Subject : Security Education

Class : BASIC 9 / JSS 3

Week 9 and 10

Topic :


Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to

  • Say the meaning of drug contamination and adulteration .
  • Explain the causes of contamination and adulteration of drugs.
  • List out the effects of Drug contamination and adulteration .
  • Discuss how to reduce the effects of Drug contamination and adulteration m.

Previous Knowledge : Learners have prior knowledge of


in their previous class

Content : 



Drug contamination occurs when toxic chemicals mix with original ingredients used in production of a drug or medicine.

such drugs become poison to the body system and most often when taken kill the user.

Drug contamination can occur where the ingredients are procured from unauthorized or unregistered companies, it can also occur where chemicals for production of other drugs mistakenly mix another drug being produced

There could also be contamination where bottles or sachet have Contaminants ,The environment and the process of producing the drug can also make it to be contaminated,

Cases of drug contamination in Nigeria

My pikin baby teething mixture; In November 2008,it was widely reported that a teething baby syrup,my pikin,produced by a pharmaceutical company in lagos killed some babies.

Health officials revealed that a batch of the products contained an industrial solvent and an ingredient in anti-freeze and brake fluid.The report added that the ingredient was obtained from an unregistered chemical dealer,

The pharmaceutical company was eventually shut down by NAFDAC

A similar incident occurred in 1990,when about 109 Nigerian children died after taking a contaminated drug,these two cases are just few out of many that happened in different countries of the world at one time or the other claiming precious lives

Effects of drugs contamination

loss of precious lives

psychological problems for those who lost their loved ones


It is determined by the court based on the gravity of the offence.


Drug adulteration has been described as the practice of substituting original drug partially or wholly with other similar-looking substances,

it can be defined as the intentional mixing of inferior and harmful quality of a substance or chemical with drugs meant for sale,it renders the drugs impure,harmful and injurious for human consumption,

Types of drug adulteration;

substitution by commercial varieties

substitution with inferior drugs

substitution with artificially manufactured substances

substitution with expired drugs

substitution with synthetic materials

substitution with harmful adulterants

Effects of drug Adulteration;

It creates further health problems in the body,

it may lead to death of innocent consumers


It is determined by the court based on the gravity of the offence,


What is drug contamination?

State three effects of drug contamination.

what do you understand by drug adulteration?

List five types of drug adulteration.


State the punishment for drug contamination and adulteration,



Presentation: The topic is presented step by step.

Step 1 : The subject teacher revises the previous topics with the young learners

Step 2 : The instructor introduces the new topic by asking these learners the questions that are related to the topic



Step 3 : The teacher allows the learners to give out their own contributions and he corrects them when the needs arise

Evaluation :

  1. what is domestic violence?
  2. what are the forms of domestic violence?
  3. what is murder?
  4. state the punishment for murder?



The subject teacher goes round to mark and does the necessary corrections. He or she uses the opportunity to reteach the same topic to learners that didn’t quiet get it right the first time.


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