Subject : Security Education
Class : Primary 4
Term : Third Term
Type : Lesson Notes
Week : Week 4
Topic : List of Lagos State Emergency Phone Numbers (cont)
Previous Lesson
Behavioural Objectives :
Learning objectives:
- Identify the emergency phone numbers in Lagos State
- Understand the functions of LASTMA in Lagos State
- Compare and contrast the functions of the Nigeria Police and LASTMA
Embedded Core Skills
Embedded Core Skills:
- Critical thinking
- Communication
- Problem-solving
- Collaboration
Learning Resource
Learning materials:
- Handout on Lagos State Emergency Phone Numbers
- Handout on Functions of LASTMA
- Chart paper and markers
- Pictures of Lagos roads, LASTMA officials, and police officers
List of Lagos State Emergency Phone Numbers (cont)
1. Lagos State Emergency Number – 112: This is the primary emergency number in Lagos state that you can call for any type of emergency.
2. Lagos State Security Trust Fund – 767 or 112: This number connects you to the Lagos State Security Trust Fund, which can provide support in the event of a security emergency.
3. Lagos State Fire Service – 767 or 112: This number connects you to the Lagos State Fire Service, which can provide assistance in case of fire emergencies.
4. Lagos State Ambulance Service – 767 or 112: This number connects you to the Lagos State Ambulance Service, which can provide medical assistance in the event of a medical emergency.
5. Lagos State Rapid Response Squad – 112: This number connects you to the Lagos State Rapid Response Squad, which can provide support in case of security or other emergencies.
6. Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA) – 0802 222 3486: This number connects you to LASTMA, which can provide assistance in case of traffic accidents or road emergencies.
7. Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team – 112 or 0813 796 0048: This number connects you to the Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team, which can provide support in case of domestic or sexual violence emergencies.
It’s important to remember that these numbers are for emergencies only. Please use them responsibly and only when necessary.
1. What is the primary emergency number in Lagos State?
a) 112
b) 767
c) 999
d) 911
2. Which emergency service can you call in case of a fire emergency in Lagos State?
a) Lagos State Emergency Number – 112
b) Lagos State Security Trust Fund – 767
c) Lagos State Fire Service – 767 or 112
d) Lagos State Ambulance Service – 767 or 112
3. What number connects you to the Lagos State Ambulance Service?
a) 112
b) 767
c) 999
d) 911
4. Which emergency service can provide support in case of security or other emergencies in Lagos State?
a) Lagos State Fire Service – 767 or 112
b) Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team – 112 or 0813 796 0048
c) Lagos State Rapid Response Squad – 112
d) Lagos State Security Trust Fund – 767 or 112
5. What is the emergency number for Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA)?
a) 0802 222 3486
b) 112
c) 767
d) 999
6. Which emergency service can provide assistance in case of domestic or sexual violence emergencies in Lagos State?
a) Lagos State Rapid Response Squad – 112
b) Lagos State Security Trust Fund – 767 or 112
c) Lagos State Fire Service – 767 or 112
d) Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team – 112 or 0813 796 0048
7. What is the number to connect you to the Lagos State Security Trust Fund?
a) 112
b) 767
c) 999
d) 911
8. What is the emergency number for the Lagos State Rapid Response Squad?
a) 112
b) 767
c) 999
d) 911
9. Which emergency service can provide medical assistance in the event of a medical emergency in Lagos State?
a) Lagos State Ambulance Service – 767 or 112
b) Lagos State Security Trust Fund – 767 or 112
c) Lagos State Fire Service – 767 or 112
d) Lagos State Rapid Response Squad – 112
10. What is the number to connect you to the Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team?
a) 767 or 112
b) 999
c) 911
d) 112 or 0813 796 0048
Functions of LASTMA
1. Traffic control: LASTMA is responsible for controlling traffic on Lagos roads. They ensure the smooth flow of traffic and manage traffic congestion.
