lifelike drawing techniques, model study, form and shape analysis, measurement, figure composition, and proportion on paper.
Cultural And Creative Arts
Techniques of life drawing, study the model, study form and shapes, measuring, composition of figure on paper proportion.
Previous lesson:
The pupils have previous knowledge of
that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson
Behavioural objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to
- say the meaning of The human figure
- give examples of various types of drawing techniques
- explain the importance of the Techniques of life drawing, study the model, study form and shapes, measuring, composition of figure on paper proportion.
- Viewing: front view, back view, three quarter ( ¾ view).
Instructional Materials:
- Wall charts
- Pictures
- Related Online Video
- Flash Cards
Methods of Teaching:
- Class Discussion
- Group Discussion
- Asking Questions
- Explanation
- Role Modelling
- Role Delegation
Reference Materials:
- Scheme of Work
- Online Information
- Textbooks
- Workbooks
- 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
- Workbooks
- The human figure
- Techniques of life drawing, study the model, study form and shapes, measuring, composition of figure on paper proportion.
- Viewing: front view, back view, three quarter ( ¾ view).
Life or figure drawing: This is the drawing of a human being or drawing from a model. It demands a great knowledge of anatomy.
Life drawing requires a model who would pose for the drawing exercise.
The whole figure or some parts may be selected for drawing. Drawing of the lower parts of the head is called TORSO while the drawing of the chest upward is regarded as POTRAITURE
There are three basic shapes of human head. These are oval, long and round
1. shading
2. types
3. drawing
4. sketching
5. outline drawing
1. What is shading?
A. Shading is when an artist uses different values of darkness and light within their drawing to create the illusion of three dimensions on a two-dimensional surface. This can be done with pencils, charcoal, or any other medium that can create varying degrees of darkness.
2. What are the different types of shading?
A. There are several types of shading including hatching, cross hatching, stippling, and smudging.
3. What is hatching?
A. Hatching is when an artist uses a series of parallel lines to create shading.
4. What is cross hatching?
A. Cross hatching is similar to hatching, but instead of using one set of parallel lines, the artist uses two or more sets of lines that intersect to create a more complex shading effect.
5. What is stippling?
A. Stippling is when an artist uses dots instead of lines to create shading. This can be done with a pencil, pen, or any other type of dot-making tool.
6. What is smudging?
A. Smudging is when an artist uses their fingers or a brush to blur the lines of their drawing, creating a softer shading effect.
7. What is outline drawing ?
A. Outline drawing is a type of shading where an artist creates the illusion of three dimensions by drawing an outline around the subject matter. This can be done with pencils, charcoal, or any other medium that can create a consistent line.
Proportion in Life Drawing: The issue of proportion is very important in a life drawing exercise.
The height of a person is determined by the HEAD which goes a number of times into the length of the body of an individual depending on his age. Thus, the head is the unit of measurement. For example, baby’s head goes 3 times into the length of his body. The five – to – seven-year olds’ head goes five and a half times his body.
Adolescent’s head goes 7 times into the length of his body. An average man’s head goes 8 times into the length of his body.
The head varies in types, shape, and form but basically the head formation is always the same.
THE HUMAN FIGURE VIEW: Front view, Back view, three- quarter view, profile view (side view)
- First select the models (either male or female)
- Pose the model either sitting or standing.
- Study the various shapes of and forms of the human figure posed.
- The composition should be done according to the size of the paper.
- Start the preliminary sketch at the human figure then build up the frame.
- Apply shading to create effect of light and shade and thus, create form.
- Male has narrow hips and narrow thighs while female has wide hips and wide thigh.
- Male has wide shoulder, broad and flat chests while female has sloping shoulders and narrow chests bearing prominent breast.
- Male has square jaw while female has rounded jaw.
- Female has more flesh at the buttock than male.
- Generally, female are more rounded and smoother in features than male.
- What is life or figure drawing?
- Who is a model?
- When an artist focuses on the drawing of human figure, the exercise is referred to as ———– (a) seascape drawing (b) landscaping drawing (c) nature drawing (e) life drawing
- Life drawing exercise requires a ———— who would pose for the drawing exercise. (a) model (b) artist (c) teacher (d) painter (e) student.
- Drawing of the lower part of the body without hand is called ———— (a) profile (b) torso (c) jaw (d) figure (e) head.
- There are ———– basic shapes of human head. (a) three (b) five (c) seven (d) nine (e) twelve
- Adolescents head goes ———- times into the length of his body (a) two (b) four (c) five (d) ten (e) seven
PRACTICAL: Provide a model for students to pose for them to draw.
The topic is presented step by step
Step 1:
The class teacher revises the previous topics
Step 2.
He introduces the new topic
Step 3:
The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise
1.What is the shading technique that uses different tones of one color to create the illusion of depth and volume?
A. Light and dark shading
B. Cross hatching
C. Stippling
D. Blending
2. Which shading technique involves using small dots to create a graduation of tones?
A. Light and dark shading
B. Cross hatching
C. Stippling
D. Blending
3. What is the shading technique that uses parallel lines to create different tones?
A. Light and dark shading
B. Cross hatching
C. Stippling
D. Blending
4. Which shading technique employs a soft, gradual transition of tones?
A. Light and dark shading
B. Cross hatching
C. Stippling
D. Blending
5. What shading technique uses a combination of lines and dots to create different tones?
A. Light and dark shading
B. Cross hatching
C. Stippling
D. Blending
- Still life drawing means —— (a)drawing of inanimate or lifeless objects (b)drawing of human figure (c)drawing of plant (d)drawing of sea (e)drawing of lion.
- ——- is an example of man-made object.(a)insect (b) animals(c)fruit (d) man(e) river
- Still life drawing can be ——— and ———– (a) artificial and natural (b) leg and head (c) plant and animal (d) land and sea (e)heaven and earth
- The arrangement of two or more objects grouped together to form interesting shapes is known as ———— (a) life and drawing composition (b) imaginative drawing (c) natural drawing (d) seascape drawing (e) still life drawing composition.
- What is still life drawing?
A. A type of photography
B. A drawing of an inanimate object
C. A painting of a landscape
- What are the benefits of still life drawing?
A. Helps to improve observation skills
B. Teaches patience and focus
C. Can be used as a form of relaxation
- What do you need to get started with still life drawing?
A. A subject matter
B. A sketchbook
C. A pencil
D. All of the above
- Which of the following can be used as a subject for still life drawing?
A. Flowers
B. A vase
C. A book
D. All of the above
- What is the best way to improve your still life drawing skills?
A. Practice, practice, practice!
B. Experiment with different mediums
C. Take a class
The class teacher wraps up or concludes the lesson by giving out short notes to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.
The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written by the pupils.
He or she does the necessary corrections when and where the needs arise.
Read about DRAWING AND SHADING in preparation for the next lesson
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