Care of the Computer Hardware Primary 6

Lesson Plan: Caring for Computer Hardware

Subject: Computer Studies

Topic: Caring for Computer Hardware
Class: Primary 6 / Basic 6
Term: Third Term
Week: Week 5
Duration: 40 Minutes

Instructional Materials

  • Computer
  • Laptop
  • Software

Previous Knowledge

Pupils have been taught common abuses of computers.

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. List ways of caring for a computer system.
  2. Mention ways of caring for a computer monitor and keyboard.
  3. State reasons for taking care of computers.
  4. List ways of protecting computers.

Reference Materials

  1. Online Resource Materials
  2. Various Textbooks
  3. Lagos State Upper Primary Scheme of Work



Computer hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer that can be seen and touched. Examples include:

  1. Input Devices: e.g., keyboard, mouse.
  2. Processing Devices: e.g., system unit.
  3. Output Devices: e.g., printer, video display unit (monitor).
  4. Other hardware includes speakers, scanners, microphones, and joysticks.

Steps for Caring for Computer Hardware

  1. Position the computer properly to avoid strain or damage.
  2. Keep the computer in an air-conditioned environment to prevent overheating.
  3. Use a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) or stabilizer to protect against power surges.
  4. Avoid spilling liquids on the computer.
  5. Do not eat near the computer to prevent food particles from entering.
  6. Use dust covers to protect the computer when not in use.
  7. Unplug the system if it will not be used for a long time.

Reasons for Taking Care of Computers

  1. To avoid damage to the system.
  2. To protect the files stored in the computer.
  3. To prolong the lifespan of the computer.
  4. To ensure the user’s comfort for maximum efficiency.

Ways of Protecting Computers

  1. Install a firewall to block unauthorized access.
  2. Install antivirus software to prevent and remove viruses.
  3. Use anti-spyware software to protect against spying programs.
  4. Create complex and secure passwords to safeguard data.
  5. Regularly check the security settings of the browser for safe browsing.

Presentation Steps

Step 1:

The teacher revises the previous topic on the common abuses of computers.

Step 2:

The teacher introduces the new topic, “Caring for Computer Hardware,” and explains its importance.

Step 3:

The teacher allows pupils to give examples of how they care for their computers. Corrections and clarifications are provided as needed.


  1. What are computer hardware components?
  2. Mention five examples of hardware devices.
  3. List five ways we can protect our computers.


The teacher provides a brief summary of the lesson, emphasizing the key points. Pupils’ notes are marked, and feedback is given.


  1. Name three ways of caring for a computer system.
  2. State two reasons for taking care of a computer system.
  3. List two ways of protecting computers from viruses and malware.