2. Enforcement of traffic laws: LASTMA enforces traffic laws to ensure that road users obey traffic rules and regulations. They are authorized to arrest and prosecute traffic offenders.
3. Public safety: LASTMA ensures the safety of the public by controlling traffic at intersections, pedestrian crossings, and other areas to prevent accidents.
4. Road maintenance: LASTMA is responsible for road maintenance and ensuring that the roads are in good condition for safe driving.
5. Traffic management: LASTMA manages traffic during special events, road constructions, and emergencies. They ensure that traffic is diverted safely and efficiently to minimize disruptions.
6. Education and awareness: LASTMA educates the public on traffic rules and regulations through road safety campaigns, seminars, and other initiatives.
7. Collaboration with other agencies: LASTMA collaborates with other agencies such as the police, fire service, and ambulance service to ensure effective traffic management and emergency response.
Overall, LASTMA plays a vital role in ensuring safety and order on Lagos roads.
1. What is LASTMA responsible for controlling on Lagos roads?
a) Pedestrian crossings
b) Road maintenance
c) Traffic congestion
d) Fire outbreaks
2. What is LASTMA authorized to do with traffic offenders?
a) Ignore them
b) Give them a warning
c) Arrest and prosecute them
d) Call their parents
3. What does LASTMA do to ensure public safety?
a) Enforce traffic laws
b) Control traffic at intersections
c) Divert traffic during emergencies
d) All of the above
4. What is LASTMA responsible for in terms of road maintenance?
a) Building new roads
b) Painting road markings
c) Ensuring roads are in good condition
d) None of the above
5. When does LASTMA manage traffic during special events?
a) During regular rush hour traffic
b) At night
c) During holidays and festivals
d) Never
6. What does LASTMA do to educate the public on traffic rules and regulations?
a) Hold street parties
b) Host music concerts
c) Conduct road safety campaigns and seminars
d) None of the above
7. Who does LASTMA collaborate with to ensure effective traffic management and emergency response?
a) The fire service
b) The ambulance service
c) The police
d) All of the above
8. What is LASTMA responsible for during emergencies?
a) Closing roads
b) Diverting traffic safely and efficiently
c) Arresting traffic offenders
d) None of the above
9. What is LASTMA’s role in managing traffic during road construction?
a) Providing construction materials
b) Managing traffic flow around construction sites
c) Designing the road construction plan
d) None of the above
10. What is LASTMA’s primary responsibility?
a) Providing ambulance services
b) Ensuring public safety on Lagos roads
c) Controlling fires
d) Providing security for Lagos residents
Comparison of the functions of the Nigeria Police and LASTMA
Functions of the Nigeria Police:
1. Crime prevention and detection: The Nigeria Police are responsible for preventing and detecting crime in Nigeria.
2. Maintenance of law and order: The Nigeria Police maintain law and order by enforcing laws and regulations in Nigeria.
3. Protection of life and property: The Nigeria Police protect the lives and property of citizens and residents in Nigeria.
4. Emergency response: The Nigeria Police respond to emergencies such as armed robberies, accidents, and other incidents.
Functions of LASTMA:
1. Traffic control: LASTMA is responsible for controlling traffic on Lagos roads. They ensure the smooth flow of traffic and manage traffic congestion.
2. Enforcement of traffic laws: LASTMA enforces traffic laws to ensure that road users obey traffic rules and regulations. They are authorized to arrest and prosecute traffic offenders.
3. Public safety: LASTMA ensures the safety of the public by controlling traffic at intersections, pedestrian crossings, and other areas to prevent accidents.
4. Road maintenance: LASTMA is responsible for road maintenance and ensuring that the roads are in good condition for safe driving.
5. Traffic management: LASTMA manages traffic during special events, road constructions, and emergencies. They ensure that traffic is diverted safely and efficiently to minimize disruptions.
6. Education and awareness: LASTMA educates the public on traffic rules and regulations through road safety campaigns, seminars, and other initiatives.
