Election and voters Responsibilities: (c) Basic qualifications for election. (d) Responsibilities of a voter
Election and voters Responsibilities: (e) The procedure for voting.(f) Importance of election
Electoral Malpractice: (a) Meaning of electoral malpractice. (b) Forms of electoral malpractice- fake ballot papers, manipulation of votes, artificial scarcity of electoral materials , underage voting, thuggery, financial inducement and other corrupt practices, fake manifestoes (c) Causes of electoral malpractices
Election and voter Responsibilities: (d) Consequences of electoral malpractices (e) Preventing electoral malpractices
Observing and reporting common crimes: (a) Different ways of observing and reporting common crimes (b) Appropriate response
Emergency Management: (a) Meaning of emergency management (b) Types of emergency management (c) Appropriate responses to emergency management (d) Appropriate actions.
WEEKEND ACTIVITY: Enumerate four basic qualifications for election
Week 2
Content: (c) Basic qualifications for election.
(d) Responsibilities of a voter
Election: Election is the process of choosing or selecting leaders through voting to represent the people in various government offices.
Basic Qualifications For Election
The person must be a Nigeria citizen either by birth Naturalization, or registration.
The person must be sane i.e who is not mentally derailed.
He must be residing in the country for a period of time.
He must be a registered voter before the actual election takes place.
Such a voter participating in an election must never have been convicted for a criminal offence.
The voter must also be paying his tax when due.
Such a person must be loyal to the country and be law abiding etc.
Responsibilities of a Voter
He must come out and register before the actual election takes place.
He must check his name on the revised electoral register at least 3 months before the election.
On the day of election, he must take his voters card and check his name with the staff of electoral commission. Then he can exercise his voting right for the candidate of his choice.
He must be law abiding at the polling station and take instructions at the station from the electoral officers.
He must leave the polling station immediately after voting etc.
EVALUATION: 1.Enumerate four basic qualifications for election
2. Discuss any two responsibilities of a voter
The process of choosing or selecting leaders through voting to represent the people in various government offices is called ………………. (a) Election (b) Voting (c) selection (d) appointment
One of the requirement for voting is …………………….. (a) Mentally retarded (b) mentally sound (c) 18 years and above (d) citizenship
All but one is the responsibility of the voters (a) vandalization (b) residency (c) law abiding (d) responsible
WEEKEND ACTIVITY: Discuss any three importance of election
Week 3
Content: (e) The procedure for voting. (f) Importance of election
Procedure For Voting
The first step is to register all eligible voters before the actual election and also revise those registers.
Next is to fix the date of the election.
Appointment of ad-hoc staff to be used by the electoral commission. Those officers must be well trained.
Posting of these electoral officers to the different locations where they will serve.
Pasting of posters of Electoral Commission at the various places for enlightenment purposes.
Distribution of electoral materials to the various stations.
The actual voting will commence at the various stations.
The final thing is the counting of vote and declaration of election results by the returning officer.
Distribution of election materials
(f) Importance Of Election
Election serves as a peaceful way of changing government form one regime to the other.
Election will enable the government to know the mind of the people and this is called public opinion.
Election also serves as a forum for political education as it affords voters the opportunity of learning the electoral process.
Election will also make the government in power to be a legitimate one that is coming from the people.
Election will make also the government in power to know how popular their programmes are.
It also promotes political accountability because the elected representatives will give account of their service to the people especially for renewal of mandate.
Election will also promote healthy competition between the contesting parties.
People are also able to express their voting right as it will give them opportunity to vote for the candidates of their choice.
Election promotes spirit of competition. Where competition is healthy, it makes way for efficiency.
EVALUATION: 1. Describe any three procedures for voting
1. WEEKEND ACTIVITY: List and three causes of electoral malpractice
(a) Meaning of electoral malpractice. (b) Forms of electoral: malpractice
(c) Causes of electoral malpractices
Meaning of electoral malpractice: This is the interference or manipulation ofelectoral process by the electoral commission, political parties and candidates. It include the following: – fake ballot papers, manipulation of votes, artificial scarcity of electoral materials, underage voting, thuggery, financial inducement and other corrupt practices, fake manifestoes.
Forms Of Electoral Malpractices
It may be caused by using of fake ballot papers printed illegally by contesting parties and manipulation of votes.
There may also be artificial scarcity of electoral materials in some areas in order to weaken some parties where they are strong.
Some political parties may hire under age voters who are not up to the voting age in order to increase their chances of winning.
