Reading Comprehension : A passage on an argumentative essay on the topic :  Democratic rule or Military rule, The teacher and the learner, Village or town school 

English Language 




Second Term Lesson Note


Week 3


Primary 6 


Reading Comprehension : A passage on an argumentative essay on the topic :  Democratic rule or Military rule, The teacher and the learner, Village or town school 


Learning Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to 

  1. Read the given passage with the aim of understanding the main content of the passage 
  2. Recognize the key points in these passage 
  3. Answer the questions on the passage 


Entry Behaviour

Pupils have previous knowledge on how to read Comprehension passage



Instructional Materials

  • Audio Visual Resources 
  • Flash cards 
  • Online Dictionary 
  • Recommended English Textbook 
  • Chart 
  • Hard copy dictionary 


Methods of Teaching

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation

Reference Materials 

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum




An argumentative essay is a type of essay that presents an argument or claim and provides evidence to support it. The purpose of an argumentative essay is to persuade the reader to accept the writer’s position on a particular topic or issue.

In an argumentative essay, the writer typically presents a clear and well-reasoned argument in support of their position, and uses evidence and examples to support their argument. They may also consider and address counterarguments, or arguments that challenge their position. The goal is to convince the reader that the writer’s argument is the most valid and compelling among the various options.

Argumentative essays can be written on a wide range of topics, and are commonly used in academic settings as a way to evaluate students’ critical thinking and writing skills. In an argumentative essay, the writer must present a clear, well-supported argument and use evidence to back up their claims. They must also consider and address counterarguments and present a well-reasoned response to them.


Topics on Argumentative Essays 

  1. Should muslim primary school students be required to wear hijabs in public schools to school?
  2. Should schools offer more extracurricular activities, such as sports or music programs?
  3. Should christian primary school students be required to wear christian robes and clothing in public schools to school
  4. Should schools have later start times to allow students to get more sleep?
  5. Should schools have stricter rules to prevent bullying?
  6. Should schools offer more healthy food options in their cafeterias?
  7. Should schools have more technology, such as tablets or laptops, available for students to use?
  8. Should students be allowed to bring their own devices, such as smartphones, to school?
  9. Should schools offer more hands-on, experiential learning opportunities?
  10. Should schools have stricter rules about homework and the amount of time students are expected to spend on it?
  11. Should schools have more recess or physical activity breaks to help students stay healthy and focused?
  12. Is military rule better than democratic rule?
  13. Are teachers more important than farmers?
  14. Is village life better than city life?
  15. Should countries have stricter gun control laws?
  16. Is censorship necessary to protect society?
  17. Should the death penalty be abolished?
  18. Is social media harmful to society?
  19. Should the legal drinking age be raised or lowered?
  20. Is the use of animal testing in cosmetics and other products ethical?

It’s important to note that argumentative essays can be written on a wide range of topics, and it’s important to choose a topic that allows the writer to present a well-reasoned argument and support it with evidence. When writing an argumentative essay, it’s important to consider both sides of the issue and to present a balanced, fair argument.


Key features of an argumentative essays?

  1. A clear and well-defined thesis statement that presents the writer’s argument or claim
  2. Supporting evidence and examples that help to back up the writer’s argument
  3. Consideration and addressing of counterarguments, or arguments that challenge the writer’s position
  4. Use of logical reasoning and sound arguments to support the writer’s position
  5. A conclusion that summarizes the main points of the argument and reiterates the writer’s position
  6. Use of formal language and a formal tone
  7. Proper citation of sources, if applicable
  8. A well-organized structure, with an introduction that introduces the topic and thesis, body paragraphs that present and support the argument, and a conclusion that summarizes the main points and restates the thesis.


Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Military rule, also known as military dictatorship or military government, refers to a form of government where the military wields significant political power and controls the political process. In contrast, democratic rule is a form of government where power is held by the people and exercised through elected representatives.

There are some who argue that military rule can be a more effective form of government than democracy, as the military is often seen as being more efficient and disciplined than a civilian government. Proponents of military rule may argue that it can provide stability and order in times of crisis, such as during times of war or political unrest. They may also argue that military rule can be more effective at implementing necessary reforms, as the military is not subject to the same political pressures as a democratically elected government.

However, others argue that military rule is not a superior form of government to democracy. One of the main arguments against military rule is that it can be oppressive and abusive of human rights. Military governments have a history of suppressing dissent and violating the rights of their citizens, including the right to free speech and the right to a fair trial. Military rule can also be destabilizing in the long term, as it often leads to a lack of political participation and can create a cycle of coups and counter-coups.

