Subject : 

Home Economics



Term :

First Term / 1st Term




Week 2



Class :

JSS 1 / Basic 7



Previous lesson : 

The pupils have previous knowledge of


in their previous classes



Topic :




Behavioural objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  • State the career opportunities in Home Economics and their functions.
  • List the requirements for any Home Economics career
  • Explain the importance of Home Economics


Instructional Materials:

  • Wall charts
  • Pictures of different types of houses
  • Related Online Video
  • Flash Cards

Methods of Teaching:

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation


Reference Materials:

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
  • Workbooks





CONTENT: 1. Home Economics’ career opportunities and Home Economics                         career Requirements.

  1. Importance of Home Economics to the individual, family and nation.

Sub-Topic 1: Home Economics’ career opportunities and Home Economics                         career Requirements.


Home Economics’ career opportunities

The areas where Home Economics helps to develop skills, knowledge and attitude as mentioned earlier and the available careers shall be discussed one by one.

  • Food and Nutrition: this is the study of food types and their nutrients. It covers food processing/preparation, preservation, meal management and serving. Jobs are available for people in food and nutrition, related jobs are Nutrition, Catering, Food Engineering. Food Service, Food technology, Food research, Dietetics, Teaching, Hotel management.   
  • Clothing and Textiles: This covers designing, pattern illustration, beauty care and hair dressing, dressmaking/tailoring, dry cleaning and laundering, modeling, Fashion merchandising, weaving, fabric dyeing, teaching, research.
  • Home Management: this area of Home Economics deals on looking after ourselves, using those things that the family has to obtain the things needed by the family. It is here that proper household budgeting comes in, careers available here are; Teaching, House Keeping, Research, Health Extension Work, Interior decoration/designing, advertising, baby-sitting, child care, social welfare work.
  • Mother Craft and Childs development: this relates to how to look after and feed babies to enable proper and all round development, careers such as; Nursery Nursing, mother crafts are available.
  • Consumer Education: this aspect of Home Economics educates people /consumers on how to make wise decisions when choosing and buying goods and services. Jobs such as Consumerism and Teaching are available.
  • Family living: It teaches people how to maintain good and harmonious relationship in the home within the family.
  • Housing and interior decoration: this area is related to the provision of housing for the family, planning on available space in the house so that furniture and other beautification materials are properly fitted in the house. Many people are now building careers in housing and interior decoration by assisting people to construct furniture and other household decoration and also helping to fix them to taste.


Home Economics Career Requirements.

Every job or career requires training. Certain subjects are required for admission in tertiary institutions to study Home Economics programmes where certificates are awarded to those who are qualified after the training.


S.S.C.E.: at senior secondary school level, students (boys and girls) can obtain credits and distinctions in food and nutrition /clothing and textiles/home management. This can qualify you to enter into home economics related establishment as attendants, semi – skilled workers, waiter/waitress, sales representatives etc.


Entry requirement for admission into any higher institutions of learning to study Home Economics related courses depends largely on the specific schools that are present in Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) brochure, but credits and distinction would definitely be required in home management, clothing and textile or food and nutrition.


Sub Topic IIImportance of Home Economics to the individual, family and nation.

The importance of Home Economics to individuals, families and the society cannot be overemphasized.

Importance of Home Economics to Individuals.

  1. It teaches people how to live a good, healthy and happy life.
  2. It helps women to get prepared for the role of home makers.
  3. It teaches people how to care for themselves and their homes.
  4. It teaches people to be self reliant.
  5. It teaches people various careers in food and nutrition, Home management and clothing and textiles.
  6. It helps people to start their own businesses.
  7. It teaches women how to budget, purchase and make use of their money to obtain the best values.


Importance of Home Economics to Families.

  1. It teaches people how to live happily with each other.
  2. It teaches people how to take care of their family members.
  3. It teaches people to be self – reliant and satisfied through the use of human and material resources available to them.
  4. It teaches people how to use available resources to achieve a healthy family.
  5. It teaches family members on how to get along very well with one another
  6. It educates family members on how to get more income to meet the needs of the family and to build wealth. 


Importance of Home Economics to the Nation. 

  1. It provides employment which helps in reducing poverty in the country.
  2. It equips people with knowledge, skill, habits and right attitudes that will enable them to cope with the problems of health, environmental sanitation and over-crowding in the society.
  3. It helps to improve the health of the nation.

It helps to make food available throughout the year in the country with the help of food preservation methods. 





The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise




The class teacher wraps up or concludes the lesson by giving out a short note to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.

The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written by the pupils.

He or she does the necessary corrections when and where the needs arise.




  1. Explain the meaning of Home Economics.
  2. State ten career opportunities in Home Economics and their functions.
  3. List four requirements for any Home Economics career.
  4. Visit Dressmakers/tailors workshop. Find out the nature of jobs carried out in this establishment. Write a report.
  5. List the major branches / areas of Home Economics.
  6. How many major branches has Home – Economics?
  7. The subject that helps Home Economists to understand the effect of heat in food is called ———.
  8. Physics helps a Home Economist to understand the workings of ———
  9. Explain ways Home Economics is related different subjects.
  10. Explain three importance of Home Economics to each of the following:
    • Individuals
    • Families.
    • Nation





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