Some candidates or supporters may intimidate some lawful voters in order to scare away the supporters of the opposing parities. They may use thugs to snatch or steal the ballot boxes from voting centers where opponents are more popular. (thuggery)
It may also be seen in a form of financial inducement and other corrupt practices to win more votes.
It may also manifest in fake manifestoes of some political parties.
There may also be unlawful detention of some candidates.
Announcement of wrong candidates as the winner of an election.
Election violence in Nigeria
Causes Of Electoral Malpractices
Lack of Civic Education: Many voters are ignorant on how to vote, thumb print or even identify the parties and the candidates of their choice.
Corruption/Greed: some officials of the electoral commission can be bribed and tamper with ballot boxes.
Valued System: Poor value system can be a cause of electoral malpractices.
Illiteracy: Most citizens in Nigeria are illiterate and lack political awareness.
Ambition to win power at all cost: Through the use of political thugs and hoodlums to intimidate the electorate.
Other causes of electoral malpractices: Poverty, lack of independence of electoral commission, Godfatherism, influence of the political party in power.
WEEKEND ACTIVITY: Write four likely consequences of electoral malpractice in the country
Consequences of electoral malpractices
Preventing electoral malpractices
Consequences Of Electoral Malpractices
Electoral malpractices are always followed by negative happenings in the country and to the electorate the following are some of the negative consequences:
Wrong people in power
Prevention of free and fair elections
Political instability
Political violence
Scaring voters
Loss of confidence and trust in government and democracy
Preventing Electoral Malpractices
As citizens of this great Nation, efforts should be made by everyone in order to prevent electoral malpractices.
The public should be educated on voting procedure and danger of electoral malpractices.
Voters must obey the laws guiding elections.
Serious punishment for elections riggers.
Polling agents should carry out their duties and avoid meddling with the voting materials and exercise.
Write four likely consequences of electoral malpractice in the country
List four prevention of electoral malpractice.
To be eligible to vote, you have to be———- (a) 17 years of age (b) 18 years of age (c) 19 tears of age (d) None of the above
The right of qualified adult to vote and be voted for(a)Election (b)referendum (c)suffrage (d)democracy
Which body is charged with the responsibility to conduct free and fair election in Nigeria? (a) PHCN (b)NUT (c)NPC (d)INEC
The first thing in electoral process is(a) registration of eligible voters (b) verification of ballot papers (c) announcement of result (d) campaign
The political party that produced Dr Good luck Jonathan as the president of
Nigeria in 2010 is (a)PRP (b)ACN (c)APGA (d)PDP
One importance of political parties is that (a) it promotes corruption (b) it hampers development (c) it promotes national unity (d)it punishes criminals
Which of the following is to nominate candidates that will stand for elections (a) political parties? (b)legislature (c) Judiciary (d) INEC
Which arm of government is responsible for law making in Nigeria ?(a) Executive (b) Legislature (c) Judiciary (d) None of the above
9. The judiciary performs one of the following functions in
10. The modern democracy is popularly associated with—
(a) Russia
America (c) Britain (d) Germany
Apex for Junior Secondary Schools JSS2 page (106-109) WEEKEND ACTIVITY:
Write four likely consequences of electoral malpractice in the country
Different ways of observing and reporting common crimes
Appropriate response
Crime: It can be defined as a breach of law or rule for which punishment may be prescribed by governing authority.
Common crimes include the following: Drug crime, street crime, organized crime, political crime, white collar crime, violence, examination crime etc.
In observing and reporting common crimes, the officers must know how to write reports. The following are the guidelines for writing reports.
Accuracy: The information should be presented exactly how it was observed .spelling and correct names of the place must be included and understood by the reader.
Completeness: when, where, who how, what and why should be included in the report.
Clarity: The information should be clear enough.
Impartiality: In writing reports, the reporter must not be biased in the report.
Pertinence: The presentation of the report must be step by step.
Types of report writing
Operation report: This type of report is sent from field operative to headquarters of the security agent. This is to update the headquarters records on field operation.
Informative report; This type of report is meant to give information from source and present the outcome to the agency.
Different ways of reporting common crimes
Crimes can be reported in many ways. These include the following
Corroborative evidence. This type of evidence supports, confirms, or strengthens other evidence that a crime has been committed.
Prima-face evidence: This type of evidence does not require much explanation. It is sufficient to establish a fact. For example, A man stole a goat and he was found with the goat that he had stolen.
Direct evidence: It is the evidence that directly proves that a crime has been committed without an interference or presumption.
