Magnetism. Types of Magnets
Subject :BASIC Science and Technology
Topic : Magnetism
- Meaning of Magnet
- Properties of Magnet
- Uses of Magnet
- Making of Magnet
Class :
Primary 6 / Basic 6
Term :
Third Term
Week :
Week 7
Instructional Materials :
Pieces of magnet, iron materials
Previous Knowledge :
The pupils must have seen dark pieces of metal that are capable of attracting razor blades and nails. That is magnet
Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to
- Describe magnet
- Say the meaning of magnet
- Mention various properties of magnet
- Explain different uses of magnet
- Describe and explain how magnets are made
- Group materials into magnetic and non magnetic materials
Content :
Magnet is a piece of dark grey metal that attracts other metal or iron to itself. Magnet attracts most metals and iron materials to itself.
Most magnets are used to pick up pins, blades or nails
Various Properties Of Magnet
- Magnets have two poles which are called the North Pole and the South Pole
- North and south poles attract each other. Unlike poles attract each other
- The North Pole repels the North Pole while the South Pole repels the South Pole. Like poles repel each other
- You can put two pieces of magnet on your table in your classroom to demonstrate this
- If the two pieces of magnet get attracted to each other, it means that the North Pole of the magnet is pointed to the south Pole of the magnet
If the two pieces of magnet on your table in your classroom repel each other, it means that the North Pole of the magnet points to the North Pole of the same magnet or the south Pole points to the south Pole. Like sides repel each other
Types of Magnets
- Bar magnet
- Horse shoe magnet
- Ball magnet
Uses of Magnet
- Magnets are used in the production of speakers
- Most microphones have magnets in order to detect and transmit sound
- Magnets are used to find iron tiny parts of machines
- Magnets are used to produce electricity that is known as electro magnetism
- Magnets are used to produce motor
- Magnets are used to lift heavy loads
Materials that can be attracted by magnets are called magnetic objects eg nails, razor blade, pin etc
Materials that cannot be attracted by magnets are called non magnetic objects eg paper, rubber, plastic etc
The topic is presented step by step
Step 1: The class teacher revises the previous topics
Step 2. He introduces the new topic
Step 3: The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise
Evaluation :
- Mention five magnetic objects
2.Mention five non magnetic objects
3. How many pôles does à magnet have
4. Which pôles attract each other
5. Which pôles repel each other
6. Mention three types of magnets
7. Mention three functions of magnets
Conclusion :
He gives a brief note and he goes round to mark. The class teacher does the necessary correction
Assignment :
Look for pieces of magnet and bring some to school next week