Safety at home and in school : Primary 4 Second Term Week 11 Physical and Health Education (PHE)







Safety at home and in school

Primary 4 Second Term Week 11 Physical and Health Education (PHE)

Previous Lesson 

Food and Nutrition : Meaning, Importance and effects of Nutritional Deficiency Primary 4 Second Term Week 10 Physical and Health Education (PHE)


Learning Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should
be able to:

  • Define safety
  • State different types of safety measures and in school
  • To teach students about the importance of safety measures at home and in school, and provide them with practical tips and strategies to stay safe in different environments.



Learning Activities

  •  Pupils as a class define safety
  • Pupils in pairs state different safety measures at home and in school
  • Pupils in small groups role play safety measures taken at home and in school



Embedded Core Skills

  • Collaboration and Communication
  • Leadership and Personal Development
  • Critical thinking and Problem solving



Learning Resources

  • Charts
  • Pictures
  • Flash cards
  • Presentation slides or posters on safety measures at home and in school
  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Markers or chalk
  • Textbook with safety tips and guidelines
  • Interactive activities or games related to safety measures



Methods of Teaching 

Select suitable and appropriate teaching methods for your lessons.

Remember to incorporate activities that engage and captivate students, regardless of the teaching method chosen.

Primary 4 Second Term Week 6 Physical and Health Education


Reference Materials

  • Scheme of Work
  • 9 Years Basic Education
  • Curriculum
  • Course Book
  • All Relevant Material
  • Online Information




What is safety? 

Safety can be defined as taking steps to protect ourselves and others from harm or danger. This means being aware of potential dangers in our environment and taking precautions to avoid them. It also means following rules and guidelines that are put in place to keep us safe, such as wearing seat belts in cars, looking both ways before crossing the street, not talking to strangers, and staying away from hazardous objects or substances. Overall, safety is about making responsible choices to keep ourselves and others safe from harm


Safety Measures At Home

  1. Always ask an adult before using any appliances or electrical devices. For example, don’t touch the stove or oven without permission and supervision from an adult.
  2. Keep dangerous items out of reach. For example, don’t play with sharp objects like knives or scissors, and keep medicines and cleaning supplies in a locked cabinet.
  3. Never leave cooking food unattended. If you have to leave the kitchen, turn off the stove or oven first.
  4. Make sure smoke detectors are installed and working properly. Test them regularly and replace the batteries as needed.
  5. Don’t touch electrical sockets or cords with wet hands or while standing on a wet surface.
  6. Keep doors and windows locked, and don’t open them for strangers.
  7. Never play with matches, lighters, or any kind of fire. Also, don’t light candles or use fireworks without adult supervision.
  8. Learn and practice fire safety drills with your family, such as knowing how to escape from your home in case of a fire.
  9. Always wear shoes or slippers to protect your feet from sharp objects or hot surfaces.
  10. If you feel scared or threatened by anything in your home, always tell a trusted adult right away. They will help you stay safe and find a solution.



Safety Measures In Schools

  1. Listen to your teachers and follow their instructions. They are there to keep you safe.
  2. Stay in designated areas during recess and don’t run in the hallways.
  3. Always use the handrails on staircases and walk, don’t run.
  4. Be aware of hazards like wet floors, loose cords or wires, and damaged equipment. Report them to a teacher or staff member right away.
  5. Never touch or play with anything that is dangerous, like broken glass or sharp objects.
  6. Don’t share personal information or photos with strangers, either in person or online.
  7. If you feel sick or unwell, tell your teacher or school nurse right away.
  8. Follow school safety protocols, like lockdown drills or fire drills, and stay calm during emergency situations.
  9. If someone is bullying you or making you feel unsafe, tell a teacher or trusted adult right away.
  10. Always be respectful to your classmates and teachers, and treat others the way you want to be treated



  1. What should you do if you see a wet floor at school? A) Walk on it carefully without telling anyone B) Report it to a teacher or staff member right away C) Ignore it and keep walking as usual
  2. What should you do if you see a stranger at your front door when you’re home alone? A) Open the door and talk to them B) Ignore them and pretend you’re not home C) Don’t open the door and call a trusted adult or the police
  3. When should you wear shoes or slippers at home? A) Only when you’re going outside B) Always, to protect your feet from hazards like sharp objects or hot surfaces C) Only when your parents tell you to
  4. What should you do if you feel sick or unwell at school? A) Keep it to yourself and try to ignore it B) Tell your teacher or school nurse right away C) Wait until you get home to tell your parents
  5. What should you do if you see a fire at school? A) Run outside and try to put out the fire yourself B) Tell a teacher or staff member right away and follow the school’s fire safety protocols C) Ignore it and keep going about your business
  6. What should you do if you’re being bullied at school? A) Ignore it and hope it goes away B) Tell a teacher or trusted adult right away C) Fight back and try to solve the problem on your own
  7. What should you do if you see a broken window at home? A) Tell your parents when they get home B) Clean it up yourself C) Tell a trusted adult right away and stay away from the area
  8. What should you do if you see a stranger at school who isn’t wearing a name tag or badge? A) Ignore them and keep walking B) Talk to them and ask if they’re lost C) Tell a teacher or staff member right away
  9. What should you do if you see someone playing with matches or lighters at home? A) Tell them to stop and take the matches or lighters away B) Ignore it and hope nothing bad happens C) Tell a trusted adult right away
  10. What should you do if you feel scared or threatened by anything at school or home? A) Keep it to yourself and try to handle it on your own B) Tell a trusted adult right away C) Ignore it and hope it goes away on its own



