Social Studies Primary 5 First Term Examination





1.) ____________________ is a group of people that are related by blood, marriage or adoption

(a) clan (b) tribe (c) family

2.) ________________ is the head of the family (a) father (b) mother (c) uncle

3.) __________________ is the helper at home who also takes care of the children

(a) father (b) mother (c) uncle

4.) The brother of your mother or father is your ______________ (a) uncle (b) aunt (c) cousin

5.) ________________ are the male or female kids or young ones in the family

(a) uncle (b) aunt (c) children

6.) The sister of your father or mother is your _____________ (a) cousin (b) aunt (c) uncle

7.) Your _________ are the children of your uncles or aunts (a) siblings (b) cousins (c) nephews

8.) Your _________________ is your sister or brother daughter (a) niece (b) uncle (c) nephew

9.) A son of your sister, brother or that of your brother or sister in-laws is your _____________

(a) niece (b) uncle (c) nephew

10.) ________________ is a way of life (a) culture (b) religion (c) sacrifice

11.) ______________ means that we are one in whatever we do (a) unity (b) diversity (c) action

12.) Killing of twins in the olden days that has been stopped is an example of ______ cultural practice (a) good (b) bad (c) excellent

13.) Culture can be shown in the way we _______________ (a) dress (b) sleep (c) eat

14.) Diversity means _______________ (a) unity (b) difference (c) culture

15.) ___________________ is the study of man and his environment

(a) geography (b) Yoruba (c) social studies

16.) The following are advantages of living together as a family except __________

(a) cooperation (b) protection (c) quarrel

17.) ______________ marriage is done in the church (a) museum (b) Christian (c) traditional

18.) The highest court in Nigeria is ____________ court (a) magistrate (b) supreme (c) sharia

19.) The coming together of a man and a woman to become husband and wife is known as ______

(a) courtship (b) marriage (c) relationship

20.) The parents of your parents are your __________ (a) children (b) grandparent (c) siblings


First Term Lesson Plan For Weekly Topics Primary 5


Meaning and 5 Unique Components of Civic Education



Section B

1.) Mention four other people in the family

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

2.) Mention two duties of father in the family

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

3.) Mention two roles of children in the family

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

4.) Mention two bad culture

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

5.) Mention two good culture

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

















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