Circumstantial evidence: It is the evidence relating to a series of facts other than those issued to establish the fact.
Testimony: It is the evidence given by word of mouth and it is the major portion of evidence accepted for criminal trial.
Physical evidence: This is the physical evidence found at crime scene. With physical evidence such as drug, poison, blood, weapons, marks and other identity which can be produce in the court.
Appropriate response to any crime committed
When a crime is committed, it is the duty of people around the place to report to appropriate security agent in the country. The information given will bring about quick response to any crime that is committed. People should not take the law into their hands but report the case to the police to take action.
State three ways of observing and reporting common crimes
Explain how to respond appropriately to common crime committed
List three and explain ways of differentiating crimes
WWEK 8 TOPIC: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT CONTENT: 1. Meaning of Emergency Management
2. Types of emergency management
Sub-topic 1: Meaning of Emergency Management
Emergency management is a type of management which is principally meant for safeguarding life, preservation of properties and conservation of natural environment.
1. What is emergency management? 2. Describe emergency management
Sub-topic 2: Types of emergency
There two major types of emergency management. These are:
Natural emergency management: These are response to natural disaster that required urgent attention. The delay in managing them may cause great disaster. Examples include; earthquake, hurricane, tornadoes, flood etc.
Man made emergency management: These are emergency caused by man. These occur as a result of the activities of man. These include accidents, fire, drowning, collapse of building, food poising, use of fake drugs etc.
State the types of emergency management
Explain the two types of emergency management
Different emergency required different management and response. The following are some of the response required for the emergency.
Accident: there many types of accident depending on the place where it occur. The most common accident is the road accident. It is caused by many factors like over speeding, overtaking and presence of potholes on the roads. The management given to the victims is to give first aid and take them to the nearby hospital. The first thing is to give first aid treatment.
Fire outbreak: when any fire outbreak occurs, it is the duty of the fire service department to come to the aid of the people. The fire extinguisher is expected to be used when there is fire outbreak. This will quench the fire immediately.
Drowning: drowning occurs when an individual who cannot swim enter into any water body and begin to sink down into the water. The management to be given is to call people in the fire service to come to the aid of the person. The victim will later be taken to the hospital.
Food poisoning: it is the situation in which food is contaminated with poisonous substances. The victim should be rushed to the hospital immediately for first aid and later treatment.
What is the appropriate action for the following accident? (a) Fire outbreak (b) Food poisoning (c) Drowning
What is drowning?
There should be general public education on the awareness of disasters.
Report any change in landscape to the appropriate authority
Give advice to the general public on the use of good material for buildings, dams and bridges.
Government should assist the populace by providing relief materials to disaster victims
1. State 3 appropriate action to emergency management
What is emergency management?
Describe emergency management
State the types of emergency management
Explain the two types of emergency management
5 What is the appropriate action for the following accident? (a) Fire outbreak (b) Food poisoning (c) Drowning
What is drowning?
State 3 appropriate action to emergency management
Enumerate 2 appropriate actions to emergency management
The type of management which is principally meant for safeguarding life, preservation of properties and conservation of natural environment is called
The response to natural disaster that required urgent attention is known as……….. (a) Artificial emergency management (b) Natural emergency management (c) contrast emergency management (d) school emergency management
Emergency caused by man is called ………….. (a) Natural emergency (b) man-made emergency (c) case emergency (d) state emergency
The appropriate response to road accident is ………. (a) Court management (b) first aids
(c) pity (d) theft
The appropriate action to emergency management include ……….. (a) Public education
(b) illiteracy (c) public protest (d) school emergency management
Read about emergency management – appropriate responses to emergency management
Describe four appropriate responses to emergency management
Read Apex Religion and National Values for Nigerian Junior secondary schools, M.O.
Read Apex Religion and National Values for Nigerian Junior secondary schools, M.O.
Adegoke et al, Aquifer Publishers, Osogbo, page 180
Sola Akinyemi ( 2009),Fundamentals of Civic Education for Basic 8 Published by Fatsoholy Ventures.
Ukegbu Merry et’al (2010), Basic Civic Education For Junior Secondary Schools JSS2.Published by Meybiks Nig.
Bamiteko G.O E’tal (2012), Civic Education For Junior Secondry Schools book 2,Published by spectrum Books Limited.
C. C. Okam Et’al (2010), Basic Civic Education For Junior Secondary Schools JSS2.Universal Basic Education Edition, Published by Amana publishers Limited.
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