From these comparisons, we can see that while the Nigeria Police and LASTMA have some similarities in their functions, their primary responsibilities are different. The Nigeria Police are responsible for maintaining law and order and preventing crime, while LASTMA is responsible for traffic control, enforcement of traffic laws, and ensuring public safety on Lagos roads.
1. What is the primary responsibility of the Nigeria Police?
a) Maintaining road safety
b) Preventing and detecting crime
c) Managing traffic flow
d) None of the above
2. What is the primary responsibility of LASTMA?
a) Preventing and detecting crime
b) Maintaining law and order
c) Controlling traffic on Lagos roads
d) None of the above
3. What do the Nigeria Police do to protect the lives and property of citizens and residents in Nigeria?
a) Enforce traffic laws
b) Respond to emergencies
c) Conduct road safety campaigns
d) None of the above
4. What do LASTMA do to ensure public safety?
a) Enforce traffic laws
b) Respond to emergencies
c) Control traffic at intersections and pedestrian crossings
d) None of the above
5. What do the Nigeria Police do to enforce laws and regulations in Nigeria?
a) Control traffic on Lagos roads
b) Manage road construction
c) Maintain law and order
d) None of the above
6. What is LASTMA responsible for during road maintenance?
a) Building new roads
b) Painting road markings
c) Ensuring roads are in good condition for safe driving
d) None of the above
7. What is the Nigeria Police’s role in emergency response?
a) Responding to emergencies such as armed robberies and accidents
b) Managing traffic during emergencies
c) Conducting safety campaigns
d) None of the above
8. What is LASTMA’s role in managing traffic during special events?
a) Providing security for the event
b) Enforcing traffic laws
c) Diverting traffic safely and efficiently
d) None of the above
9. What is the Nigeria Police’s primary responsibility in terms of crime prevention?
a) Educating the public on crime prevention
b) Detecting and preventing crime
c) Providing emergency response services
d) None of the above
10. What is LASTMA’s primary responsibility in terms of traffic control?
a) Ensuring smooth flow of traffic and managing congestion
b) Providing security for Lagos residents
c) Conducting road safety campaigns
d) None of the above
Lesson Plan Presentation
Presentation: Introduction (5 minutes)
- Greet the students and introduce the lesson topic
- Explain the importance of knowing emergency phone numbers and the functions of LASTMA in Lagos State
Body (35 minutes)
- Lagos State Emergency Phone Numbers (10 minutes)
- Distribute the handout on Lagos State Emergency Phone Numbers
- Explain each emergency phone number and its purpose
- Ask students to repeat each phone number after you and discuss examples of when to use each number
- Functions of LASTMA (15 minutes)
- Distribute the handout on Functions of LASTMA
- Explain each function of LASTMA and show pictures to illustrate
- Ask students to work in pairs to create a chart on the functions of LASTMA and present to the class
- Compare and contrast the functions of the Nigeria Police and LASTMA (10 minutes)
- Use chart paper to create a Venn diagram and write the functions of the Nigeria Police on one side and the functions of LASTMA on the other
- Ask students to work in pairs to fill in the Venn diagram and identify similarities and differences between the two agencies
- Discuss the similarities and differences as a class
Conclusion (5 minutes)
- Summarize the key points of the lesson
- Review the emergency phone numbers and functions of LASTMA
- Encourage students to share the emergency phone numbers with their families and friends
Teacher’s activities:
- Prepare handouts and materials for the lesson
- Facilitate class discussion and activities
- Provide feedback to students during the activities
- Encourage student participation and critical thinking
Learners activities:
- Listen actively during the presentation
- Participate in class discussion and activities
- Work in pairs to create a chart on the functions of LASTMA
- Fill in the Venn diagram and identify similarities and differences between the Nigeria Police and LASTMA
- Repeat emergency phone numbers after the teacher
Review :
The lesson focuses on the emergency phone numbers in Lagos State and the functions of LASTMA. Students will learn the importance of knowing emergency phone numbers and how to use them in case of an emergency. They will also learn about the functions of LASTMA in controlling traffic, enforcing traffic laws, and ensuring public safety on Lagos roads. Lastly, they will compare and contrast the functions of the Nigeria Police and LASTMA. [mediator_tech]
- Monitor student participation and understanding during the class discussion and activities
- Review student-created charts and provide feedback
- Assess student understanding of the lesson through a written quiz or oral quiz
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the lesson in achieving the learning objectives
- Solicit feedback from students on the lesson content and presentation
- Identify areas for improvement and make necessary changes for future lessons
Weekly Assessment /Test
Sure! Here are twenty fill-in-the-blank questions on the topics we have discussed so far: Lagos State Emergency Phone Numbers and Functions of LASTMA.
