1st Term Examination HOME ECONOMICS JSS 1
Edu Delight Tutors
Subuode Gbaga Gasline Ogun State
1st Term Examination
Section A
Choose the correct option
- The area of Home Economics that deals with using what the family has to get what it needs is called (a)economics (b)home knowledge (c)home care (d)home management
- Home Economics deals with (a)how people live in the family (b)what people need in the family (c)how to satisfy people’s needs (d)none of the above
- One of the family areas deals with planning available space in a house (a)housing (b)building (c)interior decoration (d)exterior decoration
- Home Economics are related to (a)few subject (b)only Biology (c)only Chemistry (d)many subjects
- All the following are true except (a)wise buying consumer (b)education (c)family relation – family living (d)textile and clothing
- The subject that helps a Home Economist to understand the effects of heat on food is (a)economist (b)mathematics (c)physics (d)chemistry
- Person who created new styles of clothing is called a fashion ________ (a)model (b)designer (c)advertiser (d)creator
- One of the following does not belong to the group (a)dietitian (b)nutritionist (c)caterer (d)cook
- A pattern illustration develops (a)patterns (b)paper pattern (c)laundry (d)design
- People that work as promoter in industries that manufacture household equipment are called (a)advertising and promoter (b)institutional housekeeping (c)designers (d)management
- At the Junior Secondary School level (Basic Education 7 – 9 ) Home Economics is offered as (a)simple subject (b)three different subject (c)four different subject (d)seven subject
- Which of these does not belong to these group (a)home making (b) Home Economics extension (c)Hotel management (d)journalism
- Home Economics aims at improving (a)career (b)family life (c)university (d) Home Economist
- Each hair grows from a narrow tube in the skin called hair (a)follicle (b)pit (c)organ (d)scalp
- The sense organ for smelling is the (a)hair (b)hand (c)nose (d)eyes
- Which of the following prevent dryness of hair and scalp (a)shampoo (b)spray (c)brush (d)oils
- One of the following is wrong (a)eye for sight (b)ears for hearing (c)tongue for tasting (d)nose for touching
- The nerves that travel form the nose to the brain are called (a)nose nerves (b)a factory (c)nostril nerves (d)sensing
- Which of the following is also important for balance (a)skin (b)nose (c)ear (d)eye
- One of the following contains sweat glands and blood vessels (a)epidemic (b)dermis (c)sweat pore (d)peridermis
Answer all questions
- State five parts of the eyes
(b)Explain three functions
- State five functions of food
(b)Mention four importance of healthy feeding habits