Second Term Examination Questions Civic Education Primary 4
Class: Primary 4
Week: 13
- This exam assesses the topics you learned this term. Read all questions carefully before answering.
- Do not copy from others. Answer all questions independently.
- Stay calm and focused. Take your time to do your best.
- Teachers must ensure fairness and a quiet environment during the exam.
- Students are encouraged to work with honesty and integrity.
PART A: Objective Questions (30 Marks)
Instruction: Choose the correct answer and write the letter (a, b, c, or d) in your answer sheet.
- __________ is an example of constituted authority.
a) President
b) River
c) Dog
d) Tree - National values promote __________ in a country.
a) peace
b) fighting
c) confusion
d) hatred - A nation is a group of people living together under one __________.
a) government
b) roof
c) farm
d) market - Cultural diversity means having different __________ in one country.
a) cultures
b) rivers
c) animals
d) trees - __________ teaches us moral values.
a) Religious leaders
b) Cars
c) Rivers
d) Food - A governor is an example of __________.
a) constituted authority
b) cultural diversity
c) national value
d) worker - Laws are made to maintain __________.
a) peace
b) confusion
c) war
d) trouble - Parents are responsible for teaching __________ values to children.
a) good
b) bad
c) wrong
d) lazy - Traditional rulers promote __________ in their communities.
a) unity
b) division
c) fighting
d) arguments - __________ is a civic value.
a) Honesty
b) Stealing
c) Cheating
d) Lying - Judges ensure that __________ is served.
a) justice
b) food
c) water
d) punishment - Nigeria is a __________.
a) nation
b) school
c) farm
d) market - __________ helps to promote unity among Nigerians.
a) Respect for cultural diversity
b) Stealing
c) Fighting
d) Cheating - __________ is one of the characteristics of a nation.
a) Common customs
b) Different rules
c) Private money
d) Confusion - __________ is an example of good leadership.
a) Being honest
b) Being lazy
c) Telling lies
d) Ignoring people - The beliefs that members of a community have are called ______
- civil values (b) civil goods (c) civil service
- The following are good civic value except ________ (a) loyalty (b) injustice (c) honesty
- _______ is the acceptance of other members of the society as fellow citizens recognizing and respecting their rights (a) peaceful co-existence (b) existence of war (c) peaceful resistance
- ______ is the power that a nation has to govern itself without external control
- sovereignity (b) suferinity (c) shoveignity
- The feeling and beliefs shared by a group of people who come from a common heritage is known as _____ (a) ethnicity (b) ethinecity (c) attitudes
- The inability to read and write in any language is known as _____
- Literacy (b) illeratcy (c) eliteracy
- ______ is a common feeling of shared values by a group of people
- community (b) communalism (c) commodity
- _____ is a body of people sharing a spirit of unity and living together under the same government. (a) Nation (b) nation (c) Nigeria
- One of the following is not a characteristics of a nation ____
- Government (b) territory (c) money
- The feeling and beliefs shared by a group of people who come from a common heritage is referred to as ____ (a) ethic (b) ethnicity (c) education
- ______ is a type of traditional form of government (a) monarchy (b) oligarchy (c) hierarchy
- ______ is a form of government by a powerful few or priviledged people
- monary (b) oligarychy (c) democracy
- ______ is a form of government that allows participation by every citizen in the government (a) democratic (b) democracy (c) democrat
- A form of government in which the nobles rule for the benefit of all is called ____
- oligarchy (b) democracy (c) aristocracy
- A government based on a hierarchy of land ownership is known as ___
- feudalism (b) fendalism (c) feedalism
- ______ form of government derives its power from the barrels of the gun and not from the people (a) military (b) ministry (c) civilian
- A ______ is an assembly of people who make laws and discuss the country’s affairs
- parliament (b) presidential (c) system
- ______ is where the government is headed by an elected president
- presidential system (b) planting system (c) planning system
- Local government can also be referred to as _____ (a) grass root (b) glass root (c) leaf root
- The duties of a traditional ruler include the following except _____ (a) settling dispute(b) maintaining laws and order in the community (c) quarreling in the community
PART B: Theory Questions (30 Marks)
Instruction: Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
- What are national values?
- Name two examples of constituted authority in Nigeria.
- Why is it important to respect our leaders?
- Mention two duties of parents in building a nation.
- What is cultural diversity?
- How does cultural diversity promote unity?
- List two characteristics of a nation.
- Why do we need laws in a country?
- What is the meaning of responsibility?
- How can children help to build Nigeria?
- What is one role of traditional rulers in their communities?
- Name one reason why we should build our nation.
- What is one function of the president in Nigeria?
- What are civic values?
- List two examples of civic values.
PART C: True or False Questions (30 Marks)
Instruction: Write “True” or “False” for each statement.
- National values are not important. False
- The president is an example of constituted authority. True
- Laws help to create peace in a country. True
- Fighting is a good example of civic values. False
- Cultural diversity promotes understanding. True
- Parents have no role in nation-building. False
- Nigeria has many cultures. True
- Traditional rulers promote peace in their communities. True
- Children are too young to help build a nation. False
- Stealing is a civic value. False
PART D: Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions (30 Marks)
Instruction: Complete the following sentences by filling in the blank spaces.
- __________ are beliefs and practices that guide people in a country.
- A nation has a __________ government.
- Parents teach children __________ values.
- Judges ensure __________ is served in courts.
- __________ rulers promote unity in communities.
- National values promote __________ in society.
- __________ means having different cultures in a country.
- Leaders guide and make __________ for the good of everyone.
- Civic values like honesty and __________ make us good citizens.
- __________ helps to maintain law and order.
Second Term Revision and Readiness Test Civic Education Primary 4 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1
Ensure all answers are written clearly and neatly. Good luck!
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