Lesson Plan Presentation
Grade Level: Primary 6
Subject: English Grammar
Topic: Composition on Myself
Previous Lesson
Learning Objectives:
- Students will be able to introduce themselves confidently in writing.
- Students will practice giving appropriate information about themselves using the right stress and intonation.
- Students will demonstrate their understanding of composition writing by producing a well-structured composition about themselves.
- Students will enhance their language skills, including grammar, vocabulary, and sentence construction.
Embedded Core Skills:
- Writing skills: Students will practice composing a personal composition.
- Communication skills: Students will develop the ability to express themselves effectively and with appropriate intonation.
- Language skills: Students will improve their grammar, vocabulary, and sentence formation.
Learning Materials:
- Whiteboard or blackboard
- Markers or chalk
- Chart paper and markers
- Pencils and notebooks for each student
- Sample compositions about oneself (to serve as models)
- Assessment rubric
Introduction: Today, we will learn how to write a composition about ourselves. This composition will help us express our thoughts, feelings, and personal information. Here’s a step-by-step guide to writing a composition on myself, with appropriate information and the right stress and intonation:
- Title: Begin by giving your composition a title, such as “All About Me” or “Myself.”
- Opening Sentence: Start with an engaging opening sentence to grab the reader’s attention. For example, “Let me introduce myself to you!”
- Name: State your full name, emphasizing your first name slightly to make it stand out. For instance, “My name is [Your Name].”
- Age: Share your age, stressing the number to highlight it. For example, “I am [Your Age] years old.”
- Appearance: Describe your physical appearance using adjectives. For instance, “I have [color] hair, [color] eyes, and a [description] face.”
- Family: Introduce your family members, emphasizing their names to show their importance. For example, “I have a loving family. My father’s name is [Father’s Name], and my mother’s name is [Mother’s Name]. I also have [number] siblings named [Sibling Names].”
- Hobbies and Interests: Talk about your hobbies and interests, stressing the activities you enjoy the most. For instance, “In my free time, I love [hobby/activity] such as [specific hobby/activity]. It brings me joy and helps me relax.”
- Favorite Subjects: Mention your favorite subjects in school, emphasizing them to show your enthusiasm. For example, “My favorite subjects are English and Mathematics. I find them fascinating and love solving problems.”
- Dreams and Aspirations: Share your dreams and aspirations, emphasizing the goals you want to achieve. For instance, “In the future, I want to become a [dream profession] so that I can [reason/purpose]. I’m determined to work hard and make my dreams come true.”
- Conclusion: Wrap up your composition with a closing sentence that reflects your positive outlook. For example, “I am excited to learn and grow, and I believe that with dedication and effort, I can achieve great things!”
Remember, when writing your composition, be sure to use proper grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Also, pay attention to the appropriate stress and intonation when speaking, as it adds emphasis and expression to your words. Take your time, express yourself clearly, and enjoy the process of writing about yourself.
Now, let’s start writing and showcase our unique personalities through our compositions!
- My name is __________. a) John b) Sarah c) [Student fills in their name]
- I am ________ years old. a) 7 b) 10 c) [Student fills in their age]
- My favorite subject in school is __________. a) Science b) Art c) [Student fills in their favorite subject]
- In my free time, I enjoy __________. a) Reading books b) Playing soccer c) [Student fills in their favorite hobby/activity]
- My hair color is __________. a) Brown b) Black c) [Student fills in their hair color]
- I have ________ siblings. a) 2 b) 4 c) [Student fills in the number of siblings they have]
- My favorite color is __________. a) Blue b) Pink c) [Student fills in their favorite color]
- My dream is to become a __________ in the future. a) Doctor b) Teacher c) [Student fills in their dream profession]
- I enjoy __________ the most in school. a) Math b) History c) [Student fills in their favorite subject]
- I want to work hard and make my dreams __________. a) A reality b) Impossible c) [Student fills in their own choice]
Lesson Presentation:
- Greet the students and briefly recap the previous lesson.
- Introduce the topic of the day: “Composition on Myself.”
Teacher’s Activities:
Step 1: Discussing the Importance of Introducing Yourself (5 minutes)
- Engage students in a class discussion about why it is important to introduce oneself.
- Explain that introducing oneself is a way of connecting with others and creating a positive first impression.
- Emphasize the significance of giving appropriate information and using the right stress and intonation when introducing oneself.
Step 2: Model Composition Writing (10 minutes)
- Display a sample composition on the board or chart paper.
- Read the composition aloud, emphasizing the stress and intonation.
- Explain the structure of the composition, including the introduction, body, and conclusion.
- Highlight key details and appropriate information included in the sample composition.
Step 3: Guided Composition Writing (15 minutes)
- Provide a composition template with fill-in-the-blank sections for students to complete.
- Guide students through filling in the blanks, emphasizing the importance of accurate and appropriate information.
- Encourage students to use the right stress and intonation when sharing their compositions.
Learners’ Activities:
Step 4: Independent Composition Writing (20 minutes)
- Distribute notebooks and pencils to each student.
- Instruct students to write a composition about themselves using the template as a guide.
- Encourage students to be creative, accurate, and express themselves with appropriate stress and intonation.
- Circulate the classroom, providing assistance and feedback as needed.
Step 5: Evaluation and Feedback (10 minutes)
- Collect students’ compositions for assessment.
- Use an assessment rubric to evaluate the compositions based on content, grammar, vocabulary, and appropriate stress and intonation.
- Provide constructive feedback to each student, highlighting their strengths and areas for improvement.
- Recap the lesson’s main points: the importance of introducing oneself, using appropriate information, and emphasizing stress and intonation.
- Commend students for their efforts in writing compositions about themselves.
- Encourage students to practice their compositions at home and share them with family and friends.
Evaluation Questions:
- Why is it important to introduce yourself accurately and confidently?
- What are some key details you should include when introducing yourself in a composition?
- How does using appropriate stress and intonation enhance your composition?
- What were the challenges you faced while writing your composition?
- How can you improve your composition writing skills in the future?
Note: The lesson plan can be adjusted based on the specific time allocation and classroom dynamics.
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Writing Composition on My Grandma English Language Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 10
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