1. What is the primary emergency number in Lagos State?
a) 112
b) 767
c) 999
d) 911
2. Which emergency service can you call in case of a fire emergency in Lagos State?
a) Lagos State Emergency Number – 112
b) Lagos State Security Trust Fund – 767
c) Lagos State Fire Service – 767 or 112
d) Lagos State Ambulance Service – 767 or 112
3. What number connects you to the Lagos State Ambulance Service?
a) 112
b) 767
c) 999
d) 911
4. What is the emergency number for Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA)?
a) 0802 222 3486
b) 112
c) 767
d) 999
5. What is LASTMA responsible for controlling on Lagos roads?
a) Pedestrian crossings
b) Road maintenance
c) Traffic congestion
d) Fire outbreaks
6. What do the Nigeria Police do to protect the lives and property of citizens and residents in Nigeria?
a) Enforce traffic laws
b) Respond to emergencies
c) Conduct road safety campaigns
d) None of the above
7. What is the primary responsibility of LASTMA?
a) Preventing and detecting crime
b) Controlling traffic on Lagos roads
c) Maintaining law and order
d) None of the above
8. What is LASTMA’s role in managing traffic during special events?
a) Providing security for the event
b) Enforcing traffic laws
c) Diverting traffic safely and efficiently
d) None of the above
9. What do LASTMA do to ensure public safety?
a) Enforce traffic laws
b) Respond to emergencies
c) Control traffic at intersections and pedestrian crossings
d) None of the above
10. What is the emergency number for the Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team?
a) 767 or 112
b) 999
c) 911
d) 112 or 0813 796 0048
11. What is LASTMA responsible for during road maintenance?
a) Building new roads
b) Painting road markings
c) Ensuring roads are in good condition for safe driving
d) None of the above
12. What is the primary responsibility of the Nigeria Police?
a) Maintaining road safety
b) Preventing and detecting crime
c) Managing traffic flow
d) None of the above
13. What is the number to connect you to the Lagos State Security Trust Fund?
a) 112
b) 767
c) 999
d) 911
14. What is LASTMA’s role in managing traffic during emergencies?
a) Enforcing traffic laws
b) Providing medical assistance
c) Diverting traffic safely and efficiently
d) None of the above
15. What do the Nigeria Police do to enforce laws and regulations in Nigeria?
a) Control traffic on Lagos roads
b) Manage road construction
c) Maintain law and order
d) None of the above
16. What is the emergency number for the Lagos State Emergency Number?
a) 112
b) 767
c) 999
d) 911
17. What is LASTMA’s primary responsibility in terms of traffic control?
a) Ensuring smooth flow of traffic and managing congestion
b) Providing security for Lagos residents
c) Conducting road safety campaigns
d) None of the above
18. What is the emergency number to call in case of an emergency involving marine accidents in Lagos State?
a) 767
b) 112
c) 999
d) 911
19. What is the role of LASTMA during road constructions in Lagos State?
a) Providing construction materials
b) Managing traffic flow around construction sites
c) Designing the road construction plan
d) None of the above
20. Which agency is responsible for preventing and detecting crime in Nigeria?
a) Lagos State Emergency Management Agency
b) Lagos State Traffic Management Authority
c) Nigeria Police
d) Lagos St ate Fire Service