Reasons why we should build our Nation, Nigeria 



Class : Primary 4
Reasons why we should build our Nation, Nigeria 


Term : Second Term
Week : Week  9
Previous Lesson :
Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson , pupils should be able to
  • Identify the reasons why
    we should build our Nation
  • Discuss why we should
    build our nation e.g.

    • For peaceful co-
    • For common use of
    • To benefit from one
    • To unite against exits
      and aggression
    • To provide a
      framework for social
  • Justify why we need to
    build our nation




Learning Activities 

  • Pupils in pairs identify
    the reasons why we should build our Nation
  • Pupils as a class
    brainstorm on the
    reasons why we should build our nations
  • Pupils in small groups debate and justify reasons why we need to build our nations


Embedded Core Skills 

  • Critical thinking
    problem solving
  • Creativity and
  • Communication
  • Leadership and
  • Citizenship

Instructional materials :

  • Picture charts
    showing why we should build our nations
  • A physical map of Nigeria
  • Newspaper, Magazines
  • Textbooks



Reference Materials :

  • Textbooks on Civic Education book 4
  • Workbook on Civic Education
  • Lagos State Scheme of Work on civic Education
  • Online links , materials and webpages that are related to this topic




Content Development 

Reasons why we should build our Nation, Nigeria 

Nigeria is a great country with a lot of potentials, but to fully realize our potential as a nation, we need to work together to build and develop our country. Here are some reasons why we should build our nation:

  1. To create a better future: By building our nation, we can create a better future for ourselves, our families, and our communities. When we have good schools, hospitals, and infrastructure, we can live healthier, safer, and more prosperous lives.
  2. To promote unity: Nigeria is a diverse country with people from many different ethnic groups and religions. Building our nation can help promote unity and understanding among all Nigerians, regardless of our differences.
  3. To attract investors: When we build our nation and make it a better place to live, work, and do business, we can attract more investors to our country. This can create more job opportunities and boost the economy.
  4. To preserve our culture: Nigeria has a rich cultural heritage that we should be proud of and work to preserve. By building our nation, we can promote our cultural values and traditions, and pass them down to future generations.

Here are some examples of how we can build our nation:

  1. Planting trees and cleaning up our environment to make Nigeria more beautiful and healthier.
  2. Working hard in school and getting a good education to help develop our skills and knowledge.
  3. Being kind and respectful to others, regardless of our differences.
  4. Supporting local businesses and entrepreneurs by buying their products and services.

Building our nation is a collective effort, and every Nigerian has a role to play in making our country a better place. Let’s work together to build a brighter future for Nigeria!

Further Reading 

  1. The Federal Government of Nigeria –
  2. The World Bank –
  3. Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission –
  4. National Orientation Agency –
  5. Nigeria Leadership Initiative –
  6. Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation –
  7. The Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority –


  1. Why is it important to build Nigeria as a nation? A) To create a better future B) To promote division among Nigerians C) To attract fewer investors to our country
  2. How can building Nigeria promote unity? A) By encouraging people to embrace their differences B) By ignoring cultural values and traditions C) By encouraging segregation among different ethnic groups
  3. What impact can building Nigeria have on the economy? A) It can attract more investors and create more job opportunities B) It can discourage investors from investing in our country C) It can create more corruption in the government
  4. What is the significance of preserving Nigeria’s culture? A) It helps to promote cultural values and traditions B) It leads to the abandonment of cultural values and traditions C) It creates divisions among different ethnic groups in Nigeria
  5. How can individuals contribute to building Nigeria as a nation? A) By being kind and respectful to others B) By promoting segregation among different ethnic groups C) By ignoring local businesses and entrepreneurs
  6. What is the role of education in building Nigeria? A) It helps to develop our skills and knowledge B) It creates divisions among different ethnic groups C) It discourages individuals from contributing to the growth of the country
  7. What is the impact of a better future in Nigeria? A) It promotes healthier, safer, and more prosperous lives for Nigerians B) It leads to more corruption in the government C) It promotes divisions among different ethnic groups in Nigeria
  8. How can planting trees and cleaning up the environment contribute to building Nigeria? A) It makes Nigeria more beautiful and healthier B) It creates more pollution in the environment C) It leads to the abandonment of cultural values and traditions
  9. What is the impact of supporting local businesses and entrepreneurs? A) It creates more job opportunities and boosts the economy B) It discourages investors from investing in our country C) It creates more divisions among different ethnic groups in Nigeria
  10. Why should we be proud of our cultural heritage as Nigerians? A) To promote and preserve our cultural values and traditions B) To ignore our cultural values and traditions C) To create more divisions among different ethnic groups in Nigeria


Why We Should Build Our Nation

  1. For peaceful co-existence: Building our nation helps us to live peacefully with one another. When we work together to build Nigeria, we can understand each other better, appreciate our differences and be tolerant. It will prevent conflicts, violence, and promote peace among different ethnic groups. For example, when we build good roads and infrastructure, people can travel and interact with one another easily.
  2. For common use of resources: Building our nation helps us to use our resources for the common good. Nigeria has many resources like oil, gas, minerals, and farmland that can be used to benefit all Nigerians. By building Nigeria, we can ensure that these resources are managed well and used to benefit everyone in the country. For example, building a dam can generate electricity, which can be used by many people.
  3. To benefit from one another: Building our nation helps us to benefit from one another. When we work together, we can learn from each other’s strengths, and build a stronger and better Nigeria. For example, when we share ideas and knowledge, we can come up with better solutions to problems facing our nation.
  4. To unite against enemies and aggression: Building our nation helps us to stand united against external threats and aggression. When we work together, we can protect our nation from external forces that may try to harm us. For example, by building strong security forces, we can protect Nigeria from terrorism and other external threats.
  5. To provide a framework for social order: Building our nation helps us to have a framework for social order. This means that we can have laws and regulations that everyone must follow to ensure that there is order and justice in Nigeria. For example, building a court system helps to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and that justice is done.