Lesson Presentation

Lesson Plan Title: Safety Measures at Home and in School

The lesson is presented step by step


  • Revise the previous lesson with the young learners
  • Introduce Interactive activities or games related to safety measures


  1. Introduction (5-10 minutes)
  • Greet students and introduce the topic of safety measures at home and in school
  • Ask students what they already know about staying safe at home and in school
  1. Presentation (20-30 minutes)
  • Use presentation slides or posters to discuss different safety measures and guidelines for home and school, such as wearing shoes, staying away from hazardous materials, and following school protocols
  • Provide examples and scenarios to illustrate these concepts and engage students in discussions
  • Emphasize the importance of staying alert and aware of potential dangers in their environment
  1. Interactive Activities (15-20 minutes)
  • Divide students into groups and provide them with handouts or interactive activities related to safety measures
  • For example, students can create a safety checklist for their home or school, or play a game where they identify potential hazards in a given environment
  • Encourage students to work together and share their ideas and strategies for staying safe
  1. Summary and Review (10-15 minutes)
  • Recap the main points of the presentation and activities
  • Ask students to share one or two safety measures they learned and plan to follow at home and in school
  • Provide handouts with safety tips and guidelines for students to take home and share with their families


  • Observe students’ participation and engagement in discussions and activities
  • Assess students’ understanding of safety measures by asking them to explain or demonstrate one or two safety measures they learned
  • Evaluate students’ ability to apply safety measures in different environments by providing scenarios or real-life situations and asking them to identify potential dangers and suggest ways to stay safe.b

Weekly Assessment

  1. Why is it important to wear shoes or slippers at home? A) To keep your feet warm B) To protect your feet from hazards like sharp objects or hot surfaces C) To make your parents happy
  2. What should you do if you see a stranger at your front door when you’re home alone? A) Open the door and talk to them B) Ignore them and pretend you’re not home C) Don’t open the door and call a trusted adult or the police
  3. What should you do if you see a wet floor at school? A) Walk on it carefully without telling anyone B) Report it to a teacher or staff member right away C) Ignore it and keep walking as usual
  4. What should you do if you feel sick or unwell at school? A) Keep it to yourself and try to ignore it B) Tell your teacher or school nurse right away C) Wait until you get home to tell your parents
  5. What should you do if you see a fire at school? A) Run outside and try to put out the fire yourself B) Tell a teacher or staff member right away and follow the school’s fire safety protocols C) Ignore it and keep going about your business
  6. Why is it important to follow school safety protocols? A) To avoid getting in trouble with your teachers B) To stay safe during emergencies like fires or lockdowns C) To show your classmates how responsible you are
  7. What should you do if you see someone playing with matches or lighters at home? A) Tell them to stop and take the matches or lighters away B) Ignore it and hope nothing bad happens C) Tell a trusted adult right away
  8. What should you do if you’re being bullied at school? A) Ignore it and hope it goes away B) Tell a teacher or trusted adult right away C) Fight back and try to solve the problem on your own
  9. Why is it important to be aware of hazards in your environment? A) So you can avoid them and stay safe B) So you can show your parents how responsible you are C) So you can impress your friends with your knowledge
  10. What should you do if you feel scared or threatened by anything at school or home? A) Keep it to yourself and try to handle it on your own B) Tell a trusted adult right away C) Ignore it and hope it goes away on its own

Weekly Test 

  1. To protect your feet from hazards, you should always wear __________ or slippers at home.
  2. If you see a stranger at your front door when you’re home alone, don’t open the door and call a trusted adult or __________.
  3. If you see a wet floor at school, you should report it to a teacher or staff member right away and __________.
  4. If you feel sick or unwell at school, you should tell your teacher or __________ right away.
  5. If you see a fire at school, you should tell a teacher or staff member right away and follow the school’s __________ safety protocols.
  6. Following school safety protocols is important to stay safe during emergencies like __________ or lockdowns.
  7. If you see someone playing with matches or lighters at home, you should tell a trusted adult right away and __________.
  8. If you’re being bullied at school, you should tell a teacher or __________ right away.
  9. To avoid potential hazards in your environment, it’s important to be __________ and aware of your surroundings.
  10. If you feel scared or threatened by anything at school or home, you should tell a trusted adult right away and __________.
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