Additionally, democratic rule is generally seen as a more legitimate form of government, as it is based on the principle of popular sovereignty and gives all citizens a say in how they are governed. Democracy also has the potential to be more inclusive and responsive to the needs and concerns of the people.

In conclusion, it is difficult to say definitively whether military rule is better than democratic rule. Both forms of government have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the best form of government will depend on the specific context and needs of a given society. However, it is important to recognize the potential risks and drawbacks of military rule, and to strive for forms of government that are based on principles of democracy and respect for human rights.



  1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of military rule? a. The military wields significant political power b. Power is held by the people c. The military is efficient and disciplined d. Military rule is based on popular sovereignty
  2. Which of the following is NOT a potential benefit of military rule? a. It can provide stability and order in times of crisis b. It can be more responsive to the needs of the people c. It can be more effective at implementing necessary reforms d. It is a more legitimate form of government
  3. Which of the following is NOT a potential drawback of military rule? a. It can be oppressive and abusive of human rights b. It can lead to a lack of political participation c. It can create a cycle of coups and counter-coups d. It is based on the principle of popular sovereignty
  4. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of democratic rule? a. Power is held by the people b. It is based on popular sovereignty c. It can be more inclusive and responsive to the needs of the people d. It is a more efficient form of government
  5. Which of the following is NOT a potential benefit of democratic rule? a. It gives all citizens a say in how they are governed b. It is more effective at implementing necessary reforms c. It can provide stability and order in times of crisis d. It is a more legitimate form of government
  6. Which of the following is NOT a potential drawback of democratic rule? a. It can be slow and inefficient b. It can be prone to corruption c. It can be oppressive and abusive of human rights d. It can lead to a lack of political participation
  7. Military rule is typically seen as a more efficient form of government than democracy because: a. It is not subject to the same political pressures as a democratically elected government b. It is based on the principle of popular sovereignty c. It gives all citizens a say in how they are governed d. It can be more responsive to the needs of the people
  8. Military rule is typically seen as a more legitimate form of government than democracy because: a. It is based on the principle of popular sovereignty b. It gives all citizens a say in how they are governed c. It can be more responsive to the needs of the people d. It is not subject to the same political pressures as a democratically elected government
  9. One potential advantage of military rule is that it can provide stability and order in times of crisis. a. True b. False
  10. One potential disadvantage of military rule is that it can lead to a lack of political participation. a. True b. False



  1. d
  2. b
  3. d
  4. b
  5. c
  6. c
  7. a
  8. a
  9. True
  10. True


The lesson presentation is done step by step. The class teacher or subject teacher does the following

  1. Begin by introducing the topic and explaining what military rule and democratic rule are. You could provide examples of countries that have military rule and countries that have democratic rule, and explain the key differences between the two forms of government.
  2. Ask students to brainstorm a list of pros and cons of military rule and democratic rule. Encourage them to think about how each form of government might impact things like stability, human rights, and the ability to make necessary reforms.
  3. Divide the class into small groups and have each group research and present on one form of government (either military rule or democratic rule). Encourage students to use reliable sources and to consider both the advantages and disadvantages of each form of government.
  4. After each group has presented, facilitate a class discussion on the topic. Encourage students to ask questions and share their thoughts and opinions.
  5. To wrap up the lesson, have students write an argumentative essay on the topic of military rule vs. democratic rule. Encourage them to use the information they have learned to present a well-reasoned argument in support of one form of government over the other.

Throughout the lesson, be sure to emphasize the importance of considering both sides of the issue and presenting a balanced, fair argument. You may also want to review basic essay writing skills, such as the importance of a clear thesis statement, the use of evidence and examples to support an argument, and the proper citation of sources.





In conclusion, the debate over whether military rule or democratic rule is the superior form of government is a complex one, with valid arguments on both sides. Military rule can provide stability and order in times of crisis and can be more effective at implementing necessary reforms, but it also has a history of being oppressive and abusive of human rights. On the other hand, democratic rule is generally seen as a more legitimate form of government, as it is based on the principle of popular sovereignty and gives all citizens a say in how they are governed. However, democracy can also be slow and inefficient and is prone to corruption.

Ultimately, the best form of government will depend on the specific context and needs of a given society. While military rule may be necessary in some circumstances, it is important to recognize the potential risks and drawbacks of this form of government and to strive for forms of government that are based on principles of democracy and respect for human rights.

The subject teacher or the class teacher does a brief review of what he or she has just taught the pupils. He ask you questions that are related to the topic to ascertain if the learners have actually assimilated and understood the new topic that has just been taught





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