Third Term Promotional Examination KG 1 Third Term Promotional Examination KG 2 Third Term Promotional Examination Nursery 1 Third Term Promotional Examination Nursery 2 Third Term Promotional Examination Primary 1 Mathematics Third Term Promotional Examination Primary 1 English Grammar Third
First Term Examination Second Term Examination Third Term Examination Primary 5 (Basic 5) All Primary Five ( 5 ) Subjects FIRST TERM EXAMINATION CLASS – PRIMARY 5 (BASIC 5) SUBJECT – ALL PRIMARY 5 SUBJECTS ENGLISH STUDIES First Term Examination – First Term Examination English Studies Primary 5 (Basic 5) Second Term Examination – Second Term Examination
WEEK 8 SUBJECT: FURTHER MATHEMATICS CLASS: SS 1 TOPIC: INEQUALITIES CONTENT: Notation and basic rules of inequalities Linear inequalities in one variable Absolute values Inequalities in two variables Graphs of linear inequalities in two variables. Notation and basic rules of inequalities Symbols commonly used for inequalities include; We use the word ‘inequal’ or ‘unequal’ when
Subject : Basic Science and Technology Class : Basic 4 Term : Third Term Basic Science and Technology Basic 4 Third Term 016 Basic Science and Technology Basic 4 Third Term 017 Basic Science and Technology Basic 4 Third Term 018
THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: COMPUTER STUDY NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Multiple Choice Questions 1.) The pressing and releasing of the left mouse button twice rapidly is known as ___________ (a) double clicking (b) clicking (c) right click 2.) It is important to secure our computer to prevent them from ______ (a) theft (b) draft
SECTION A (Continued) 1.) To boot a computer means to _________ it on (a) switch (b) off (c) spoil 2.) Spreadsheets are application packages used for _______________ (a) drawing graphic (b) entertainment (c) arithmetic work 3.) Word processing package is an example of ____________________ (a) application software (b) flash disk (c) computer games 4.) The
THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION CLASS: Primary 3 SUBJECT: Computer Studies NAME: ______________________________________ DATE: _______________________________________ PART A: Objective Questions (Choose the correct answer: a, b, or c) How many types of memory do we have? a) 4 b) 6 c) 2 The _______ is the engine and head of the computer system. a) Monitor b)
THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: COMPUTER STUDY NAME:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Multiple Choice Questions 1.) The ___________ is the brain of the computer (a) monitor (b) CPU (c) printer 2.) The computer mouse looks like a ___________ (a) mat (b) rat (c) cat 3.) Floppy disk drive can be seen on the ________ (a) System
Nursery 1 Number Work Third Term Number Readiness / Number Work Third Term Nursery 1 Age 1 to 3 Early Childhood Care Education And Development Number Puzzles Number puzzles are used to create the aware the pupils in the arrangement and the order in which numbers are arranged .