Objective Questions
- One of the ways God talks to us is through
(a) prayer
(b) church
(c) Bible
(d) Rosary
- Jesus was sent to earth by God to
(a) Save people from their sins
(b) Make people work
(c) Make people know that he has power
(d) Create Religion
- What did Jesus say to the wind when a storm hit the boat he and his disciples were?
(a) Be still
(b) Stop
(c) Go away
(d) Run away
- The church in Antioch in Syria was founded by
(a) Paul
(b) Peter
(c) Barnabas
(d) Jesus
- The council at Jerusalem advised the gentile converts to abstain from the following except
(a) Calling Jesus
(b) Unchastity
(c) Blood
(d) What is strangled
- Paul rejected the idea of the circumcision of the gentile converts because
(a) They would die because of bleeding
(b) Salvation is only by faith in Christ
(c) It will compel them to accept the Jewish way of life
(d) He wanted to do something different
- One of the following can foster unity in any society
(a) Gossip
(b) Murmuring
(c) Tolerance
(d) Partiality
- What was the sin of Adam and Eve
(a) Adultery
(b) Idolatry
(c) Fornication
(d) Disobedience
- Who was commissioned by God to set the Israelites free
(a) Joshua
(b) Moses
(c) Daniel
(d) Aaron
- On the way to _______________ Paul became blind
(a) Antioch
(b) Iconium
(c) James
(d) Damascus
- Christian religion teaches man how best to maintain his relationship with God.
(a) religiosity
(b) aggression
(c) relationship
(d) opposition
(e) hatred
- It took __________ days to create heaven and earth
(a) one
(b) two
(c) seven
(d) six
(e) four
- The resultant effect of the sin of our first parents with regards to man’s relationship with God is
(a) nakedness
(b) death
(c) grace
(d) freedom
(e) selfishness
- Scientific inventions by man show that man shares in God’s
(a) almightiness
(b) dignity
(c) discovery
(d) creativity
(e) sovereignty
- __________ is the last book of the Old Testament.
(a) Kings
(b) Isaiah
(c) Micah
(d) Malachi
(e) Ruth
- “Be fruitful and multiply” means God’s given power to
(a) live
(b) overcome
(c) procreate
(d) reign
(e) supplant
- The sin committed by Adam and Eve is usually referred to as the sin of
(a) ambition to know good and evil
(b) disobedience to the will of God
(c) evil desire to be wise
(d) evil desire to eat delicious fruit
(e) temptation by the devil
- In response to God’s call, Abram left his father’s house in ______________ at the age of
(a) Canaan, 75
(b) Egypt, 57
(c) Haran, 75
(d) Midian, 57
(e) Eden, 99
- Where did God ask Abraham to go?
(a) Egypt
(b) Haran
(c) Canaan
(d) Ur
(e) Shechem
- Who did Abraham take along with him apart from his wife?
(a) Isaac
(b) David
(c) Lot
(d) Joseph
(e) Daniel
- Abraham laughed when God told him that his wife Sarah would give birth to a son because
(a) God does not keep promises
(b) He did not believe God
(c) He already had Ishmael
(d) It was not possible
(e) there was no hope
- The covenant between Abraham and God was bound with
(a) blood
(b) flesh
(c) fire
(d) water
(e) wind
- The Hausa name for God is
(a) Allah
(b) Ubangiji
(c) Soko
(d) Shekwo
(e) Abasi
- The sacrificial animal God gave to Abraham as a substitute for his son Isaac was
(a) a lamb
(b) Jesus Christ
(c) a ram
(d) an ox
(e) a sheep
- The means of restoring broken relationships is called
(a) restitution
(b) reparation
(c) restoration
(d) settlement
(e) reconciliation
- “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” this implies that before
(a) the beginning of man, God had building material
(b) man was in existence
(c) God was an architect
(d) God had no beginning
(e) God had no home
- Reconciliation is complete when one
(a) asks for forgiveness and accepts his/her fault
(b) is totally forgiven and accepted back
(c) refuses to accept his wrong
(d) shows sorrow in repentance
- Abraham’s father’s name was
(a) Isaac
(b) Jacob
(c) Israel
(d) Seth
(e) Terah
- Another name for the ten commandments is the
(a) deacon
(b) inspiration
(c) law
(d) prophets
- The ten commandments were received by Moses at mount
(a) Sinai
(b) Gilboa
(c) Horeb
(d) Zion
(e) Carmel
Part B
- Accusations against Paul and Sanhedrin Parties
(A) List the accusation leveled against Paul.
(B) List two major parties of the Sanhedrin.
- Paul and Barnabas’s Journey and Jerusalem Council
(A) List four towns visited by Paul and Barnabas in their first Missionary Journey.
(B) State the Composition of the Jerusalem Council.
- Major Decision of the Jerusalem Council
State the major decision of the Jerusalem Council.
- Paul’s Encounter and Ananias’s Role
(A) State the effect of Paul’s encounter with Jesus on the way to Damascus.
(B) Narrate the part played by Ananias.
- Peter’s Encounter and Dorcas’s Story
(A) Narrate the safety of Peter’s encounter with Simon the magician.
(B) Tell the story of the raising of Dorcas.
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