Please note that , building our nation is very important for our peace, unity, and prosperity as Nigerians. We must all work together to ensure that we build a strong, united, and prosperous Nigeria.



  1. Why is it important to build our nation for peaceful co-existence? A) To prevent conflicts and promote peace among different ethnic groups B) To promote segregation among different ethnic groups C) To create more division among different ethnic groups
  2. How can building our nation help to ensure common use of resources? A) By managing resources properly for the benefit of all Nigerians B) By promoting hoarding of resources for individual benefit C) By neglecting the management of resources altogether
  3. What is the significance of building our nation to benefit from one another? A) It helps to learn from each other’s strengths and build a stronger Nigeria B) It promotes segregation among different ethnic groups C) It leads to the abandonment of cultural values and traditions
  4. How can building our nation help us to unite against external threats and aggression? A) By working together to protect Nigeria from external forces B) By ignoring external threats and aggression C) By creating more external threats and aggression
  5. Why is building our nation important to provide a framework for social order? A) To ensure that there are laws and regulations that everyone must follow B) To promote segregation among different ethnic groups C) To create more disorder in the society
  6. What is the impact of building our nation for peaceful co-existence? A) It promotes tolerance, understanding and peaceful living among Nigerians B) It promotes segregation and violence among Nigerians C) It creates more conflicts and violence among Nigerians
  7. How can building our nation ensure common use of resources? A) By managing resources properly for the benefit of all Nigerians B) By promoting individualism and selfishness C) By neglecting the management of resources altogether
  8. How can building our nation help us to benefit from one another? A) By learning from each other’s strengths and building a stronger Nigeria B) By promoting segregation and disunity among Nigerians C) By ignoring the contributions of others and being selfish
  9. What is the impact of building our nation to unite against external threats and aggression? A) It helps to protect Nigeria from external forces B) It creates more external threats and aggression C) It promotes segregation and violence among Nigerians
  10. What is the significance of building our nation to provide a framework for social order? A) To ensure that there are laws and regulations that everyone must follow B) To promote segregation and disunity among Nigerians C) To create more disorder and chaos in the society


Lesson Presentation

Introduction (10 minutes):

  • Begin the lesson by asking the students what they understand by the term “building our nation.”
  • Introduce the topic and explain to the students that building our nation means working together to develop Nigeria and make it a better place for everyone.
  • Show pictures of different places in Nigeria and ask the students what they see in the pictures.

Body (40 minutes):

  • Explain each reason why it is important to build Nigeria as a nation, using examples and visual aids where possible.
  • Use the following reasons: For peaceful co-existence, For common use of resources, To benefit from one another, To unite against external threats and aggression, To provide a framework for social order.
  • Ask questions throughout the lesson to ensure that the students understand each reason.
  • Provide examples of how individuals can contribute to building Nigeria as a nation.

Conclusion (10 minutes):

  • Recap the reasons why it is important to build Nigeria as a nation and ask the students to explain each reason in their own words.
  • Hand out the multiple-choice questions and answers to the students, and ask them to work on it individually.
  • Provide outbound links to relevant websites for further reading and exploration.
  • End the lesson by asking the students to think about how they can contribute to building Nigeria as a nation.


  • Evaluate the students’ understanding of the lesson by collecting and grading their multiple-choice questions and answers.
  • Observe and assess their participation and contributions during the lesson.

Weekly Assessment /Test

  1. Building our nation means working together to develop Nigeria and make it a __________ place for everyone. Answer: better
  2. Nigeria is a great country with a lot of potentials, but to fully realize our potential as a nation, we need to work together to build and __________ our country. Answer: develop
  3. By building our nation, we can create a __________ future for ourselves, our families, and our communities. Answer: better
  4. When we have good schools, hospitals, and infrastructure, we can live __________, __________, and more prosperous lives. Answer: healthier, safer
  5. Building our nation can help promote unity and understanding among all Nigerians, regardless of our __________. Answer: differences
  6. By building our nation and making it a better place to live, work, and do business, we can attract more __________ to our country. Answer: investors
  7. Nigeria has a rich cultural heritage that we should be proud of and work to __________. Answer: preserve
  8. By building our nation, we can promote our __________ values and traditions, and pass them down to future generations. Answer: cultural
  9. Building our nation is a collective effort, and every Nigerian has a __________ to play in making our country a better place. Answer: role
  10. When we work together to build Nigeria, we can understand each other better, appreciate our differences, and promote __________ among different ethnic groups. Answer: peace
  11. What does building our nation mean?
  12. What is the significance of building Nigeria for peaceful co-existence?
  13. How can building Nigeria help to ensure common use of resources?
  14. What is the importance of building Nigeria to benefit from one another?
  15. What is the role of building Nigeria to unite against external threats and aggression?
  16. How can building Nigeria provide a framework for social order?
  17. What is the impact of building Nigeria on the economy?
  18. What are some of the cultural heritage sites that Nigeria has, and why should we preserve them?
  19. What is the significance of preserving Nigeria’s cultural heritage?
  20. How can individuals contribute to building Nigeria as a nation?
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