Write out the Capital letters and small letters






1.) Write the Capital and small letters.:


__________  _________  _________  _________  __________  _________


__________  _________  _________  __________  __________  _________


__________  _________  _________  __________  __________  __________


__________  _________  _________  __________  __________  __________



__________  _________


2.) Write the letter that follows:

i.)    a b c d _______ ______ ______

ii.)   o p q r _______ ______ ______

iii.)  e f g h _______ ______ ______

iv.)   k l m n _______ ______ ______

v.)    q r s t _______ ______ ______


3.) Write in alphabetical order:

i.)   k   j    l ____________________

ii.)  z   y   x ____________________

iii.)  x   w  v ____________________

iv.)  r   q   p ____________________

v.)  t   s   r ____________________

4.) Write the consonant letters:

_____  _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

5.) Circle the vowel letters:


i.)  t a b l e

ii.) t r a i n

iii.) b o a t

iv.) a p p l e

v.) u n c l e


6.) Circle the consonant


i.) s p i d e r

ii.) d r I v e

iii.) p a r r o t

iv.) m a n g o

v.) b r

7.) Write words that begin with letter:


A – ____________________

B – ____________________

C – ____________________

D – ____________________

E – ____________________

F – ____________________

G – ____________________

H –  ___________________










G – ____________________

H – ____________________

I – _____________________

J – _____________________

  • There are ______ letter in the alphabet.
  • There are _______ consonants letter.
  • What are the five vowels letter



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