Medicine , Tablets And Drugs
Subject :
Topic :
Medicine , Tablets And Drugs
Class :
KG 2
Term :
Week :
Week 8
Instructional Materials :
- Wall Chart
- Pictures
- Textbooks
Previous Knowledge :
The pupils have been taught
in their previous lesson
Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to
- say the meaning of safety
- say the proper ways off using medicine
Content :
Teaching kids about medicines and how to use medicines safely is an important way of protecting the kids from harm. The knowledge of medicine helps the kids to make good choices as they become adults. This knowledge will expose them to the correct use of medicine and will equally encourage them to ask questions about medicines and medicine use.
Drug is any chemical that is used to treat, care or prevent disease or sickness. Many drugs are good for us when we need them. But some drugs can make you sick if you do not take them properly.
Drug is a chemical. It is not food and it affects your body when you take it.
Some drugs are given to people by doctors when they are sick to make them feel better. These are called medicine or prescription drugs.
This definition will be focused on medicine.
Medicines are chemicals used to cure, halt or prevent diseases; ease symptoms or help in the diagnosis of illness.
Doctors give people medicine to help them feel better or make illness to go
The breakthrough in science has helped doctors to use medicine to cure many diseases and save a lot of lives.
Some Medicine help to stop pain——- they are called analgesics
Some Medicine stops us from getting disease they are called immunization or vaccines. Some drugs are illegal which means you are not allowed to buy them, sell them or use them.
Some drugs are legal but they are dangerous to the body so children are not allowed to use them. Examples are alcohol and tobacco.
Some drugs are addictive—which means when you start taking them, it will be difficult for you to stop even when the drugs are causing harm to your body.
The topic is presented step by step
Step 1:
The class teacher revises the previous topics
Step 2.
He introduces the new topic
Step 3:
The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise
Evaluation :
- What are the uses of medicine?
- Uses of medicine
- Medicines are used to cure sickness Medicines are used to stop pain Medicines are used to save lives Medicines are used to prevent diseases
Conclusion :
The class teacher makes sure that the pupils copy the short note and he or she marks