
1.) _______ is the act of saying thank you (a) thanksgiving (b) appreciation (c) harvesting

2.) We must say thank you for any gifts we receive (a) True (b) false

3.) It is good to thank God always (a) Yes (b) No

4.) Is it good to say thank you to our parents only (a) True (b) False

5.) _____ is our father in heaven (a) Jesus (b) God

6.) When we obey our leaders we are respecting our ____ (a) Nigeria (b) Nation

7.) Is it good to handle our currency with care (a) true (b) false

8.) We must never disregard our national anthem or ____ (a) colour (b) flag

9.) Polite means to show ___________ (a) discipline (b) respect

10.) Polite request is asking something from someone respectfully (a) true (b) false

11.) Is it good to take permission before making use of other people’s things (a) yes (b) no

12.) When we take other people’s things without them knowing it is called ____

(a) obeying (b) stealing


13.) Is it good to shout when speaking in public (a) yes (b) no

14.) We must learn to respect and behave well in the public (a) true (b) false

15.) Hard work means ____________ (a) strong (b) success

16.) It is good to work very hard at our books (a) true (b) false

17.) When we don’t work hard we end up as _____ (a) successor (b) failures

18.) _______ is part of making our parent happy (a) not helping them (b) helping them

19.) We save our money in a _____ (a) ware house (b) a home (c) bank

20.) We save money against ______ (a) rainy days (b) sunny days (c) cold day



21.) It is not good to keep money at _____ (a) home (b) kitchen (c) school

22.) _____ is a sign of respect (a) greeting (b) hatred (c) rudeness

23.) Children should learn to ______ (a) spend (b) save (c) take money

24.) We must learn to respect and behave well in the ____ (a) public (b) toilet (c) bush

25.) We spend _______ currency in Nigeria (a) Dollar (b) Naira (c) Pounds

26.) We must say _____ when we are given gifts (a) thank you (b) bye-bye (c) see you

27.) It is good to cheat (a) yes (b) no

28.) All cheaters will go to _____ (a) hell (b) heaven

29.) We must not do the right things at all times (a) yes (b) no

30.) We must work at all times (a) true (b) false




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