Third Term Examination Primary 5 Security Education

Subject: Security Education

Class: Primary 5

Term: Third Term

Type: Lesson Notes

Week: Week 12

Topic: Primary 5 Security Education Third Term Examinations



  1. What is the punishment for rape? a. Community service b. Life imprisonment c. Fine d. Warning
  2. What is the punishment for cultism? a. Reward b. Imprisonment c. Public holiday d. Scholarship
  3. Who should you report incidents of rape or cultism to? a. Your friends b. Your teacher c. The police or school officials d. Nobody
  4. According to the Nigerian Child’s Rights Law, a child is anyone who is under the age of _______. a. 16 years old b. 17 years old c. 18 years old d. 19 years old
  5. The law is meant to protect the rights of all children in Nigeria, regardless of their _______. a. Gender b. Ethnicity c. Religion d. All of the above
  6. Some of the rights protected under the law include the right to education, healthcare, and protection from _______. a. Abuse and exploitation b. Hunger and poverty c. Diseases and illnesses d. Natural disasters
  7. The Child’s Rights Law in Lagos State is designed to protect the rights of _______ in Lagos State. a. Adults b. Children c. Both adults and children d. None of the above
  8. The law is meant to ensure that children are protected from _______. a. Fun and excitement b. Abuse, exploitation, neglect, and other forms of violence c. Boredom and loneliness d. Wealth and prosperity
  9. The Child’s Rights Law in Lagos State covers a wide range of issues, including child labor, child trafficking, and _______. a. Child marriage b. Child divorce c. Child adoption d. Child custody
  10. What is Advanced Fee Fraud? a. A type of scam where fraudsters promise a large sum of money in exchange for a small fee. b. A type of police force that investigates financial crimes. c. A type of security system used in banks. d. A type of computer virus that steals personal information.
  11. How do fraudsters often target individuals? a. Through email, social media, or phone calls. b. By knocking on their doors and asking for money. c. By sending them free gifts in the mail. d. By posting flyers on the street.
  12. What personal information do fraudsters often ask for? a. Bank account details. b. Favorite color. c. Favorite food. d. Favorite TV show.
  13. What can happen to victims of Advanced Fee Fraud? a. They may lose a large sum of money. b. They may win a large sum of money. c. They may become famous. d. They may get a free trip to another country
  14. Social injustice refers to ______ treatment of people in a society based on factors such as race, gender, religion, or social class. a. fair b. unfair c. equal d. just
  15. Examples of social injustice include unequal access to ______. a. sports equipment b. transportation c. education d. toys
  16. Discrimination, prejudice, and inequality are all forms of ______. a. social justice b. social media c. social inequality d. social injustice
  17. Social injustice affects only those who are directly impacted by it. True or False?
  18. What is one way we can address social injustice? a. Ignore it and hope it goes away. b. Complain about it to friends and family. c. Take action by volunteering, donating, or advocating for change. d. Blame others for the problem
  19. What can we do to address social injustice? a. Ignore it and hope it goes away. b. Complain about it to friends and family. c. Take action by volunteering, donating, or advocating for change. d. Pretend it doesn’t exist.
  20. To prevent robbery, it is important to always be aware of your surroundings and avoid ________ situations. a. Fun b. Risky c. Easy d. Happy
  21. Do not walk alone in dark and isolated areas, especially at ________. a. Sunrise b. Night c. Noon d. Dusk
  22. Avoid carrying large amounts of cash or valuable items in ________. a. Plain sight b. Your hand c. Your pocket d. Your backpack
  23. If you see suspicious activity, report it to the ________ immediately. a. Authorities b. Friends c. Parents d. Teacher
  24. Installing security systems such as alarms and CCTV cameras can help to prevent ________. a. Theft b. Fire c. Earthquakes d. Happiness
  25. Keep doors and windows locked at all times, and install ________ for added security. a. Cameras b. Mirrors c. Deadbolts d. Paintings
  26. Do not leave valuables such as laptops or smartphones in ________ in your car. a. Plain sight b. The trunk c. Your pocket d. The back seat
  27. What is one common cause of rape? a. A lack of respect for others’ boundaries and personal space b. A love for violence c. A need for attention d. None of the above
  28. What social and cultural norms can perpetuate the idea that men are entitled to sex? a. The belief that men are superior to women b. The idea that women are objects to be used c. Both a and b d. None of the above
  29. Can a history of abuse or trauma influence someone’s decision to rape? a. Yes b. No c. Sometimes d. None of the above
  30. It’s important to stay ___________ and provide accurate information when reporting emergencies. a) calm b) angry c) sad d) happy


Part B


  1. Who is considered a child under the Nigerian Child’s Rights Law?
  2. What are some of the rights protected under the Nigerian Child’s Rights Law?
  3. What is the Child’s Rights Law in Lagos State?
  4. What are the punishments for cyber threats?
  5. What is the punishment for cultism?
  6. Why is it important to feel empathy towards others
  7. Define social injustice and give three examples of it.
  8. Define what cultism is in your own words
  9. Mention two causes of Cultism
  10. List two ways of preventing cultism