the grains from environmental factors and pests.
  13. Why should grains be stored in a dry place?
    Answer: To prevent moisture from causing spoilage.
  14. What is the main purpose of preserving grains?
    Answer: To keep them fresh and safe for consumption.
  15. What are some examples of grains that need preservation?
    Answer: Maize, millet, rice, guinea corn, wheat.


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, which was “Factors That May Hinder Preservation of Farm Produce.”

Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic by showing samples of different grains and cereals, and discussing the importance of preserving them.

Step 3: The teacher allows pupils to share their ideas on how grains can be preserved. The teacher then explains various methods used to preserve grains and cereals.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Discuss and explain different methods of preserving grains and cereals.
  • Use visual aids and samples to demonstrate how each method works.
  • Encourage pupils to participate in the discussion and ask questions.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in identifying grains and cereals.
  • Observe the methods of preservation demonstrated by the teacher.
  • Take notes on how to preserve different types of grains.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. Why is it important to preserve grains?
  2. Name one method of preserving millet.
  3. How does sun drying help in grain preservation?
  4. What is the purpose of using silos in grain storage?
  5. How do hermetic bags prevent spoilage of grains?
  6. Why might farmers choose to smoke certain grains?
  7. What is the role of chemical treatment in grain preservation?
  8. Can rice be stored in hermetic bags? Why?
  9. What happens if grains are stored in a damp place?
  10. Name two grains that can be preserved using sun drying.

Conclusion: The teacher goes around to mark pupils’ work and provides feedback, ensuring that they understand the methods of preserving grains and cereals.