Underline The Adjectives in the Following Sentences

Date: Monday, 4th May, 2020.


Class: Basic 2. Subject: English Language


Topic: Adjectives (meaning, examples and


identification of an adjectives)

An adjectives is a word which qualifies a noun or pronoun. Examples: black, long, tall, beautiful, round, rich, etc.

1) I have a black dog. = black

2) She has a long ruler. = long

3) Our father is a tall man. = tall


4) He planted a beautiful flowers. = beautiful


Underline the adjectives in these sentences:


a) There is a fine dress in the shop.


b) I have a bright light in the room.


c) Ayo is a lazy boy.


d) The fat man and his wife are here.


e) My uncle carried the heavy load.


f) This is a white shirt.


g) Mary has five bottles.


h) The teacher bought good oranges.

i) I Iike clever boy.


j) She is a happy woman.

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